
The supporting character's harem is very normal

Hm... Fantasy battle, smart MC, smart heroins, supper plot twist...etc... are all things that... this novel doesn't have. This place only has... Stupid MC, Normal heroins, normal plot, slice of life and... some sh*t thing. I just want to write what I want no matter how bad it is. ( ' 3') --------------- After going bankrupt, with nothing left in his hands, Lathel died at the age of 50. After his death, a god offered him a chance to go to another world and help the male protagonists. His mission was to solve the problems surrounding the heroines so that the male protagonists could easily get along with them. To be more precise, his job was similar to that of a chef. He would Process the ingredients and cook a sumptuous feast, while the male protagonists just needed to sit at the table and enjoy it. After completing his mission, he was threatened by a stranger. In the face of this threat Lathel just smiled and decided to commit suicide. After he died, those heroines also dropped their facade and revealed their true nature. Lathel once again met the god who helped him. This time, the god allowed him to choose the world he wanted to go to as a gift for completing his task. He then chose a Fantasy world, a place most men dreamt of. However, the Fantasy world had too many people to choose from, moreover the number of main character and antagonist slots were all full. In the end, Lathel accepted to take on the role of an extremely weak supporting character to go to the Fantasy world. However, this time he didn't need to work or help the main character. He just needed to not affect the main character's development. Lathel: “Hm... as long as it doesn't affect the main character... then... Can I make a harem?” God: “Of course.” Lathel: “Hm... so... I just need to avoid the main character's woman.” God: “That's right. You just need to try to survive in that world. Ah! I will give you a system that will help you have a good life in that world. I Hope you enjoy this new life.” Lathel: “Um! So my harem will consist of lackluster women, it seems like a peaceful life is waiting for me.” God: “Hm... not really...” *** See the character's pic here: https://twitter.com/HikaruKiki1111

HikaruKiki · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
504 Chs

Welcome Master!

Lathel sighed, it seemed like all the information he had led to a dead end, as it was unable to solve any problems.

Perhaps… Just like Lilith said, he needed to go to the western town where the Half-Vampire massacre took place to find some useful information.

However… What's the use of him going there now? 20 years had already passed, and he was afraid that the place had become a dead land.

Seeing Lathel depressed and disappointed, Lilith smiled and said: "Don't worry, you can use other methods to fight the curse."

"Other methods?" Lathel frowned, looking towards her.

"That's right." Lilith nodded and said: "There are two other methods to break all curses: you either rely on the Church, or try to reach the Sacred Lord level."

"Sacred Lord?" Lathel asked: "What caste is that?"