
The Supervillain Transmigrated Into a Runt to Avoid Resurrection

The strongest supervillain of the world Asura, hailed as the evil lord of destruction, finally fell to the hero after getting betrayed by his subordinates. But an oracle of his resurrection emerged. To defy fate, he decided to transmigrate into a weak runt instead of resurrecting. The supervillain, taking on the name of his host Liam Leonard, now seeks to live his life, join the hero's party to kill the cultists trying to revive him, and then betray the hero at the end. ***** I do write and edit alone, so I'll try my best to keep up by doing some edits whenever a mistake appears. 100 Power stones= +1 chapter

Alen_Tanor · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
123 Chs

Ironbay: The city of Iron

Liam's group approached Ironbay late in the day, night was a few hours away, and finding an inn was of priority. The relatively medium-sized city was surrounded by a steel wall and had a massive metallic gate, protected by cannons and archers. Its name, Ironbay quickly made more sense as it looked like an iron fortress built over a shore, with the large endless forest being the sea.

Smoke and ash filled the air as the echoing bangs of hammers resonated in the nearly empty streets. Everyone kept to their homes and forges to not get run over by the iron carts, large armored carriages drawn by warhorses and filled with iron dust, finished weapons, and materials.