
The Supervillain Transmigrated Into a Runt to Avoid Resurrection

The strongest supervillain of the world Asura, hailed as the evil lord of destruction, finally fell to the hero after getting betrayed by his subordinates. But an oracle of his resurrection emerged. To defy fate, he decided to transmigrate into a weak runt instead of resurrecting. The supervillain, taking on the name of his host Liam Leonard, now seeks to live his life, join the hero's party to kill the cultists trying to revive him, and then betray the hero at the end. ***** I do write and edit alone, so I'll try my best to keep up by doing some edits whenever a mistake appears. 100 Power stones= +1 chapter

Alen_Tanor · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
123 Chs

Getting Armed

A weapon shop, a smithy, or a used weapon peddler, the owner of this body didn't even bother visiting one. Even if you didn't have money, at least go have a look.

It should be around here. Liam looked left and right. From the body's memories, he knew a shop should be around the plaza, but not exactly where.

"Excuse me." Liam stopped by an old man selling herbs at the side of the street. "Grandpa, do you know where is the nearest weapon shop?"

"I'll tell you if you bought something." The old man smiled, rubbing his long white beard with a giggle.

"Fine, give me a mint batch." Liam pointed at a fresh handful of mint. It's used for making stamina potions it never hurt to have a bit on me.

"Thank you for your patronage." The old man smiled as Liam bought the batch of mint, and he quickly directed him to the nearest weapon shop. "Tell them that Simon sent you, and they'll give you a discount."

Shortly after, Liam reached the weapon shop. What's this place? He could see the old windows almost falling to the wind, and the main door had a large crack in it. This place is old, too old.

He approached the door, and lifted his hand to knock on it but quickly stopped, it might crumble. "Is someone here?"

"We're open, don't stand outside." A voice replied.

Liam pushed the door open and walked inside. He quickly turned to look at the back of the door and found it reinforced with large steel plates. "I'm looking for a weapon, something decent and cheap."

"Decent and cheap aren't words that I love hearing together, give me a rank." A woman walked from behind the counter.

"Two F-rank within 60 silver coins, or one E-rank if possible." Liam stared at her.

She sighed, tying her hair in a ponytail as she walked past the counter. "Listen well, young man. E-rank weapons cost at least one gold coin… and 60 silver coins would barely buy you a single F-rank one, depending on the type of course."

"What do you have?" Liam looked at the weapons hanging on the walls.

"Not those…look over there." She directed him toward a barrel full of old weapons, "They are dull, so sharpen them yourself. Use the grindstone over there."

The barrel had several spears, swords, halberds, daggers, and axes jammed inside.

"I've already straightened them and removed all the rust, refitted the handles, and thrown the cracked ones into the forge. Those ones only need to be sharpened." She approached Liam and smacked him on the back.

"Young man, you're broke, right? Want a deal?" She stared at him with a grin.

"Simon sent me here…" He said, looking at her eyes.

"Simon? Fine, I was about to give you one for 40 silver coins, but how about a new deal? For Simon's sake…sharpen all of them, and I'll let you pick two to take, free of charge." She smiled, "It won't take long, just give them an edge on the grindstone, it's an hour or two job."

Liam stared at her with a smile, "Got a deal."

F-rank weapons usually go around 50 silver coins, of course, a halberd would be around 70 coins and a dagger around 30, but it hovers around that price range. Getting two weapons for two hours of work is equivalent to getting paid 100 silver coins, better than most guild quests he could take at his rank. And if he's choosing the weapons he takes, he'll pick the best two out of the barrel.

And I'll be getting that skill… it'll be useful so there is no harm getting it here.

Later that day in the guild, the knight had started getting tired from waiting. "Hey, Selena, are you sure he's coming back today?"

"His quest shouldn't take that long, he should've returned earlier…" She looked at the door with a worried face. "I might sign a search party to find him… But the guild's rules say he must be late by at least a day…"

"Can't you do something? Ask a wizard to conjure him out of nowhere as they do with weapons. I saw them pull some crazy stuff out of their back ends." The knight sighed, staring at the other adventurers in the guild, "You there, the lady with the big hat, can't you do something?"

The woman there stared back at him. "I'm a wizard, yes. But I can't pull out of nowhere, that isn't how magic works."

"Come on, who cares how it works? Make it happen. You're a smart wizard, aren't you?" He smacked his face on the table. It's been hours of eventless waiting.

CREEEEK! The guild's main door slowly opened up, and Liam walked in clad in a fresh set of clothes, carrying a halberd on his back and a scimitar on his waist. Half the adventurers didn't recognize him for a moment and even Selena gasped, "Liam? Is that you?"

The knight stood with a relieved sigh, "With how the people here described you, I honestly expected a pig in human form. But I was wrong; you look like a normal guy, except a strange one carrying two different weapons."

What is this knight talking about? This body never remembers having problems with the law. No, knights aren't a part of the guards; their job is protecting the city's lord, this knight shouldn't be here if this body owner committed a crime. This means it's something far bigger.

"You're looking for me?" Liam took a step forward, glaring at the knight. "For what reason?"

The knight stood, cracking his neck. "Even I don't know why. The city lord asked me to bring you to his mansion, so you're coming with me."

Is this an ambush? Did someone figure out that I transmigrated into this body? If that's the case, they intend to dispose of me silently in the mansion without causing panic among the civilians, this knight wasn't even told of the monster he's bringing so he won't spill the beans… But this also means they can't go that far…

"I'm not coming." Liam said and the whole guild gasped.

"Is that so? Then hurry so we'll…" The knight started putting on his helmet but quickly stopped. "What did you just say?"

"I'm not coming with you." Liam repeated himself.

"You can't just refuse an order from the lord." The knight gasped.

"No, I can. Now leave." Liam started reaching for his halberd.

The knight sighed, "My head rests on completing my duty. I'll drag you to the mansion by force." He grabbed the handle of his sword. "Don't blame me, this will hurt." CLING! He pulled his longsword.

Liam pulled his weapons, carrying the halberd in his right hand and his scimitar in the left, standing sideways as he stared at the knight. "Wearing a codpiece? Smart."

"Must protect the jewels…but you look like a monster, carrying those weapons like that." When carrying two weapons, in a case like Liam's, people usually use the halberd as a main weapon, and keep the scimitar as a side arm in case they get disarmed or tired from the halberd. But Liam seemed different. He's intending to fight with both weapons at the same time.

Dual wielding two different weapons is usually foolish, but the knight knew better. This Liam… from that stance, I can tell he's used to fighting like this. He's not an amateur playing around, I must be careful.

For clarification, The MC's name is Asura, and the body he transmigrated into is Liam.

100 Power stones = +1 chapter.

Alen_Tanorcreators' thoughts