
Princess to commoner

"Ms. Mu what do u have to say about the scandal you were in yesterday? Do you think that just because you have money you can do everything?" all the reporters were surrounding her making it difficult for her to get to her car. She was trying hard to control her anger to not shout at them but her anger was starting to become too much.

"Excuse me" she said as she started walking towards her car. As soon as she went inside her car she sped off from the hotel to her house but to face something that was worse than the reporters.

As she entered her house which was actually a villa she was faced with a slap by her grandfather. Old Mu never liked her being that she was the child of the first wife of her eldest son but he didnot protest on the marriage because his wife choose Mu Xue's mother as the bride for his son. That is why as soon as his wife died he started mistreating Xue and her mother forcing them to separate from the family and remarry his son.

Xue was always her grandmother's favorite that was the reason almost every cousin of hers hated her. And now her grandfather got a very good reason for her to be thrown out of the family. She new her life in the Mu house was over. She was never a damsel in distress her grandmother taught her to be a strong independent woman but she was naive to scheming. Being just 18 she didn't know that her own father and grandfather who till the day her grandmother was alive treated her as princess would plan to eliminate her from their lives not even one month after her granny's death.

So when she woke up in the morning to herself in a hotel room just after securing her first film as the female lead.

"You ungrateful witch, we gave you every luxury of your life just to hop from one man's bed to another?" shouted old Mu. When she heard that she started pleading for them to listen to her, to understand that she didn't do any such thing that she was set up by someone but no one listened to her.

That incident did not end well for both her mother and her. They were forced to leave the house and her mother was forced to divorce her father on exchange of curbing the scandal. Both mother and daughter left the Mu house and went abroad with the little money they had from her grandmother's will to start a new life. But what any of them didn't know was that the day Mu Xue left the country she swore on her grandmother's grave to get revenge on the whole Mu family, she swore on destroying the whole Mu family and becoming the sole owner of Mu Corporations.