

*Diana's POV*,

....I was thunderstruck. I was so happy. "OMG. Thank you so much for informing me. "I ended the call and started dancing in the kitchen and hit my behind at the corner of slab "aaahhhh" I squealed. I'm fed up with being clumsy but who cares!? I did not care if I hit myself or fell down, I was so happy that I forgot about the visions and continued to enjoy myself. Well, of course, I did not care about anything else then, I was finally feeling good after so long. I continued to dance anyways not thinking about what was coming hereafter...

The days passed by and it was finally the weekend. It was a fresh morning, the weather was a little gloomy today. I did not like that. I freshened up and messaged Lucas if we could meet up and he agreed. I was supposed to meet him at 2 o'clock since we agreed on eating lunch together and just enjoy the day.

It was soon half-past one in the afternoon. I got ready and left. After reaching the town I looked for the place he told me about. I found the place and saw him waiting outside. He was looking so handsome even from afar. He gave me his signature dazzling smile and I ran towards him.

I said "Am I late? Or are you early?" Lucas replied smiling "You are one minute and forty seconds late" I started laughing because he didn't change even after so many years. We went inside the small restaurant. All these food places in Orleans were so comfy. I liked the vibes I got there.

After sitting at the corner table, we ordered our food and Lucas started questioning me " So....what is it that you wanted to talk about so desperately? I was flustered when I got your text first. I thought I would be the one to text you first!" I looked at him with a weird expression and asked "Why?? Do girls never text you first!? By the looks you've got, I think many do" he scoffed and said, " I have no female friends after you left, I just didn't like being around with other girls". Wow ..why did I even leave this town. Mom, we should have stayed here because if we did I swear by now the guy who is sitting in front of me would be my boyfriend.

I was lost in my thoughts when he snapped me back to reality by waving his hand in front of me. " Oh I'm sorry I just..." Lucas didn't let me finish my sentence and kept his hands on mine and said "It's okay...I know what you're thinking" My eyes got bigger and beads of sweat started to form near my neck region and my palms. Why was he doing this? Did he really know what I was thinking?

He laughed and said " Hey...I was kidding! Why are you getting flustered? I know we have met after so many years, so we want to talk about a lot of things but we just can't."

He was so right. I kept staring at him and then the waiter came to serve our dishes. Thanks to the waiter for breaking the moment.

We started eating and I started to speak " So I got in "he droned "hmm?" " I got into the university of Orleans! History major, what I always wanted to do. Lucas choked on his food. He gave me a serious look. This wasn't the reaction I was expecting from him I thought he would be happy.

After drinking his water he started to speak and I didn't like anything that he said, "Diana? Are you settling here? I thought you just came here for some leisure time." I had no interest to continue this conversation anymore. I said " Why? why can't I settle here?" with a cold voice. He was taken aback because, since the day before, I was sugar talking. He said "No!...no no... Sorry if I sounded mean but I didn't mean that" I was sort of hurt because I wasn't expecting this, at last, I said " I'm going home. We had our lunch and I told you what I wanted to say. I should go now." He tried to stop me but ignored him.

I walked out of the place we were eating in. I started to ramble around the streets freely. I was appreciating my own company gladly. I roamed, I bought small things for myself, ate candies, etc. The time went by shortly.

But when I was doing all this I got a feeling of somebody staring at me from far away, I thought someone was following me. But when I looked around I saw no one suspicious. It was almost evening time now the sun which wasn't seen today also seem to set. The deficient sunlight of the evening was witnessed and as usual, it was beautiful. I cannot describe the beauty of the sky this place has. The clouds were painted with pinkish purple colour.

However, that didn't last long. Suddenly the clouds were darker and began to thunder. It was so loud. The rain started to pour. It was raining heavily. I stood still at my spot while everyone started to run and close their shops to reach home. I wasn't able to move a bit. The clouds kept thundering. I got scared, I missed my mom, I was fully drenched now and almost got teary-eyed, I had no will to move, I saw a jeep approaching towards me but I stood still, but then suddenly somebody grabbed my hand and started to run.

I don't know who he was but I held his hand tightly. Since the market I was in had a shortcut to the cottage. We ran halfway there and found a small abandoned house. We were standing on the house's lawn. I was panting heavily and so was the guy who bought me here. Even though I didn't get to know who he was I wanted to thank him "Hey thank....." I was cut off when he held my shoulders tightly and pushed me against the main door and looked me in the eyes. It was Sebastian.

His dark orbs were piercing in my eyes. He looked scary. When he suddenly broke the silence "Are you crazy? Do you have a death wish? Why weren't you moving? The car almost hit you!" I didn't know why was he doing this. We weren't even close. He saw me not giving him any answers, he realised that I was terrified by how he was behaving.

He softened his look and let go of my shoulders slowly and moved back maintaining our distances. He started to rub his temple. But I saw in his dark eyes that he was worried. But why was he worried? He interrupted my thoughts and said, " I'm sorry I shouldn't have acted like that".

I cleared my throat and spoke "It's okay I get it! Not only you but anyone in your place would be worried by the way I behaved, minutes ago." He sighed in relief because I finally answered.

He replied, "Why weren't you moving?"

I fake smiled and vented out everything I wanted " Should I be honest or bluntly lie to you?.. I have brontophobia, fear of lightning and thunder. And when it started to pour all the painful memories came back flooding my mind. Even though I was happy till yesterday, today was so gloomy like this weather, that even if I died right there at that moment I wouldn't have cared less. People say time heals everything but some memories are like scars, Scars that are embedded in my soul". I let it all out, Sebastian kept looking at me while I went on " And this whether huh, it was a cherry on top for me today! I tried to distract myself but this rain ruined everything. I hate it when it rains. Because it always, been raining in my life" that was it I broke down in front of the guy whom I barely knew.

I squatted down holding my legs and my face buried in them. I was crying, I haven't in a while I had forgotten when was the last time I cried. He took off his jacket because he was less drenched and put it on me. I looked up when he did that, I didn't want to feel anything but as he hunched down and looked at me I saw his black see-through shirt, that same necklace. I was more than sad at this moment but looking at him made my heart ease and he looked attractive.

He extended his hand towards me as he signalled me to hold them.

I did and he came closer and said "Hold onto this tight you won't regret it."

I did as he said and we started to run again, the rain was still pouring he looked back at me smiling, he looked so endearing at that moment but he held me more tightly and I saw some blue smoke forming within our hands. Before I could see more of the smoke, it disappeared and we were running at an inhumane pace.

I had never run this fast not even the day when I saw the wolves. We reached the cottage and we're standing beneath a light post. It was shining with bright yellow colour.

The rain stopped pouring by now. He stood still as he held my hand.

He smiled and said " It's okay if it rains in your life. Just like crops need rain for it to harvest properly. We need rain in our life to move on. Look, the rain stopped. Thunders, storms and downpours may come but they need to stop. They can't go on forever. So whatever your pain is or problems are they will stop soon just like this rain."

After so long somebody's words comforted me. Since the day my mother left me nobody comforted me the way he did. While I was thinking all this he kept looking at me and smiled. His smile healed me. After staring at each other for a good few minutes he bid goodbye with a smirky smile, winked and left. His figure vanished into the woods.

I looked up and thought about each word he spoke. A comfort tear rolled down my cheeks. I went inside the cottage. I took a hot shower. While showering I looked at the mirror I wiped it since it was blurry. I looked at myself, my eyes were red due to crying. My dark brown orbs were glossy. My brunette hair was fully damp. It looked more black. While looking at myself my eyes went to my right shoulder region. I had a scar, a scar that was given by my father. I came out of the shower and dried my hair. I plopped on my bed and said the most unthoughtful thing to myself " it started...


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" It's okay if it rains in your life. Just like crops need rain for it to harvest properly. We need rain in our life to move on. Look, the rain stopped. Thunders, storms and downpours may come but they need to stop. They can't go on forever. So whatever your pain is or problems are they will stop soon just like this rain."

prachi_sejwalcreators' thoughts