
The supernatural academy: The demon and the hybrid

Well who would have thought I would end up in a supernatural academy ? I'm so excited for the new experience. (Note the sarcasm). Why the hell do I have to go to a supernatural academy. I'm currently in my room coming up with various strategies to make my Dad change his mind about me attending the academy but I immediately discard that plan cause knowing the kind of person my father is, there is no way out. "Well it's official my life just made a turn for the worst" I said to myself before sighing again for the hundredth time today. "Yo princess I heard you would be leaving the empire to go to the so famous academy" my best friend Brenna said while giggling after staring at my sulking face. "Don't be mean Brenna, stop making fun of our sulking best friend" my other best friend kaida said while chuckling obviously being sarcastic as always. "If you guys aren't going to help then could you atleast shut up" I snap at them "sorry" they both said in unison realizing I was in a bad mood. "But you know there's nothing we can do" kaida said and I had to agree with her cause she's right. I sighed heavily before saying "supernatural academy here I come". My name's is Aurora and I'm a princess of the fire dragon empire and last child of the Royal family. And I'm also an hybrid. A very powerful one but there is a catch, I can't control my powers. I'm not just a fire dragon but a witch.

isabelle moner · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
39 Chs

The ball

Aurora's Pov

"Aurora" my elder sister Edna called while entering my room

"Dad said tomorrow we will be going to the water dragon kingdom" she said.

"Why? To do what?" I asked her

"King Ladon is hosting a ball and we were invited, so Dad said I should tell you to get prepared early"

"Argh" I groan, "must we attend the ball or rather must I attend".She didn't even spare me a glance before replying yes and also telling me to get ready on time, then she left.

"Now what I'm I going to wear". I asked myself before walking to my closet to pick a ball gown to wear. After searching for over an hour I finally found the perfect gown for tomorrow's ball.

"Ugh I hate attending parties" I said to myself, before going to bed.

Waking up the next morning i took my bath and got dressed then I went downstairs for breakfast. After breakfast I decided to read some novels to while away time cause I was bored to death, so I picked up a random novel and started reading, I read for some hours before falling asleep. I woke up to Edna shaking me while shouting at my face.

"WAKE UP!!!"

"What?" I asked her in a sleepy voice

"You need to start getting prepared. Dad said to tell you that we'll leave in two hours time, so get up and go get ready" she said.

"But it's still early, it's just after five" I said to her while frowning.

"Go get ready" she said sternly before walking out.

"I should probably start locking my door to prevent her from barging into my room whenever she feels like". I thought to myself before walking into the bathroom to get ready. After getting dressed I styled my hair and decided to head downstairs before Edna comes and yell at my face again.

"Finally you're here I thought we'll have to wait till forever for you to come down". My elder brother blaze said.

"Well here I am, now can we go?" I replied in an annoyed tone while rolling my eyes.

"That is no way to talk to your elder brother Aurora" my mom said "Now apologize".

"I'm sorry" I said.

"Well it's ok, you're not the only one annoyed about going to the ball" he said with a frustrated sigh.

"Ok so now let's go" my Dad said and we all left.

Arriving at the ballroom I immediately found somewhere to stay till the end of the ball without getting disturbed. The music could be heard from every corner of the room. Shortly the dance began and couples could be seen dancing in the middle of the ballroom while I sat down being annoyed to death.

"Do you care for a dance" I looked up to see a stranger with his hand stretched out.

"Argh I thought no one could see me from here" I said to myself. "Well erm erm you see actually I don't want to dance" I told him while trying to reject him politely but he wasn't giving up.

"Please" he said .

"I really don't want to dance" I told him.

"Please it's just going to be one dance" he persuaded

"Ok" I said. Immediately after the dance I walked as fast as I can to my seat so he doesn't request for another dance. Finally the ball came to an end and I was so thankful and happy to get back home.

But who knew my happiness would be short-lived.