And then trident completely manifestated in the hand of Neha in it's full glory.
Sparks of golden lightening revolved around the trident while the dark mist radiated from the body of of the trident.
Seeing the long trident in her hand Neha became completely amazed by it and started to swing it around in the air.
Swinging the trident Neha saw the small golden sparks coming out of the trident along with some smal dark cloudy tornadoes.
After swinging the trident for a few more times Neha put it inside the inventory of her system and after that she found Kalki completely awake in an awestruck expression is looking at her.
Seeing her Neha went towards the couch and waving her fingers called her towards her in response of which Kalki immediately got down from the bed and moved closer to her Mistress.
Reaching closer Kalki kneeled down right next to her Mistress and put her head on her Mistress's lap and on the other hand Neha started to stroke the hairs of Kalki very gently.
While stroking her hairs, Neha told her, "Kalki bring me the map of this Star City and all of the details about the Shooting Star academy."
Hearing her Mistress, Kalki looked at her and said, "It will be done right away Mistress."
With this Kalki got up from the ground and put on her clothes and went to fulfill the order which her Mistress has given her.
Meanwhile at the main base of Antariksh Paridhi, all of the yogis, tapswies and technical personnels have gathered in their meeting room after the Mahaguru has called for a meeting.
Once they all have gathered, Mahaguru started to address the meeting, "I know what questions are going inside your minds. This sudden emergence of Vyom today and last night the sudden emergence of the spiked up evil and negative nature that we have captured are not something that we can ignore."
Guru Aditya: "You are right Mahaguru. This sudden emergence of extreme evil and then the weapon created by Mahadev himself is not giving signal about something good. We should deep into this matter."
Mahaguru: "You are correct Guru Aditya. Technical head Prakash what's your take on this matter ?"
Technical Head Prakash: "Mahaguru my team has tracked the energy signature of the trident to be in the Shooting Star District of Star City."
After hearing this news from technical head Prakash, Mahaguru became more serious and said, "The evil and negative nature and now Vyom are all in the Shooting Star District. It only means that whatever or whoever we are looking for is definitely in Shooting Star District."
Guruma Pritha: "Then we should send our most skilled Gurus and shishyas to the Shooting Star City immediately."
Mahaguru: "Last night I have already talked with Sandhya and have assigned her to check for the matter. She was to leave for the Shooting Star District after a week but it looks like she needs leave by tomorrow. Once she gets the information to us about these two matters we will all go together to dispose the evil and collect Vyom. Guruma Pritha notify Sandhya to be ready to leave tomorrow with the first ray of sun."
Guruma Pritha: "Yes Mahaguru. I will immediately notify Sandhya about this matter."
Mahaguru: "And the rest of you all search for everywhere about any smallest to smallest or largest details about this kind of phenomenon happening in ancient scriptures and texts. I will go into deep meditation to get the answer from GOD Shiva himself."
All of the People: "Yes Mahaguru."
With this all of the people of Antariksh Paridhi went to do their assigned works while Mahaguru went into his room and very quickly entered into a deep state of medition.
In this state of his medition Mahaguru opened his Kundalini Shakti which is basically the seven chakras of a human body.
And after that he merged his soul with his Kundalini Shakti to open the gate of consciousness sea which will allow him to get his answers from Mahadev.
But this process is not as simple as it sounds. Mahaguru has to go on in this deep meditation state for upto two months to finally meet Mahadev.
While the good side are doing their work, the evil side is not the small side to keep their mouth shut and butt placed on the seat and sit down quietly.
In an underground facility that is right below the Shooting Star District, many people of both male and female genders have gather in front of a big statue of Zeus.
These people belong to the evil side of this novel world who calls themselves *The Children of Zeus.*
Many might think that Zeus was the king of Olympian Gods. So how his followers became evil ? Well it is because in the Greek mythology the most evil and corrupted God is Zeus himself who is filled with lust.
And this evil side knows very well how much of an evil Zeus is. So they have given themselves that name and under that name they have committed many crimes and attacks on the world which has always been countered by the Antariksh Paridhi and the soldiers from the World Forces.
The current leader of the Children of Zeus, stood before the statue of Zeus while facing his underlings of the group and said, "The day we all have been waiting for has arrived. The birth of our successor has happened. Just like our great ancestor has prophesied the successor of Doom has arrived. The dawn of our new resurgence is on the horizon and soon everyone will tremble before us. And so in the name of the successor, let the world have a new taste of Doom."
All of the people of the evil side started to put their hands in the air and started to move their heads in the air in the enjoyment and agreement with the words of their leader.
Back at the bedroom of Neha, Kalki is showing her the entire map of the Star City and once it was done Kalki showed her map Shooting Star academy which is known in the entire world for it's teaching in Sword and Sorcery.