
The Super Sex System

The MC gets reincarnated in a fantasy world, with an awesome system which will get him all the women he wants. Everything is possible in the novel, the MC will have no restrictions at all. He will do as he pleases. As long as my fantasy stretches I'll try to write. If you have a suggestion or an improvement please let me hear 'm. The image isn't mine, so send me a message if you want it down.

Sweacer · Fantasi
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82 Chs

Telling Emily

The next day I was back at the magic school, but for some reason or the other, I haven't seen Emily at all. The most likely reason is that she is avoiding me, not sure what do say.

I did meet Alesia and Angelica though, they immediately joined up and started to attack me. I haven't done it with them for a few days, so both of them had amassed some needs. After taking care of that I once again focused myself on training.

I mostly just focused on meditating, trying to feel the mana around me. From what I understood from Alison, feeling and controlling mana is one of the most important aspects of being a mage.

The more mana you can control into whatever you want the stronger you are. So I sat down closed my eyes and just focused on the mana in my surrounding and nothing else.

As long as the mana wasn't changed into an element it would be completely invisible to the eyes. But I could still sense it though. It was present in everything. The air, the buildings, the grass everything around me had mana in it.

For now, I just focused on feeling it and not on controlling or changing it. I thought that I had to focus strongly on the presence of mana, how it moved what it did.

And like that, I just sat there on a grass field in the middle of the campus. Sitting, with my eyes closed, trying to get a feel for what was called mana.

And without noticing it quite some time passed.




And then suddenly I jolted awake, not knowing what was going on. Opening my eyes I saw the figure of the person I had wanted to meet today.

"Oh hey Emily what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong with you? Just sitting here in the middle of a grass field, sleeping."

"I was meditating."

"Oh I see, why here though?"

"I don't know felt like a good place I guess." I stood up and before Emily even had a chance to react, I kissed her on the mouth.

After which Emily immediately pulled away. Getting red and looking around her if anyone saw.

"Drake not here."

"Then let's go to my room."

And before she had a chance to even resist, I took her hand and dragged her with me. Luckily she just went along and didn't try to escape.

It didn't take long for us to reach my dorm, as it was practically next to the field I had been meditating.

So entering the room I wanted to have some fun with her, but I knew it was time for a talk first. I owed it to Emily to tell her the truth about having more women.

"Emily please sit down, there is something I need to tell you."

"Okay, what's going on?"

"As you well know, once I took your virginity I regarded you as my women. But to be honest I have to tell you, that you aren't my only women."


"There are other's as well and I hope you will accept them and join them."

Honestly, I had no idea how to even phrase this even a bit normal. It was just way too weird asking a woman to accept other's as well. But I had to do it.

Emily looked quite dumbfounded, totally now knowing what to say, as she just looked at me without a particular expression on her face. Then after letting it sink in and thinking about it she finally spoke.

"So you are telling me you have more women other than me and I have to just accept them and even join them?"

"Well yes, I know it's not really normal, but I want you to know that I love you and I love them all as well."

"How many do you have?"

"S-seven." I also already included Margaret, but telling Emily her mother was already mine, probably wasn't that good an idea.

"SEVEN WOMEN? Are you fucking with me? What the hell are you to even seduce seven women at your age?"

"I'm sorry, but this is just the way it is, I won't leave them and I most definitely won't let you go."

"So you just want me to accept it then?"

"Yes," I said with an embarrassed look on my face. The other's accepted it way too easy, so now that someone wasn't that easy to convince it was truly difficult for me to find the right words if they even existed for this kind of situation.

Then suddenly Emily stood up and began walking out of the room.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to think about it sometime, please just leave me alone for a bit."

It truly stung hearing her words, but I knew that pressuring her right now wouldn't be good, so I had to let her leave.

Hopefully, Margaret can try talking to her in the hope of Emily accepting it. But I couldn't do anything for now.

But if Emily decided to not accept it in the end, I would need to come up with something. I wasn't just willing to let her walk away from me, no I would make her mine.

I realized I started to become a bit possessive, but I had already done the deed with her. So it's quite logical I wouldn't want her to become someone else's woman. And never ever would I let that happen.

So Emily left my room and I was left alone again. Perhaps I should have told her after fucking her, but that wouldn't be that good an idea either.

So I once again made my way through the teleportation point, together with Angelica and Alesia to have some fun at home.

Just like every other time, it was straight from eating dinner and cleaning it up to having some hot sex with all six of them.

Even though every day it was the same it wouldn't get repetitive, ever. Like I would ever get tired of any of them, no I'm not like that. Once I conquer a woman and they become mine, it's for life.

The next few days I didn't see Emily at all. She seems to be still thinking about my major bomb. Only thing I could do for now was to give her some space.

It wasn't only me that didn't meet with her. I sparred a few more times with Alison, but she as well hadn't seen her.

My relationship with Alison was also starting to get better and better. She wasn't quiet anymore and conversed more than before. She even started some small talk once, so I knew that I was going in the right direction with her.

Only needs a little bit more time, before I can try out and flirt a bit with her. Let's see how she'll react to that. Hopefully, it's gonna be like a cute girl not knowing what is happening and what she should do.

I also visited Margaret a few times, naturally enjoying some sweet ass sex with her. It was as if Margaret truly let loose now. She didn't shy away from being flirty and she liked having my dick inside her more and more.

Margaret really turned from a sickly woman who didn't have sex in a long while, to an energetic woman who wanted to do it a lot.

Her body was making a shocking recovery. She didn't feel unwell anymore, the opposite she felt she had more energy than ever before. Margaret also started to recuperate some flesh on her bones. Her breasts had already grown a size and her ass got some more meat as well.

In short, she was transforming into an incredibly sexy mature woman. I was very glad about her changes. Not only was she getting healthy, which was the first goal. She also started to get way more attractive.

But even though a few days passed Emily hadn't come home as well, so even if Margaret could talk to her and try to convince her. It wouldn't happen unless Emily came home.

I was having a lot of sex with Margaret and it felt amazing as well. I wanted Emily to become mine as well. Not only could I enjoy her incredible body. I could even have some threesomes with the mother-daughter pair.

I always fantasized both of them lying naked in bed, being conquered by my dick, mother and daughter trying to please me. Who wouldn't want that? So hopefully Emily comes around soon enough.

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Currently two additional chapters available at p*atreon.

Sweacercreators' thoughts