
The Super Sex System

The MC gets reincarnated in a fantasy world, with an awesome system which will get him all the women he wants. Everything is possible in the novel, the MC will have no restrictions at all. He will do as he pleases. As long as my fantasy stretches I'll try to write. If you have a suggestion or an improvement please let me hear 'm. The image isn't mine, so send me a message if you want it down.

Sweacer · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
82 Chs

Dinner with Margaret

I softly opened up the door, as I wasn't sure if the two women were still sleeping. I tried to be as quiet as possible, while slowly walking inside the bedroom.

I could see that both Margaret and Emily were still sleeping. I don't want to wake them up and I just let them sleep. They looked really cute together. Mother and daughter fell asleep in the same bed after experiencing the same dick. How many people can say that happened to them? Well, luckily I was one of them.

I kissed both women on the cheek before I made my way outside the room. It was time for me to go home, so I left them a note saying that I went home and I didn't want to wake them up. I also said I would be back tonight, to have dinner with them.

After leaving the note on the kitchen table I walked out the front door before making my way home. It wasn't a long walk, only about 15 minutes, so both our houses weren't that far apart.

Arriving at home, I saw that only Marie was present in the house. The others all left for work or school. I didn't take Angelica and Alesia with me through the portal yesterday as they couldn't make it back without me.

Marie was doing some laundry when I came home, but once she saw me she immediately dropped what she was doing and walked towards me.

"Hi, honey." Marie greeted me, but not only with words. I gave her a nice deep french kiss, naturally, both hands descended to her nice ass, groping them strongly.

"How did it go yesterday?" Marie asked.

"It went okay, but a bit more effort is required before both of them will truly become mine."

"Hmmm, both?"

And then I realized something, Marie knew about my desire to make Emily fall for me and she also knew that I went to her house to see if I could heal her mother. What she didn't know was that Emily's mother, Margaret, had become a target as well.

"Yes, well another woman joined the fray."


Marie let out a small sigh. Not because she didn't like me getting more women as she knew there was no stopping that. It was probably the pace I got women to be mine.

I can understand her though, since coming to the capital I already conquered another two women in Alesia and Angelica and know another two will enter the harem as well.

"Just make sure you have enough energy for your woman at home as well. Not sleeping with you in the bed just felt weird, everyone thought so."

"Haha, don't worry I'll definitely won't forget about any of you, but that doesn't mean all of us can sleep on the same bed all the time."

"I know, but still."

"Well I don't have anything to do right now, so want to have some fun?"

And Immediately Marie's slightly dejected face turned into a very happy one, as it didn't take long for us to get to the bedroom and become naked.

I enjoyed myself with Marie's incredibly sexy body a few times, before we just laid on the back next to each other, cuddling. Marie is the oldest among my woman, but that definitely doesn't mean she is the least sexy.

My Celestial dick and semen are making sure that her body remains youthful and makes it even more beautiful.

Having this makes it that no matter what woman I get as long as I fuck them a lot, they won't ever get wrinkly or anything like that. I can enjoy their bodies for the rest of my and their life.

I don't know if the lifespan of the woman receiving the semen get's longer as well, but seeing the effects it has, it would surprise me if it didn't.

So this means that I can enjoy my women for a long, very long time.

Once the other's came home they all wanted to do it as well. So Marie made way for Susan, after which Chelsea and last I did it with Sabrina.

Leaving all of them very satisfied. Even though sex takes up quite some time for me, as I do it a whole lot, I never find it getting boring or anything like that. Smacking my dick inside a woman is my favorite activity. And doing it a lot, won't ever change that.

When evening arrived yet again, it was time for me to go to Margaret's house again. I gave every one of them a goodbye kiss, which usually ends in a very deep kiss, and after that, I made my way to the mother-daughter pair once again.

I was quite curious as to what Emily's reaction would be, as she didn't want me to have sex with her mother, but while doing it with her, she couldn't care less about that. She probably has cooled down a bit, so I'm looking forward to what she's going to say.

I arrived in front of the house in less than 15 minutes as I walked slightly faster than I did this morning. I knocked on the door and it didn't take that long for the door to open. But what surprised me was that it wasn't Emily opening up the door, but Margaret instead.

The woman who didn't have any energy yesterday was already up and about. Seems like my semen works better than I ever expected.

"Margaret, how are you feeling?"

"I haven't felt this good in a long long time. It's all thanks to you. Please come in."

She gestured me inside after which I naturally followed. Entering the house I could already smell that dinner was being prepared.

"So what's for dinner?" I asked her.

"Just some simple meat with vegetables, nothing out of the ordinary."

"I see looking forward to your cooking," then Margaret went back to the kitchen and I followed after her.

I sat down on a chair looking at Margaret cook. After a bit Margaret suddenly turned around, her face a bit red. I couldn't figure out if it was because of the heat or something else.

"Please stop looking at me, it's embarrassing."

"Well I quite like looking at you, so I won't" I replied with a happy smile.

Margaret seeing that her attempt was futile just returned cooking, her face getting even a tint more redness.

"By the way where is Emily? I haven't seen her yet."

"Oh? Emily went back to the magic school. Even though she could stay for another day she abruptly decided this morning that she wanted to go back."

"I see."

She's probably still embarrassed and needs to think about some things. Well, I'll give her some time to think then I guess.

It didn't take long for Margaret to finish cooking the meal. She took two plates and some cutlery before she sat down opposite of me.

As we began eating I just couldn't keep my curiosity to myself anymore so I decided to ask Margaret what happened this morning.

"So Margaret, please tell me what happened when both of you woke up this morning."

"Ah, well we woke up around the same time. But before I could even ask her something Emily barged out of the room. When I got up some time after she quickly told me she needed to go and so she left."

"Seems like she couldn't handle the situation right."

"Probably yes, but it's normal I think. It's the first time ever she liked someone and even her virginity was taken. Then seeing the same man having sex with your mother must be something which most people won't ever see, so I guess she just needed to get out and think for a bit. When she comes home I'll try to talk to her about it."

"Let's do that then. We'll give her some time to think."


"But you know seeing that it's only the two of us who will be here this night and you regained some of your energy, how about we have some fun?"

Margaret immediately got embarrassed. Her face tinting red and she started to unconsciously play with her food.

"Well I-I don't know."

"Haha let's just finish our food first okay?"


After which we didn't really talk much more and just ate our food.

I helped her clean the dished after we finished dinner, but Margaret was too shy right now to start a conversation. She's probably still guessing what will happen after we finish up here.

I already know what's gonna happen though. It has something to do with a very happy time for Margaret. I thought a small grin coming to my face imagining the things I was gonna do.

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Currently three additional chapters available at p*atreon.

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