
The Super Lazy System

Effort brings great results. A man and an ambition. Mateus strives for a bright future, and amidst it, he still dreams of a fantastical life. One day, he is rewarded by a system that doesn't quite match his personality. Will he find new ambitions after gaining the Super Lazy System? Follow Mateus on his journey through a world forged by laziness. ----------------------- My first time writing, so don't expect too much, be kind. English is not my primary language, so please understand that I'm making an effort. Wish fulfillment. Writing to try to improve my English and my writing.

Rafa_s · Komik
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31 Chs

Rage Unleashed

Mateus woke up to the soft glow of dawn filtering through his window. Stretching his arms above his head, he yawned and blinked away the last remnants of sleep. With a quick glance at the clock, he noted the time: 6:00 AM. Time to start the day. 

Throwing back the covers, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, feeling the cool wood floor beneath his feet. Padding across the room, he made his way to the bathroom to freshen up. After a quick shower and brushing his teeth, he returned to his bedroom to get dressed. 

Dressed in his school uniform, Mateus headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. He enjoyed starting his day with a hearty meal, knowing it would fuel him for the challenges ahead. Today's menu consisted of scrambled eggs, whole wheat toast, and a glass of orange juice. 

As the eggs sizzled in the pan, Mateus glanced at the clock again. 6:30 AM. He had just enough time to prepare breakfast for himself and Ophis before heading to school. 

Turning to Ophis's usual spot, he prepared a simple but nutritious breakfast: a bowl of cereal with fresh fruit and a glass of milk. Placing it on the table, he called out, "Breakfast is ready, Ophis!" 

With breakfast for both of them set out, Mateus quickly prepared his own lunch for school. Grabbing a lunch box from the cupboard, he assembled a sandwich, packed some sliced veggies, and added a small treat for dessert. 

With breakfast and lunch prepared, Mateus set the table and poured himself a glass of orange juice. He glanced at the clock once more. 6:45 AM. It was time to pack his bag and head to school. 

After gathering his books and double-checking that he had everything he needed, Mateus slung his backpack over his shoulder and headed out the door. The crisp morning air greeted him as he stepped outside, energizing him for the day ahead. 

With a sense of determination, Mateus set off towards school, ready to tackle whatever challenges awaited him. 

As Mateus went about his morning routine, unaware of the looming danger, a sinister plot was unfolding in the shadows of the supernatural world. 

Deep within the clandestine corridors of the underworld, a notorious terrorist group known as the Khaos Brigade was hatching a nefarious scheme. Led by a powerful fallen angel with a thirst for chaos, they had set their sights on Mateus and those close to him. 

Their target? Mahiru. 

Under the cover of darkness, the members of the Khaos Brigade stealthily infiltrated the human realm, their malevolent intentions cloaked by magic and deception. With swift and calculated precision, they snatched Mahiru from the safety of her home, leaving no trace behind. 

As Mateus made his way to school, a sense of unease gnawed at the edges of his consciousness. Something felt off, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Little did he know, his world was about to be turned upside down. 

Meanwhile, Mahiru found herself trapped in a dimly lit chamber, her surroundings suffused with an eerie aura of menace. Bound and gagged, she struggled against her restraints, her heart pounding with fear and uncertainty. 

Back at Mateus's home, Ophis sensed a disturbance in the balance of the supernatural forces. Her keen intuition alerted her to the danger that lurked in the shadows, and she knew that swift action was required to protect her friend and ally. 

As Mateus arrived at school, he was greeted by the usual hustle and bustle of the campus. But beneath the facade of normalcy, a storm was brewing, threatening to unleash chaos upon their world. 

Unaware of the peril that awaited him, Mateus forged ahead, his mind occupied with thoughts of the day ahead. Little did he know, the fate of those he held dear hung in the balance, and time was running out to save them from the clutches of darkness. 

As Mateus sat through his first class of the day, his mind wandered, a subtle unease tugging at the edges of his consciousness. But it wasn't until lunchtime approached that the feeling intensified, morphing into a gnawing sense of dread as he realized Mahiru was nowhere to be seen. 

Panic began to claw at his chest. Mahiru was never one to miss school without a word, and the absence of her cheerful presence sent alarm bells ringing in Mateus's mind. Frantically, he scanned the crowded cafeteria, searching for any sign of her familiar figure among the sea of students. 

But Mahiru was conspicuously absent, and the realization hit him like a sledgehammer. Something was terribly wrong. 

Just as Mateus's worry threatened to overwhelm him, Ophis materialized before him, her usually serene countenance etched with concern. Without a word, she conveyed the grim truth of what had transpired: Mahiru had been kidnapped by a group from Ophis's past, a revelation that sent a chill down Mateus's spine. 

Anger surged within him, a fierce and primal fury unlike anything he had ever experienced. It wasn't directed at Ophis – she was as much a victim of her past as Mahiru – but at those who dared to threaten the safety of his friends. 

In that moment, Mateus's resolve hardened. He would not stand idly by while Mahiru remained in danger. With a steely determination in his eyes, he made a silent vow to do whatever it took to bring her back safely. 

Ignoring the clamor of the bustling cafeteria around him, Mateus rose from his seat, his mind set on a singular purpose. He would find Mahiru, no matter the cost. 

The anger Mateus felt upon hearing the news of Mahiru's kidnapping was like a storm that shook the supernatural world. His immense aura, released in a whirlwind of emotions, reverberated through the farthest corners, alerting everyone to the fury burning within him. 

Without hesitation, Mateus teleported in search of Mahiru, his heart pulsating with fierce determination as he cut through the veils of reality in his desperate quest. Every step, every movement, was driven by the burning desire to rescue the person he loved most, no matter the cost. 

In the tranquil atmosphere of the school, the members of the student council carried on with their daily activities, completely oblivious to the chaos unfolding beyond their boundaries. Their objective was clear: to find Mateus, not for his supernatural strength, but for his remarkable academic abilities. With determined steps, Kaguya Shinomiya, Miyuki Shirogane, Chika Fujiwara, and Yu Ishigami roamed the school corridors, each with their own motivation. For some, it was curiosity to meet such an exceptionally talented peer; for others, it was the desire to recruit him to further strengthen the council and its activities. Meanwhile, Mateus's whereabouts remained a mystery to them, immersed in his frantic search for Mahiru, unaware of the interest he had sparked among his school peers. 

Meanwhile, in the depths of the supernatural world, Mateus pressed on in his frenzied search, guided by the bond he shared with Mahiru. His thoughts were fixed on his goal, his determination unwavering, as he faced the dangers that stood in his way. 

While the supernatural world trembled under the influence of Mateus's aura, at school, the student council continued their tireless search, unaware of the fate that awaited beyond the borders of their everyday reality.