

Aucuses stood in front of the forty-meter-tall black door engraved with symbols and images.

He was familiar with the images and symbols because they represented Solomon's law and rules, as well as, the pictures depicting the unique culture and tradition of the Solomon empire.

Overall, it exuded a heavy aura while depicting the magnificence and uniqueness of the Solomon Empire.

Looking at the massive door that seemed made for giants, Aucuses was unfazed.

Under the authority of "Chaos," the entire reality of this specific space is hidden and concealed from the outside world.

The authority shattered the entire reality surrounding the space, causing it to collapse into chaos. It then coated the area, isolating it from reality.

The "Chaos" can even block divine probes for extended periods of time, as it did with him. It's also extremely dangerous; he could only enter space because of his authority of order, which neutralised chaos, but it still took hours to get through the chaos. Other gods, unlike him, will have a much more difficult time finding and entering this location.

Aucuses looked, his hands clenched around the twilight sword. Finally, he reached out and touched the massive door.


With his touch, the invisible rules that bound the door disintegrated, containing the authority of chaos.

After the shackles were removed, the door rumbled as the images and symbols on it lit up.

When Aucuses saw the image and symbols, they began to absorb the little light from their surroundings.

Seeing all of this, he deduced that they would all soon turn corporal and try to attack him in a bit to defend the mausoleum. This should be Solomon's defence mechanism. The angels in the pictures and rules in the symbol each held power, and if materialised into reality, it could easily kill an archangel or banish a king of angels.

'Impressive…' Aucuses reflected as he admired the intricacy of the defence mechanism. The mechanism's ultimate goal was to expel any intruder into the cosmos. Despite the fact that he appeared to be thinking, his hands were already moving to shatter the door.

With his index finger, he touched the blade of his twilight sword. A blaze of twilight erupted from the sword clinging to the tip of the finger upon contact.

Aucuses then pointed his finger at the massive door. The blaze of twilight shot from his finger and landed on the door. It exploded into orange light particles that spread and covered the entire structure in an instant.


Twilight illuminated the door, and the symbols and pictures began to peel off and disintegrate into dust. Under the authority of twilight, the door soon followed suit.

Aucuses waited for the entire door to crumble before entering the mausoleum.

He entered the interior of mausoleum after a few moments of walking along a dark corridor.

"Aucuses, you've finally arrived..."

A deep voice echoed around the mausoleum, causing him to look up.

The interior of the Black Emperor mausoleum was empty. There was nothing except the pitch-black walls, the high platform in the middle, and a statue in front.

'That was unexpected...' Aucuses thought, his gaze narrowing at the statue in front of him. 'I'm starting to hate these surprises.'

The statue depicted a hanged man on an inverted cross, surrounded by deep darkness filled with filth and degeneration.

"Sasrir. It's surprising that we'll meet again in this way," Aucuses said, looking at the hanged man. "And you seemed to know I was going to be here."

The darkness around the statue surged, as a deep voice echoed out, thundering across the mausoleum,

"I knew you were coming, Aucuses. You are the only one capable of locating the last mausoleum."

Aucuses listened carefully, his grip on the twilight sword tightening. He was seriously considering slashing at the statue and destroying the phantom of Sasrir rather than having a reunion conversation with his former lord.

Sasrir isn't physically present, but he can project his power through the statue, which acts as an anchor connecting to his main body in the god-forsaken land. He can clearly see that Sasrir must have anticipated his arrival a long time ago, as he was able to prepare and establish this anchor.

Finally, he decided not to rush into the battle because he wanted to find what Sasrir was up to.

"It's amazing how things have changed." Aucuses smirked, pointing his sword at the statue. "I never expected to see the mighty creator standing guard to protect the things of others."

The darkness surged widely, and Aucuses sensed anger and bone-chilling malice emanating from within.

Sasrir spoke, his voice calm and majestic, despite his emotions.

"You're still as sharp-tongued as you used to be. It appears not everything had changed."

Aucuses stared blankly into the darkness, unresponsive.

"You've changed, Aucuses," Sasrir continued. "I'm sure you've had this said to you before. But, let me emphasize it again: "You Are Different, Aucuses"."

Even after hearing such things about him, Aucuses remained calm and composed.

"Is that why you've been waiting for me here, Sasrir?" He realised and inquired.

"The future was consistent and obvious." Sasrir responded bluntly, his voice deep and mystical. "Until not long ago, everything was in order. Then, it shifted. The future had shifted beyond recognition. I was perplexed by the abrupt change and couldn't figure out why or how it happened, because my remaining authority doesn't allow me to see the future in depth, only the pattern and surface of the eras. However, after thoroughly analysing everything, I was able to make some progress. I discovered that there is a new variable in the world. That variable was the one that caused the change. I had my doubts on lot, but I was never certain until now."

"It's you, Aucuses." Sasrir spoke up, shaking the mausoleum. "The variable is you."

Aucuses remained silent for a moment before confirming that Sasrir did all of this just to meet him personally and confirm his speculations.

How did Sasrir achieve this? He honestly had no idea. Even his all-seeing eyes were could not through the veil of Sasrir.

"And then what?" He inquired, his lips curving into a smile. "Are you going to try to kill me now? Are you afarid that I will triumph in the end?" He was purposefully asking these questions, diverting the conversation in a different direction.

"Afraid?!" Sasrir burst out laughing, clearly enraged.

Sasrir was unusual. Even though he was a part of creator, he was quite different from creator. He was a completely different person, bearing no resemblance to the creator, at least the creator he knew.

This is reflected in the fact that he had no idea Sasrir was part of creator until the formation of the rose redemption, when Sasrir revealed this secret to him and others.

"You're quite amusing, Aucuses." Sasrir said loudly, his laughter dying away. "Because of your presence, the future is constantly changing. It is taking an unknown path with infinite possibilities, where the outcome could be anything. So, Aucuses, don't be too arrogant."

"Our fight will not happen anytime soon." He went on, his voice tinged with rage. "However, I am waiting for that moment which will decide everything. Prepare well, Aucuses, so you don't come to regret betraying me."


The statue of the hanged man shattered, and the darkness faded away with his final words.

Aucuses sighed, seeing Sasrir's anchor disintegrate as it was destroyed by Sasrir himself, who had left after saying those words.

He needs to reconsider Sasrir's power; he thought Adam was terrifying, but now Sasrir is equally so.

Adam must have also discovered that he was a variable as well, but he didn't mention it, which was understandable given his personality.

Now, as he pondered the future, he felt a pressure on his shoulder. As Sasrir stated, the future is taking an unknown path with infinite possibilities. If he wants to win in the end, he must seize every opportunity.

Aucuses set aside his heavy thoughts and concentrated on the platform in the mausoleum.

There was a pitch-black throne in the centre of the platform, with a golden kettle on its seat, covered in mysteries and complicated symbols.

The Outer God, Son of Chaos, was sealed in that golden lamp.

He can detect the same aura of anarchy, that now permeates the entire lamp. Well, he now understood why aura of sefirot was attracted to this place.

The magic lamp began to tremble, as if it had detected his prying.

The golden light shone from the wick at the mouth of the magical lamp. The light radiated from the lamp's core; it was extremely viscous, like water that had been heavily sweetened. It ejected and morphed into a distorted and blurry golden figure.

Son of Chaos!

"That was fascinating to hear." The golden figure said, "His" gaze locked on Aucuses. "So, sun god, you must have a lot of questions for me, right?"

Aucuses gave the golden figure a deadpan expression before raising his hand and drawing a sun emblem with light as the medium.

"Wait.." The golden figure trembled as "He" sensed the seal. "Listen, I have some information for you concerning "Him"."

However, Aucuses ignored "Him" and waved his hand, causing the emblem in the air to shoot towards the magical lamp.


The sun emblem slammed into the lamp, sealing the golden figure and aura of sefirot within the wishing lamp.

The golden figure became illusory and ethereal, as if it were about to vanish at any moment.

"He" laughed, shaking the mausoleum, sensing "His" obvious failure at bewitching.

"You will regret this, sun god. You will eventually return to me, pleading for my help."

"His" ominous voice echoed around the mausoleum before his figure faded away completely.

Aucuses remained silent, completely ignoring the words of the outer god. He'd be a fool to respond to the question of the son of chaos, who was once the embodiment of anarchy.

The aura of sefirot, which was previously part of Son of Chaos, was covering the magic lamp. "He" could draw power from it at any time. If he had responded, the son of chaos would have distorted his response and immediately bound him under "His" order.

Finally, he raised his hands as the magical lamp floated towards him. After obtaining it, he gave the mausoleum one last look before leaving this hidden place with a flash of light.

A golden sun appeared and imploded from where he had vanished. The pure and scorching light illuminated everything.

The mausoleum, mountain, and hidden location all collapsed into the ocean of light.