
Chapter 3.

On the first day at the UA, Jake was nervous. The day before he visited his mother at the hospital. Wished you a good day. He remembered that while he prepared coffee. Your uncle was on a mission. So he left early so he wouldn't be late.

Arriving at the gate, he faced the place. He took a deep breath and took the first step. Upon entering many people were seeing a mural, saying the name of the aspirants.

"Pathetic," he thought as he passed them. He looked for his office, class 1-D. On the way to his office, he passed the students of the hero class. They laughed at him, but a girl who was with them just stared, with a murderous look. He ignored it, entered his office, everyone was talking to each other, Jake sat in the third wallet, without speaking to anyone, started to fiddle with his cell phone.

Not long ago, a boy sits in front of him, bald, a little chubby. He took out his material and turned to Jake.

(Boy) - Hi. It's OK?- he asked in a friendly tone.

(Jake) - Hi. - he replied without taking his eyes off the phone.

(Boy) - A talker. My name is Greg. - introduced himself extending his hand.

(Jake) - I'm Jake. - shook his hand.

(Greg) - Pleasure. I'm happy, the AU is huge.

(Jake) - Compared to Japan. It's small.

(Greg) - True. But I still like it.

Jake just looked at him. At that moment the professor entered the room.

(BoB) - Very good students, I'm the hero builder BoB ...

* Hero Archive: BoB

Individuality: In seconds you can assemble a construction plan. And when you touch any material, you'll see what you've planned. *

(BoB) - I am happy to give the course to you this year. Our course will aim to create equipment for heroes in the future. We will have classes here and practice in the lab. So that we can have better results. I will not take much time with introductions. Now take the physics book ...

They took physics, mathematics and mechanics classes. Then came the break. Jake took his tray and looked around the cafeteria. It seems that the courses ate only with their members. Jake sat at the table. Greg and other students sat at the table as well. The boy was eating a sandwich. Everyone talked each other.

But they were interrupted by two boys, twins, who stopped in front of the table.

(Boy) - Look, isn't that the guy who ran away from the robots in the test?- he asked, mocking Greg.

(Boy 2) - Yes ... Shit. - laughed - Go training to make equipment for when we are a hero.

They left laughing there. The silence remained on the table. The mood was strange. Jake looked at the three.

(Jake) - Are you going to let them talk to you like that?

(Greg) - Do what? The individuality of these two is very strong. When they are together, they can do anything with water. They are strong, they can laugh.

(John) - Well, that's how it works. They are the stars of the college. That is why they neglect the other courses.

(Jake) - This looks like a cliché American high school movie.

(Greg) - For sure. But now that we talk about it, why did you join the AU?

(John) - As my power is to pull small objects for me ... - pulled a salt shaker in his hand - I can do almost nothing as a hero, but I really like to build things, so I decided to enter the support course.

(Amanda) - I wanted to be a hero, but my individuality is peripheral vision. It is almost useless ...

(Jake) - It can be useful, you just have to know how to use it. For example, if an enemy is surrounding for an ambush, it

would have easily detected.

(Amanda) - It makes sense.

(Greg) - I always wanted to be a hero, save people, just like All Might. But my tail is useless.

Jake remembered himself years ago. He gave a brief smile, taking his juice out of the box.

(Jhon) - And you Jake?

(Jake) - I don't know yet. I entered at the insistence of my uncle.

(Amanda) - What? First person who says that!

Everyone started talking at the same time. So Jake was included in a friendship circle.

Two weeks have passed since classes started. At first, he found his friends irritating. But he realized that they were fun and that he could count on them. But they were still the subjects of jokes among the hero classes. They heard something like: "Look, how pathetic they are"; "They have no bearing, imagine their powers." His friends were down, but he ignored it.

He had accepted his current situation.