
Chapter 13 : Beginning of the journey.

It was Saturday, Jake was sleepy waiting in front of a palm tree. Suddenly, a man appears in front of you, it was Ablaze.

(Ablaze) - I see you're not late.

(Jake) - Thank you, sir obviously. But what are we going to do?

(Ablaze) - Run ten kilometers?

Jake winced.

(Ablaze) - You need to strengthen your muscles. So that you can sustain your body's energy.

(Jake) - Got it.

(Ablaze) - Come on.

He started running, his apprentice followed him. They ran for three hours. Until Ablaze stopped. Jake's breathlessness also stopped.

(Jake) - Ugh ... Phew ... Why do we stop?

(Ablaze) - We arrived at our destination. Jake looked at where they were. At a boxing gym.

(Jake) - I don't understand.

(Ablaze) - You know ... I wanted something to strengthen you, but at the same time learn to fight.

(Jake) - Is that why you thought about boxing?

(Ablaze) - Here you will train strength and agility.

He opened the door to the academy. The two entered. A man in the background saw Ablaze.

(Man) - I don't believe it, hero number two.

(Ablaze) - Hello Luca. How's it going?

(Luca) - Molto bene grazie.

Jake studied the man. He looked over forty, but a physicist in his thirties.

(Luca) - Is it the boy?

(Ablaze) - Yes.

(Jake) - Hello, my name is Jake ...

(Luca) - Bravo ragazzo. We will learn to fight boxing. - he grabbed Jake leading to the weight machines - Let's start by doing warm-ups, then push-ups.

Ablaze watched his student work out when he got a call.

(Agent) - Ablaze, this is Agent Fords.

(Ablaze) - Hello agent, did something happen?

(Agent) - Nox trucks arrived at the location, we took pictures, but otherwise nothing.

(Ablaze) - Very good, that alone will not be enough. But what about the video of Stain circulating? Some people are being convinced by their ideals.

(Agent) - The government is already taking action for the video to go out of circulation.

(Ablaze) - This can get ugly if people follow your teachings.

(Agent) - We hope not. But let's focus on Nox and what she's doing.

(Ablaze) - Of course ... - saw Jake falling tired on the floor - I'll have to hang up, then I call.

Ablaze hung up and went to his apprentice.

(Ablaze) - Are you tired?

(Jake) - I'm dead. My arms don't support that much weight.

(Luca) - But it was thirty kilos.

(Ablaze) - Great. Luca, increase your weight and train your leg with him.

(Luca) - Of course.

Jake went back to training. Ablaze just watched. After a few hours. Jake crawled over to his teacher.

(Luca) - Ready capo. Your schedule is over, arm and leg training.

(Ablaze) - Thank you, brother. - He shook Luca's hand - But can I use the gym yard?

(Luca) - Of course fratello. You can use .

(Ablaze) - Thank you. Come on Jake.

(Jake) - Who is this? - he asked beside himself.

The two went to the yard. It was big, it had tires, cones and punching bags. Ablaze went to the middle of the place.

(Ablaze) - Sit here.

(Jake) - Why?

(Ablaze) - Silent . Now sitting

Jake sat down. Ablaze sits in front of you, sitting too.

(Ablaze) - Let's practice breathing.

(Jake) - This is good.

(Ablaze) - First exercise. Control. Pull all the air, accumulate energy, let it flow, but you can't lose your concentration. Then release slowly. - like this.

Ablaze took off her shirt. He pulled in the air, flames appeared through his body. He let it out slowly, the flames were gone.

(Ablaze) - Control. Start doing, with repetitions.

Until I tell you to stop.

Jake closed his eyes. He drew air, accumulated energy, golden flames appeared. He remained calm.

"(Teacher) - Why did you do that to Peter?

(Jake) - Sorry ... I didn't want to ... - I whimpered.

(Boy) - Did he break Peter's jaw?

(Girl) - What individuality is this? He's a monster. "

Jake lost his concentration. Ablaze watched.

(Ablaze) - Keep your concentration.

Jake looked shaken.

(Ablaze) - What is it? Is something hindering you?

(Jake) - Memories of my past.

(Ablaze) - AH ... That. Your uncle mentioned this to me. But I say one thing, your past does not define who you are. Now he wants to change, that matters.

(Jake) - I don't want to hurt people anymore.

(Ablaze) - That's why you're training. To be someone who saves.

(Jake) - You are right.

(Ablaze) - Now go back to the exercise.

Jake went back to training. He spent hours in the same exercise. Ablaze woke up from his nap.

(Ablaze) - I think it's fine for today.

(Jake) - Finally. - he said, throwing himself back.

(Ablaze) - Do you want to eat something?

(Jake) - Sure.

Ablaze said goodbye to Luca. They left to go to a burrito stall. Jake was devouring his food. Ablaze had a nostalgic moment.

(Jake) - Will we have training tomorrow? - put by placing another burrito in your mouth.

(Ablaze) - Yes. But it will be a little different. As you go to the hero class, you need to have a basis on how to be one, because you missed it as the first classes. We do not have much time.

(Jake) - How will you do that?

(Ablaze) - I got it from the director. - threw a paper on the table.

(Jake) - An internship form?

(Ablaze) - No ... A dog.

(Jake) - You shit.

(Ablaze) - I managed to convince him. And we are in Los Angeles, action is not missing. Tomorrow in the same place, at nine.

(Jake) - Okay.

The next day Ablaze had a bag. Jake came running.

(Jake) - Sorry ... - catching my breath.

(Ablaze) - No excuses. Wear that. - handed the bag.

(Jake) - Okay.

After a while the two were patrolling the city. Jake was in a black uniform like Ablaze.

(Jake) - It itches.

(Ablaze) - Don't complain. The material of this unfirome, withstands high temperatures.

(Jake) - If you say so. But at least I'm going to remove the mask. - threw the mask up - But what about training? It's really boring today.

(Ablaze) - I think I can teach something now. I watched some of your videos again. - stopped in front of an alley. - Do you see this alley?

(Jake) - No. I am blind.

Ablaze just stared with a scary look.

(Jake) - Sorry.

(Ablaze) - There is a brass near the wall at the end. Concentrate, pull, concentrate on your legs and go. Stop in front.

(Jake) - It seems peaceful.

Jake stopped in front, pulled in air, concentrated on his legs. He looked at his destination, let go and ran. Hitting the wall hard.

(Jake) - Fuck. Ablaze! What did I do wrong?

(Ablaze) - Find out for yourself. You won't be able to lean on me all the time.

Jake got up and went back to the beginning. He tried again, several times. He always hit the wall hard. Until you heard laughter in your head.

(Boy) - Very stupid.

(Jake) - You again. - sat on the floor. - Aren't you going to try to take my body?

(Boy) - I would if you had no control. It's different now. But I have my own power. I don't need yours.

(Jake) - Thanks for the consideration.

(Boy) - But we are the same body. I don't want you to die hitting a wall. I will try to help you. You are releasing air before you run, you have to release it during the movement. MORON!!

(Jake) - Thank you.

Jake got up, came back. He took a breath, concentrated on his legs. He ran, while breathing, when he stood on the side of the brass he stopped.

(Jake) - What? Got it!

( Boy) - Idiot.

(Jake) - Ablaze! Got it!

He was taking pictures and signing autographs. Jake looked up.

(Jake) - Can I do it?

(Boy) - He's going to die.

Jake took a breath and jumped. Jumping over the walls, he went up to a building. He looked at the view.

(Jake) - Wow. Do you see that?

(Boy) - Yes.

(Jake) - Hey. You didn't tell me your name.

(Boy) - I don't, I'm just the dark side of your individuality.

(Jake) - Should have ... How about ... Adonis. It's the name...

(Adonis) - The name that mom wanted to give, for a brother for us.

(Jake) - That. But what did you mean by the dark side of my individuality? Has it to do with the dream?

(Adonis) - In the future you will know...

An explosion happened nearby. Jake came down quickly to warn Ablaze. But he was already heading towards the place. Jake took a breath and ran.

Arriving at the scene, a gang of criminals was robbing a bank. They were in a confrontation with the police. One of them had tentacles, playing everything he saw ahead. A motorcycle was going to fall on a woman. But Jake got her out of the way.

Ablaze came over the top, sinking one of their heads into the ground. His arms were on fire.

(Criminal) - Well, well. Ablaze. What an honor. - he covered the body with a metallic aspect.

He started attacking the hero, but he dodged. He punched the criminal, but his body was stiff. Raising the flames, he hit the man's chin.

(Ablaze) - Jake! If you want to help me, I accept.

(Jake) - Sorry. - Said, taking a civilian from the battle area.

He ran into the middle of the fight. There were two more who were going after Ablaze. Jake didn't know what to do. He just approached fast by hitting one of them, making him fly until he hit a car. The other, irritated, pulled claws from his arm.

(Criminal) - You cheeky kid.

He attacked Jake angrily. But the boy used speed to have an advantage. Hitting some punches. Making him walk away. But the man he hit came back, hitting the boy with a kick.

(Jake) - Shit.

(Criminal 2) - For a child, hit hard. - his hands turned into two axes. The man was big.

Jake stepped back.

(Adonis) - Come on Jake. Don't be a coward.

(Jake) - Look at his size.

(Adonis) - Oh my God. I lend some of my power. To see how it is. Let's go.

(Jake) - If I die it's your fault.

Jake ran. The two were on their way to the meeting.

(Adonis) - Activate Black Manta.

Black rays came out of Jake. The criminal lost sight of the boy. He saw only black tracks along the way. In a flash. Jake was hitting him from the top, black flames covered his right arm, sank the criminal, making him go out.

(Jake) - How?

(Adonis) - It got so fast that it was camouflaged by the environment. This is my Black Manta. In addition to increased strength.

(Jake) - There is only one problem. My arm is numb.

(Adonis) - In a few hours pass. This is customary.

(Jake) - Fuck !! -he shouted as he dodged the blademan's

But his body started to get tired. The criminal started to accompany him. Until it hit his shoulder.

(Criminal) - Goodbye kid. - an electric current wound around him. Giving him a great electrical discharge.

Jake saw who it was. Electress, heroine number nine of the United States and Carol's sister.

(Electress) - How are you, boy?

(Jake) - Yes, thank you.

(Ablaze) - Uf..it's over. You did well, boy. He pretty much erased the big guy. - commented approaching.

(Jake) - Did you see?

(Ablaze) - No, but it was already out when she arrived.

Jake sat on the floor.

(Jake) - Being a hero is tiring.

(Ablaze) - True. But for you it's just the beginning of the journey.

(Jake) - True. Ouch ... numb leg too.

(Adonis) - It took time to happen.

(Ablaze) - Stay strong Jake. The world needs a hero like you.

(Jake) - Yes sir. I'll do my best.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

The story is being posted on a blog. Come check


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