
The Summoner Witch

Myro Aras is just a gamer. In an online game, he was the best player there but while fighting a boss in the game and winning, Myro suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep. He awakens as a baby in this world filled with unique powers and magic. A place where one's strength decides everything. Myro decided to walk the path of a mage and walked towards the top. Accompanied by the help of a system that gives him cheating by being able to bring Myro's power from the previous game. Look at Myro walking towards the top with the people who believe in him.

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Boldes was embarrassed but when he thought of Lily, Boldes immediately shouted again "Tirse, how is Lily? Where is she now?".

Tirse said frantically "He's been caught by the loan sharks. They said, if we don't return 100 low grade mana crystals then they will sell Lily".

"What?", said Boldes angrily then pulled Tirse's clothes and shouted "Why did you let them catch Lily? You're her sister right, why are you so scared and don't stop them?".

"Boldes stop it, don't be so angry", Myro said then pointed at Tirse's hand saying "Tirse is injured in her hand. Most likely Tirse will save Lily and stop the loan shark, but the loan sharks are much stronger so they can hurt Tirse and stop Tirse saved Lily. So you can't just be angry, Tirse has tried".

Hearing that, Boldes threw Tirse on the ground angrily and shouted "If it's me, then I will fight with my life to save Lily. You are too weak Tirse".

Tirse who fell to the ground could only get angry while shouting "You know what? They can stop me with just a spell. Those are junior mages, how can I fight them? So I came here to borrow low grade mana crystals from you guys".

Hearing that Myro, Kiel and Boldes were slightly silent. Kiel immediately grabbed his pocket and took out 5 low grade mana crystals while saying "I only have 5 low grade mana crystals. Sorry, I spent a lot of low grade mana crystals to buy books and practice swordsmanship".

Boldes tried to get something under his bed. Then he took out a low grade mana crystal as he spoke "I only have 7 low grade mana crystals. Why did Lily borrow so many low grade mana crystals?".

Tirse sighed and said "Originally Lily only borrowed 10 low grade mana crystals for the man, but within a day the borrowed money will interest to 10 times its original value".

"What? 10 times over? We have to report this to the academy, how dare they trick us", said Boldes angrily hitting the table in their room.

Myro immediately felt strange hearing that. Myro felt a little familiar with the group that lent money at very large interest in the previous the world online game.

Tirse immediately said "There's no way we can report it to the academy, I've heard before about these loan sharks from the talk of the nobles. I heard they have a very hidden base, even a few nobles know".

"Moreover they seem to have an item called a magic contract. Whoever agrees to a magic contract and signs it, then they have to do what's in the magic contract. It seems Lily has agreed to the contract".

"I also found out beforehand that this group of loan sharks are all over the magic academy. When we get to their headquarters then we can even meet all the students from all the magic academies. Even their bases are also connected throughout the existing kingdom. However, the way to get there very few people know about their base. So it is very difficult to come to their base".

Hearing that, the atmosphere in the room became gloomy. Myro immediately said "I only have a low grade mana crystal. I used to spend my mana crystal to buy food".

Boldes, Kiel and Tirse looked at Myro with a bit of anger. Myro could eat without asking them. Myro couldn't help but smile bitterly at their gazes.

Myro didn't give Tirse 100 low grade mana crystals. Whereas Myro had more than 1000 intermediate grade mana crystals. a medium grade mana crystal was equivalent to 100 low grade mana crystals which was enough to pay off Lily's debt.

However, Myro did not do that. If Myro immediately paid off Lily's debt, then it was possible that Lily would be in debt again because he was tricked by the man. Myro is not stupid to keep giving money even to his own friends. Moreover, Myro could not stay silent watching his friend being cheated. So it's better not to pay off Lily's debt and let Lily realize that she has been cheated.

Seeing that there were only a few low grade mana crystals, Tirse sighed and became even more panicked "How is this? What should we do? The mana crystals are simply not enough".

"It's useless", said Kiel as he shook his head then said again "We don't have any noble friends who will lend us money. As for the money from ordinary students, they only get 10 low grade mana crystals every month from the magic academy. Moreover, they are very need those mana crystals for cultivation, they definitely won't lend us their mana crystals".

Tirse's face became even paler and filled with confusion at this point. Boldes immediately said angrily "Then we don't need to pay off the debt. We just need to come meet those loan sharks and destroy them".

Tirse immediately shouted "There's no way we can do it! They have junior magicians, and we don't know if they have senior magicians. We are only apprentice wizards, what else can we do".

Boldes immediately grabbed Tirse's shirt again and lifted it up and shouted angrily "Then you will let Lily be caught by them just like that! You're not her sister, so you have to save her".

Tirse was still shouting at Boldes "How will I save him? I don't know their headquarters. What? You know the headquarters of the loan sharks?".

Boldes and Kiel immediately fell silent upon hearing that question. They don't know where the loan sharks are. Let alone knowing their base, Boldes and Kiel had just heard that in the magic academy there was a loan shark group.

Myro immediately said "Do you know the name of the loan shark group?".

"They previously told me the name of their group, if I'm not mistaken...", Tirse was remembering the name of the loan shark group.

"Is the name "Night City Guild"?", Myro tried to confirm with a name from the guild that was in the previous game The World Online.

"Yeah right, their name is Night City", said Tirse while nodding but suddenly Tirse thought of something and said "Wait, Myro how do you know?".

Boldes and Kiel also immediately looked at Myro. Myro immediately smiled bitterly and said "I didn't expect that the owner of the loan shark group to be an old friend. But, they have always done that."

Boldes, Kiel and Tirse immediately looked at Myro strangely. Myro who was a child from an ordinary family, could get to know such a group of people.

"Alright, you guys follow me. We're going to the Underground City".


At the Magic Plant Academy,

In the noble area there is a blacksmith shop which is quite good. This blacksmith shop could produce many sharp weapons and was often purchased by disciples.

The Steel Sword Blacksmith Shop was the name of the shop. At this time, Myro with Boldes, Kiel and Tirse came to the blacksmith shop. Myro was also followed by Lean who continued to escort him. Boldes and the others didn't pay much attention to Lean, as they were currently worried about Lily.

"Myro why did we come to the blacksmith shop? Aren't we going to the loan shark's headquarters?", said Boldes asked Myro in confusion.

"You are so stupid Boldes", Kiel said then said again "If we are going to fight bandits then we need to use weapons. That's why Myro brought us here to buy weapons. Besides we can't use great magic right? So without weapons how can we will defeat the loan sharks."

Myro just kept quiet and opened the door of the shop. The sound of a hammer hitting the iron was heard.

In the shop, there was a short man with a thick beard. At this moment, the man struck his hammer on the hot iron that lay in front of him. He began to slowly form the hot iron into a sword.

The man who was making this sword was a Dwarf. Dwarf is a creature known for its short body and thick beard. They were very skilled at making weapons and liquor.

In the entire Continent of Fate, there was a small territory that was the residence of these Dwarves. Humans couldn't attack the Dwarves so easily. After all, Dwarves can also make magic weapons that are not inferior to magicians. Myro just found out that there are several other living beings besides humans by reading this book in the Magic Plant Academy.

When the sword was finished, the Dwarf immediately saw the arrival of Myro's group. He immediately said "What are you doing here? If you buy weapons then you can see the shelves there".

The dwarf immediately pointed to a shelf that contained many weapons there. Myro immediately went to the shelf and took a sword there. Boldes, Kiel and Tirse looked at each other strangely because they didn't know what Myro was doing but they still followed Myro and came to the shelf. Kiel even started to pick up a sword and looked at it happily.

Myro who was looking at a sword in his hand immediately said "This sword is very sharp and very well made, but..."

"But what?", said the Dwarf with a little anger seeing Myro who didn't seem interested in the sword he made.

The weapons forged by the Dwarves were what they were proud of. So, if someone mocked their homemade weapon then the Dwarf would be furious.

Myro immediately said "But this weapon is too weak for me".

Hearing Myro Dwarf's words immediately shouted angrily "No way! The sword I made is the best sword. Don't mock my sword if even you can't figure out the sword problem. If you came here just to mock me then you better leave now. If not, then we can fight each other to make weapons. Then see whose weapon is better".

Boldes, Kiel and Tirse also looked at Myro strangely. After all, everyone knew that Dwarves would be furious if someone mocked their homemade weapons. The dwarves would stop being angry if the one who mocked them could make a better weapon. If the mocking person couldn't make a better weapon, then the Dwarf would become even more hostile towards them.

Myro just smiled and said "The sword you made isn't that great. I'm more interested in the "Sword of the Night Emperor". Do you have that weapon here?".

The dwarf immediately fell silent and looked at Myro. The dwarf immediately said again but this time the Dwarf was no longer angry "It turns out you are looking for the weapon. You can follow me".

After that, the Dwarf walked to the door at the back of the blacksmith shop. Seeing that, Myro smiled and said to Boldes, Kiel and Tirse "Come on, let's go too".

Seeing Myro who went after the Dwarf, Boldes and the others stared at Myro even more confused. What kind of "Sword Emperor Night" was that?

However, they followed Myro anyway. Immediately they felt surprised, because after they passed through the back door of the blacksmith shop they were not outside the shop. They weren't in another room in the blacksmith's shop either. But, they were currently able to see a very large city. No, even that could be called a country because it was too big.

Around them were very tall buildings. The streets around are passed by many people who are nobles. The sky above was supposed to be daytime, but right now it was very dark and there was nothing like the sun and moon.

Even though the sky was very dark, they could still see the road in front of them. Because now the road is filled with light from the existing buildings. The lights shine very brightly and are filled with various colors.

They also saw many beautiful women around them dressed like a maid but slightly exposed. A woman approached them and said in a very alluring voice "Gentlemen, are you new to this Underground City? Do you need a guide".

Boldes, Kiel and Tirse immediately fell silent. They just kept looking at the woman like a fool, they didn't even answer at all. The woman just smiled and waited for them to answer, after all she was used to seeing people like this when she saw them.

Even people who have come often are still amazed when they see their beauty. But, suddenly a voice startled the woman "Take us to the Bosch Casino".

The woman saw a man who was about 10 years old with short black hair. Behind it stood a woman holding a spear that looked very sharp, standing guarding the child. Meanwhile there was also a Dwarf who immediately returned to his blacksmith shop.

The woman recognized the Dwarves who belonged to their group so she didn't really care. However, she was very surprised that this boy could not be attracted by her. The woman was still smiling and said in a very alluring voice "Sir, if you are going to Bosch Casino then I will take you".

Myro just smiled mockingly and said "A monster from the Underground City is trying to lure me away".

Immediately Myro's face was filled with murder and said "Realize your position. If you weren't a monster of the Night Emperor then I might have killed you".

The woman immediately turned pale. No one ever knew who they really were. Only the people from the Night City Guild knew about the real them. Even the players from The World Online didn't know they were monsters.

Who exactly is this kid?

That was what the woman had in mind as she looked at Myro in fear.