
The Summoner Witch

Myro Aras is just a gamer. In an online game, he was the best player there but while fighting a boss in the game and winning, Myro suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep. He awakens as a baby in this world filled with unique powers and magic. A place where one's strength decides everything. Myro decided to walk the path of a mage and walked towards the top. Accompanied by the help of a system that gives him cheating by being able to bring Myro's power from the previous game. Look at Myro walking towards the top with the people who believe in him.

Rein_Majerov · Komik
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56 Chs


Myro got up early the next day. Yesterday, they had to clean this room until late at night. After all, this room before was very dirty and had a bad smell which was very difficult to clean. Myro saw that the others had also started to wake up, except for Kiel who was still asleep on the floor.

"How can Kiel sleep so well on the floor? We who use wood are already very sick", said Boldes strangely seeing Kiel still sleeping on the floor.

Tirse said "Well..... We'd better wake up Kiel soon and go to class, class is quite far from here. About 30 minutes by foot".

After Kiel woke up they started to go to the dining room first. The dining room for ordinary students was located on the bottom floor of the building they lived in.

When they arrived there, there were already many other ordinary disciples. They are waiting for their breakfast. There is currently no food for breakfast in the dining room. Not long after, a man in a chef's attire was seen coming into the dining room.

Seeing the many disciples gathered here he was surprised. Then the chef said "What are you guys doing here?".

Seeing the chef, a student immediately said "We are going to have breakfast, why hasn't the food arrived yet? If the food doesn't come too then we will be late for class".

Hearing the student's words, the chef's face became confused. But soon he looked like he had understood, then said "You are new students, right? There is no food for ordinary students here".

The students were immediately shocked, the student who said earlier immediately said again "What? How is that possible, so where should we eat?".

The male chef just shook his head and said "You won't have money to buy food. You know, in this magic academy the cheapest food is expecting a mana crystal. Whereas you only have 10 mana crystals every month from the academy. Therefore , the magic academy won't provide food for you because you won't be able to pay for it".

Another student immediately shouted "Then, how should we eat?".

The male chef just smiled mockingly and said "You can become vassals of the nobility. If they are good, maybe you can be given food. If you are not interested in being vassals of nobility then you can find food there".

The chef pointed in a direction. The students immediately saw the direction the chef was pointing. In the direction the chef was pointing at was a forest that lay behind the commoner's quarters.

The students immediately became confused, one of the students immediately said "How can food exist in the forest? Is there a chef in the forest?".

The male chef smiled more and more mockingly and said "Are you guys stupid? There's no way chefs live in the forest, what I mean is that you can get food by hunting animals in the forest or looking for some edible fruit or plants. But I tell you first that in The forest contains some monsters that can even kill junior mages. So if you die there then the academy can't do anything about it".

After that, the male chef took his cooking utensil in the kitchen. The male chef left immediately saying "There's no way we can cook for those of you who don't have money. So go hunt yourself to eat. If you mind then you can leave this Magic Plant Academy, we don't lack students like you. After all, nobles have the possibility of becoming a great mage is much greater than you guys due to the difference in resources. So it's better for you to be more self-aware".

After that the chef went out. At this moment all the students in the dining room were filled with anger. However, nothing could be done and some of them went hunting. While the other students looked at the time, if they hunted now they would be late for class. Therefore, some students immediately went to class while holding back hunger from not having breakfast.

Seeing this, Myro sighed and said "We'd better go to class first. Tomorrow, we can get up early so we can hunt and not be late".

"Yeah, we weren't even fed. Looks like we'll have a hard time in this magic academy", said Boldes.

After that, they started to leave and walked to class. They have to walk for 30 minutes to get to class. Therefore, Myro and the others looked very tired while walking. Around the road there was only forest and an area filled with grass. So nothing interesting can be seen on the way to this class.

Myro and the others were also very hungry, having to walk without eating beforehand. They were indeed mages who possessed strong magic power, but mages also had weaker bodies than a fighter. Moreover, Myro and the others were currently only apprentice mages, so their strength wasn't much different from that of ordinary people.

As they were walking, a horse carriage was passing by. Myro and the others could slightly see that the person in the horse carriage was also a disciple just like them. However, the student had luxurious clothes. Inside the horse carriage, there were several students in luxurious clothes eating some cakes and talking while laughing.

Immediately, the horse carriage swiftly passed Myro and the others. It seemed the carriage was also heading towards the class at the academy.

"Those nobles! They don't even have to walk to class and they just need to talk happily while taking the horse-drawn carriage to class. They don't need to waste energy going to class and they can even arrive at class faster. After all, we're humans, after all, how can we be faster than horses!", said Boldes very angry and immediately kicked a rock hard.

Kiel immediately shouted angrily "Not only that, They can even eat! We didn't eat at all when we went to class. As for them, they even ate cake while in the horse carriage. I'm so hungry now!".

Tirse shook his head and said "You guys, there's no point in getting angry. We'd better walk again soon, otherwise we'll be late for class".

Boldes and Kiel stopped screaming and immediately started walking again. Myro was also speechless. Myro could only think in his mind that this had gone too far. The magic academy's treatment was really very bad.

Myro saw the current time and immediately said frantically "We only have 10 minutes left! Come on we have to run otherwise we'll be late".

Hearing that, Tirse, Kiel, and Boldes were immediately taken aback. They all immediately ran to class.

After 5 minutes, Myro, Boldes, Kiel, Tirse had arrived in front of a large building that contained many classes. They were currently covered in sweat and exhaustion. Their clothes were also very dirty with sweat. Even Tirse immediately sat down on the ground from being very tired.

Around them, there were also many other students who looked exhausted and full of sweat. They were also like Myro, very tired of having to run fast so as not to be late for class.

Not far from where Myro and the other students were who were exhausted, a horse carriage stopped. A male noble with short black hair and a body filled with luxurious clothes and goods. In his hands, he held a wand that looked luxurious and immediately proudly demonstrated the level of magic to the other nobles who got off the carriage with him.

The group of nobles immediately walked towards the classroom, led by the noble holding the wand. It seems that the noble holding the wand is a noble of a fairly high level.

While walking, the noble holding the wand immediately put on a displeased face and looked at Myro and the other ordinary students and then said "Why are these lowly people here? Look, they're even covered in sweat and very dirty. What are their goals? to this magic academy to study? How can someone study in such sweat and dirt. What a lowly person".

A noble beside him immediately said "That's right. We as nobles shouldn't be in the same class as these lowly students. However, because of the academy rules we have to be with these lowly people. only nobles like us can become magicians".

After that, the nobles immediately walked away towards the classroom. They looked at Myro and the other ordinary disciples very lowly. Boldes gritted his teeth angrily and said "Those nobles. If they were like us and had to walk, then they would probably understand why we're covered in sweat".

The other disciples were also furious, but there was nothing they could do. After all, those people were royalty. If they fought with nobles, then the academy would be more supportive of nobles. After all, nobles gave them a lot of money for villas and food and other things. As for ordinary students? They didn't spend any money at all, even the academy had to give them 10 mana crystals every month. Magic academies must also prepare cultivation resources for ordinary students.

Myro said "Alright, stop thinking about those nobles. Let's see our class".

Boldes, Kiel and Tirse immediately nodded. Tirse immediately stood up and they started walking towards the classroom.

When they arrived at the classroom, Myro was a little speechless. He saw the noble disciples sitting at the well-decorated tables. Beside them stood a maid who was preparing equipment for the noble to study. Then several other servants were also preparing drinks for their masters.

The ordinary disciples who saw that weren't too angry anymore. After all they had often seen nobles being treated well.

Myro, Boldes, Kiel and Tirse sat quite close together. After all, they didn't know the other new students. Myro felt his hard and cold chair and saw a noble's chair which was completely different from the one they were wearing. Myro just smiled bitterly and prepared for this magic lesson.

Before long, they saw Lily and Fianna who came to this class as well. However, since Lily and Fianna already knew some of the new female students at this magic academy they didn't sit near Myro and the others.

A magician in a white robe and the crest of a tree on his robe came to class. He sat at the teacher's desk at the very front of the class. The mage had a slightly thin body and tired-looking eyes. The wizard immediately said "I am Jale Zergas, you can call me Jale wizard. For the next year I will be the one who will teach you about magic".

Then, Jale slowly lowered his head and fell asleep. The whole class was shocked, Shouldn't this Jale wizard teach them about magic why is he sleeping now. A noble student sitting at the front of the class and close to Jale's wizard's desk immediately woke him up.

Witch Jale immediately woke up with a start. Then he saw the noble disciple who woke him up and said "Who are you?".

"Witch Jale, I am a member of a noble family in the kingdom....", when the noble disciple was about to introduce himself, Jale immediately reached out to make him stop.

Jale said "I don't care who you are. You just need to know that starting today, you will no longer be allowed to come to my classes. You can study again next year when the teacher isn't me".

"What? but the wizard Jale.....", the noble was confused and was about to ask why he was expelled.

"You wake me up while I'm sleeping. The rule in my class is that if I sleep then you must be quiet and don't let me wake up. If I wake up, then the person who woke me up can leave this class and come back to study next year ", said the wizard Jale.

"But my Jale wizard is a noble, what if I pay....", the noble tried to pay Jale's wizard not to be expelled but again his words were stopped by Jale's wizard.

"I don't care about your aristocrats. I'm a mage from the common people you think I'm afraid? Then I'll tell you that if you don't get out of my class now then I'll come to your house and destroy it with magic. A small noble family like yours isn't hard to deal with. destroyed," said the wizard Jale.

The noble immediately fell silent and sighed and started walking out of the classroom. All the nobles already knew from their families that there were 20 senior mages from the Magical Herbs Academy that they couldn't fight. This mage Jale Zergas was also part of the 20 senior mages.

The mage Jale Zergas reached a senior mage 5 years ago. Jale Zergas had even made his own magic that was not inferior to the magic of the nobles. Even the great nobles wouldn't bother fighting this Jale Zergas mage. Because he is very strong.

After the noble left, Jale immediately stood up and said "Okay, I'll tell you guys about magic".