
The Summoner's Adventure!

Disclaimer: League of Legends are owned by their respective creators. Not me, lol.

Hide_on_Webnovel · Fantasi
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

"Tak! Tak! Tak!" The sound of the mouse being clicked countless times was amplified by the fact that the darkroom was extremely silent.

The young man in front of the PC would occasionally let out a murmur and comments about the game.

Finally, about 20 minutes later, the screen flashed displaying one word.


"Thanks for the honor. Invite for Solo/Duo, peace out!" Tapping Play Again, he was sent to the lobby.

Clicking on the Loot, he unlocked the Level Up Capsule and received some Blue Essence and a summoner Icon.

Just then, he noticed a Pink colored Orb.


[Congratulations on Unlocking the Summoner System! Initiating World Transfer!]

"What the hell?!" The young man lost consciousness before he could even fathom what was going on.


[Detected a Hostile System. Initiating System Override! System Override Success!]

The moment Anthony opened his eyes, he was met with a grand scene. 20 people dressed as knights in golden swords and armors stood, guarding what looked to be a king seated high on his thrown.

"What is going on?! Where am I?!"


"Where am I?! I was just sleeping in class!"

"Welcome! Heroes from Another World!" A beautiful and attractive voice interrupted the cries of the young men beside Anthony. They immediately turned to look at the fairy-like beauty, standing just below the throne.

She wore clothes that are only worn by nuns, but her beautiful face alone was unrivaled compared to those celebrities on the internet. Her warm smile and kind gaze made her even more like an angel.

"I-is this a dream?!" Anthony looked and saw that there were 6 youngsters including him. 4 males and 2 females.

Furthermore, all of the youngsters were all handsome and beautiful.

Furthermore, they wore the same design of clothes.

'They are students?!' Anthony gritted his teeth when memories of school came back to him, however, he immediately calmed down.

"Sister, you are so beautiful!" One of the young men admired. His physique was quite huge and his gaze, passionate.

"Thank you, Hero-sama!" Maintaining her cool, the beautiful sister smiled even brighter.

"Hero? What do you mean?!" The only bespectacled young man on the group asked.

"I shall explain that part!" The group if six was startled by the voice of the silent king. The king had the stereotypical appearance of a King.

Blond, long beard, golden crown and majestic clothes with a red cape. He looked, even more, imposing with those golden boots and armors. There also stood a great sword just beside the throne.

"I am the King of the Blackthorn Kingdom, Blackthorn Drake 11! This day, I summoned you here to save our kingdom, our people from the Demon Lord!"

The king proceeded to explain.

This is the Magic Continent, ruled by 4 Kingdoms. The Blackthorn Kingdom on the West, the Beastman Empire at the South, the Barbarian Kingdom on the North, and the Elven Kingdom in the South.

However, 100 years ago, a portal suddenly appeared in the middle of the 4 Kingdoms and Demons emerged. They rampaged throughout the lands and blood and destruction followed their trail.

They fed the Portal blood and soul of countless creatures, enlarging and strengthening it. Then, stronger demons slowly came out taking charge of the Demon army and waging war against the 4 Kingdoms.

If not for the alliance of the 4 Kingdoms, the Demons would not have been resisted. The war with the Demons reached a stalemate. But according to the prophecy, it won't be long before the Portal gets even stronger and the Demon Lord would come out.

Furthermore, Demons get stronger as they devour lives. So although the armies of the 4 Kingdoms are powerful, the balance is slowly but surely being turned into the Demon's favor.

And although this was called the Magic Continent, it was very difficult for powerful mages to emerge.

However, a little hope returned when the Kingdom's Summoning Platform miraculously started to work again.

However, in the middle of the explanation, Anthony raised his hand.

"Ahem, excuse me! Can I talk for a moment?"

The solemn atmosphere instantly broke.

"What is it?" King calmly asked.

"Your highness, it does not seem that I am one of the Heroes you are talking about. Did something go wrong, perhaps?" Anthony stated politely. But even though his tone was calm, inside, he was actually trembling. He tried to display obedience and weakness.

"Hmm?! Priest, did something go wrong? I thought there are only supposed to be five Heroes?" The King stood up and looked at the calm nun.

"Your Highness, nothing went wrong. I am also puzzled by the appearance of a Sixth Hero." The priest replied calmly. Her gentle smile and kind gaze never vanished.

"Young Heroes, can you please try saying [Status], if you are a hero, the God's Will System should appear in front of you."

Hesitating, the youngsters did as the King said.


"Oh! What's this, is this some kind of game?!" The bespectacled young man exclaimed.

"Isn't this similar to MMORPG games?!" One of the girls also exclaimed.

"That's right!"

"Umm... Excuse me, I don't see anything..." Anthony said awkwardly. In fact, nothing really appeared.

All of the people in the giant room turned to look at him.

"I am very sorry, young man. It looks like you are not really a Hero." The Priest sighed and apologized with a bow.

"It's okay, you don't have to bow like that! Can't you just send me back?" Anthony asked. However, in his head, he already knew the answer.

Hearing the question, the Priest bowed even more. "Unfortunately, I am unable to do that. In order for me to send you back, a large amount of Mana is needed. A tremendous amount of Mana is needed to activate the Reverse Summoning. However, now, all the Mana is used up to summon all of you here! I am truly sorry!"

"I-is that so? Ho-how can that be?" Anthony stuttered.

"We are truly sorry, young man." This time, it was the King that apologized.

"But, I will give you a choice! You can work here and be treated as an Honorary Rank 4 Official until enough Mana will be gathered to use the Reverse Summoning. Or I can compensate you with money and you can do whatever you want with it, of course, you will have to leave the palace." The King offered. However, Anthony felt that the King did not really want him to stay at the palace and work as an official at all.

"I understand, Your Highness. I have no experience in being an official at all. So I would rather just take the compensation and leave the Palace, Your Highness!" Anthony smiled and bowed.

"You are a straight forward young man! Then, please accompany our guest." Finally, one of the unmoving Knights moved and headed to accompany Anthony out of the room.

"Let's continue, Young Heroes."


"Young sir, this way, please." The Knight Led Anthony with a professional attitude.

As they walked, Anthony was shocked at how grand the palace was. The walls and floors glowed goldenly and the chandeliers were designed beautifully.

"What are those glowing stones, Sir Knight?" Anthony asked. It was his nature to treat people who treat him well better.

"Those are Magic Stones. They contain a little bit Mana that can power the light for 1 year." The Knight explained.

"Is that so."

'Magic Stones, huh? If it can power the lights, surely, it can also be absorbed as a source of Mana. Interesting! This is really like a game!' Anthony thought.

"Where are we heading, Sir Knight?"

"We are going to the Resource Management to get your compensation, Young sir."

The two continued their "Sir Conversations" and finally reached the Resource Management.

"Good day to you, Royal Knight!" A plump middle-aged man came running out and greeted them.

"Good day to you too, Mister Sunders. Please Hand over 100 Gold coins to this young sir." The Royal Knight instructed.

'As expected, Knights who protect the King are indeed very influential.' thought Anthony.

"Right away, Royal Knight!" the plump middle-aged man called Mister Sunders ran back to his office and counted Gold coins.

"Here, Young sir!" Mister Sunders handed the sack of Gold Coins that weighed 10 kilos.

"Thank you!"

With that settled, Anthony and the Royal Knight walked out of the Palace.

Anthony looked back and could barely hold back his smile when he heard the notification in his head.

[Mission Complete: Get away from the Royal Palace.

Reward: 1000 Blue Essence, 50 XP]

[Congratulations on completing your first Mission.

Reward: 1 Masterwork Chest, 1 Key]

'Hehe. Nice! Open it.'

Tame A Pet Card! x1

Trinity Force! x1

Health Potion! x5

Mana Potion! x5

Warding Trinket! x5

'Wow! A Tri Force, should be good! I'll check you out later!'

The Royal Palace is in the middle of the Royal Capital. It stood tall, erected on a slope higher than the base of the city. So Anthony was able to look down and observe the Capital.

Just as Anthony was about to leave on foot, the Royal Knight stopped him.

"Young sir, a horse is also part of the compensation. Please wait here!"

Minutes later, the Royal Knight returned holding the reins of a mighty looking black horse. Although he knew absolutely nothing about horses, he could easily tell that the horse was powerful.

"This is a Demonic War Horse. Not that it is a Demon but because of its strength and power. It is the second-ranked horse in the entire Kingdom, only second to that of the mount of the Royal Knights." The Royal Knight who was expressionless the entire time smiled proudly.

"Is that so?"

Anthony thought for a little while. He did not know how to ride a horse and the horse was second only to the best. Then what?

'Use the Tame A Pet Card.'

[Please come in contact with Target.]

[Using Tame a Pet Card used!]

[Do you want to activate XP sharing with your pet?]

'No, not yet!'

The Royal Knight watched in shock as the Demonic War Horse initiated contact with Anthony.

'How is this possible?!' He thought. 'Aren't you supposed to be the most stubborn in the group?! Did I pick the wrong one?'

He was really shocked cause he knew that although the Demonic War Horse currently playing with Anthony was actually the strongest and fastest of the group, but also the most stubborn.

All of those who tried to ride it was either thrown or nearly kicked in the shin.

"Please wait a while, young sir. A servant will come to set up the saddle seat for you." He looked at Anthony in praise.

A servant, immediately came rushing and set up the saddle seat on the horse.

"It is now done, young sir! Have a good day!" The servant and the Royal Knight finally left.

"Thank you!"

He stroked the smooth darker than black hair of the horse.

"From now on, you shall be called Black Tempest!"

Black tempest neighed in response. He liked the name.

"Let's go!"

It took 3 attempts before Anthony finally managed to ride Tempest.