
Chapter 34 Defectors

As the sun rose from the east, Old Ox trudged back to Ves Village covered in blood. "Those bastards were truly despicable." He muttered to himself recalling the sight of their encampment.

Before he even arrived, bodies were strewn everywhere and the bandits were taking out their anger on various villagers they had enslaved. 'Good thing I went alone.' Old Ox thought before shaking his head. Mo Xiaowen albeit soon an adult, was still too young for some things.

Later that day Old Ox and Mo Xiaowen prepared to leave Ves Village. Their job there was done. According to the information provided, the bandits seemed to be working together meaning they each kept to a designated area. Finding them was really the hardest part.

"Thank you all for everything." Mo Xiaowen said taking a slight bow

"This isn't appropriate. We should be the ones thanking you guys! Without you and Sir Ox there wouldn't even be a Ves Village anymore." One of the village's hunters replied with an appreciative smile.

After this short interaction, Mo Xiaowen and Old Ox rode Black Flash back into the Verdant Forest searching for any Bandits or villages that might need assistance. Of course, Old Ox was asleep atop Black Flash.

Some time later the trio made their way to another village. "This should be Green Leaf Village." Mo Xiaowen muttered to himself as Black Flash dashed through the forest and arrived at another village, or well what was left of it.

From the huts, to what was left of their defensive wall, all of it was charred to a crisp and not a sound was heard from the village. Behind Mo Xiaowen, Old Ox had awoken from his slumber.

"Reduced to ashes." Old Ox sighed before dismounting Black Flash. "I'll go in you stay here." He commanded before heading into the ruins of Green Leaf Village. A few minutes later he exited the village his face disgruntled.

"What's the matter? Did you find anyone?" Mo Xiaowen questioned as Old Ox approached.

"Only one person was left alive, but they were beyond saving. But that isn't what's important. Those bastards, not only do we have to worry about Bandits, but some villages have even defected and are helping those fiends!" Old Ox roared angrily.

Even Mo Xiaowen was taken aback after hearing this. 'To defect to bandits? Do they have no apprehensions about slaughtering other Villages?' He simply couldn't believe it. Being a Bandit was already unacceptable, but to defect and help the bandits was arguably even worse.

"Lets go to Dark Oak Village." With that, the trio once again travelled throughout the forest. About 20 minutes later they made it to Dark Oak Village, and it was odd to say the least. Unlike Green Leaf village it was completely intact, but what made it odd was that no one could be found.

"....They've defected, haven't they?" Mo Xiaowen turned around asking Old Ox. In response the man simply nodded. Both of them were inwardly raging at this realisation.

"According to the map Grey Rabbit Village is close by, it might be a good idea to check it out." Mo Xiaowen suggested. A brief discussion later and Black Flash was racing towards Grey Rabbit Village.

Unlike the previous two villages this village was without any problems. Not only was the village in one piece, but the villagers were kind and welcoming to Mo Xiaowen and Old Ox.

Just like during their time at Ves Village the two were provided a hut and food to enjoy. 'They're quite nice, I am glad we could find a village we can actually help.' Mo Xiaowen thought before grabbing some of the food.

Before he could even take a bite, Old Ox slapped it out of his hands. Naturally Mo Xiaowen was confused. "What's the matter?" The boy asked in confusion.

"....This village, it isn't right." Old Ox remarked, his eyes darting about warily.

"How so?" Mo Xiaowen replied, trying to understand what he meant.

"Think about it, ever since we've entered there's much less men than women. Now it could be because they died defending against the bandits, but then why aren't they mourning? Not like they'd be out hunting either considering the time of day. And lastly that food.... *Sniff!* it doesn't smell right." Old Ox explained, and after thinking about it for a moment Mo Xiaowen agreed.

While at first glance Mo Xiaowen may seem to be the smart of the two, and indeed he was, Old Ox's experience was much vaster than his. Because of this he could pick up on signs which Mo Xiaowen would miss.

Exiting the hut, the two quietly made their way to Black Flash. "Leaving so soon? Was the food not to your liking?" A woman who appeared behind them asked. She was a middle aged woman, average in appearance with a somewhat wrinkled face, from what they had head she was the Village Chief's wife.

"Haha, the food was delicious its just that we were assigned to another village. I accidentally mixed up Grey Rabbit Village, with Black Rabbit Village, thankfully my Junior Brother here pointed it out." Old Ox laughed, rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh really? Well that's too bad.....but I've never heard of a Black Rabbit Village, where might that be?" The woman inquired curiously, an amiable smile gracing her face.

"Hmm well if I had to describe it would be about 3 kilometers north then around 4 kilometers east, and 5 kilometers south west from there. We'll be going now, thank you very much for the food." Mo Xiaowen answered taking the reigns of the horse.

The woman stood there momentarily confused, the instructions were quite detailed, but after working it out in her head she realised she'd been had. 'Didn't he just describe how to get to our village from here!? You really can't trust kids these days!' She thought angrily.

Originally her task was to stall them as long as possible, but due to her momentary confusion she had allowed them to escape.

Unfortunately that wasn't the end of it. Rushing out of the village atop Black Flash, the trio soon ran into a large group of men running through the forest. Before they could even say a word, a barrage of arrows shot at them.

"Seems I was right, too bad they've met me Old Ox!"