
The strongest young man ever

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43 Chs

Chapter 34: I Would Die for You

Su Qing suddenly said: "I don't want to go to mu total said the house there to live."

Chen Yang stayed for a while, his heart is happy, but he himself some tangled. "Why? The conditions there are much better than here."

After Su Qing fried a dish of vegetables, she wiped the surrounding dish with a rag. "No reason," she said. "I don't want to take favours."

Chen Yang saw Su Qing face suddenly and some displeasure, he said: "That is OK, I returned to the static sister for you."

In fact, Chen Yang is a ghost. There can not know what Su Qing is thinking.

Quite simply, Su Qing does not want to be separated from herself. If Su Qing really lived in Mujing there, two people must meet less. Neither can Chen Yang

Live there. Once you live there, it changes. It's living together. It won't be good for anyone if it gets out. Su Qing's parents couldn't accept it either.

And now here, they have more time together. And it leaves others speechless.

Su Qing is want to give Chen Yang more time to change the mentality.

Chen Yang gave up the struggle of conscience in his heart. He is too obsessed with Su Qing's body, too inseparable from Su Qing. So every night

It is also wonderful to see Su Qing taking a bath.

Of course, Chen Yang is not sure of one thing. That is, once you really get Su Qing's body, whether you can still be the same as now. other-self

Have no certainty, this is also the reason why he has been afraid to really violate Su Qing.

After eating, Su Qing put away the dishes. Afterward, the two said good night. Then Chen Yang went back to his room.

At ten o 'clock, Su Qing went to the bathroom to take a bath.

The sound of water came crashing. Chen Yang immediately jumped up like a spring. It was his most exciting moment.

Can not get is often the best, the most wonderful

Chen Yang that excited ah! He couldn't help but put his hand down his pants again.

But when Chen Yang enjoyed it the most, the phone rang suddenly. Chen Yang couldn't help being startled. He picked up his mobile phone and connected.

It was Zhao Xiaolei who called.

After Chen Yang was connected, Zhao Xiaolei said delicately over there: "Chen Yang, do you have time now?"

Chen Yang hurriedly Haohao, he hurriedly said: "There is no time today, later talk." Then he quickly hung up the phone. After that, he came quickly

Go to the old spot and start peeping.

Fortunately, Su Qing didn't take a bath quickly. Chen Yang continued his great journey.

After venting, Chen Yang satisfied to bed. He thought about himself is really cheap enough, Zhao Xiaolei over there really knife real gun waiting for himself

I just don't want to go. And you're gonna have to do it here.

For one night, nothing happened.

The next morning, Chen Yang sent Su Qing to work. When he saw Su Qing, his mind was full of the way she took a bath, which was really enough to let his heart ape

It's about horses.

After sending Su Qing, Chen Yang drove to Yadai company to work.

After arriving at the company, Chen Yang met Zhao Xiaolei head on. Zhao Xiaolei to Chen Yang that has enough resentment, Chen Yang also he giggle, not much

Say. Zhao Xiaolei did not pay much attention to Chen Yang and turned away.

Chen Yang is not lost, Zhao Xiaolei beautiful beautiful. But Chen Yang also knew that the woman's private life was very casual, and he did not want to be involved with her

Department. After all, this company is not a bar, not after one night can go their separate ways.

At noon, there was an accident in the company of Yada, which had been calm and without waves.

Two roaring police cars pulled up in front of the Adai building.

Chen Yang people in the security lounge and everyone fighting the landlord, after hearing the sound, his heart is a click, I rely, should not be rushed to themselves

You know right?

No matter what. Chen Yang will not flinch at this time, will lose the card, said: "Let's go out to see."

All the security guards are Chen Yang Ma follow, followed Chen Yang out of the lounge.

The sun is shining brightly.

Chen Yang came out with the security guards, and he saw a total of six police officers on two police cars. All are uniform with royal blue shirts.

At the head of the six is a cop.

The police flower wore a royal blue shirt, with a police cap, her face cold, appear very heroic.

This police flower, a look is the kind of very temperament, the real official family of the kind of daughter miss. Ordinary people see this cop, and immediately

You feel ashamed of yourself, you can't look at me.

Police flower called Qin Moyao, 24 years old. She had a revolver pinned to her waist, which was a loaded gun. Originally, ordinary police

Czar is not allowed to have bullets in his gun without an official assignment, but she's a special case.

Chen Yang came to Qin Moyao in front of a crowd, this guy's eyes at first glance is to look at Qin Moyao's chest.

This is simply a professional habit of his, after looking at the secret rating. 36C, not bad.

Qin Moyao immediately keenly aware of Chen Yang's eyes, her face immediately cold down.

Qin Moyao's face was cold, but she couldn't get mad just because Chen Yang glanced at her white rabbit. This is a hard reason to say. Chen Yang is very

Doesn't matter, smiling: "Beautiful sister, what you do?" This guy talks like a punk.

Qin Moyao gave Chen Yang a cold look and said, "Who is in charge here?"

Chen Yang mouth flower, but the heart is very cautious. He said, "What do you want with our supervisor? We don't see everyone, Mr. Lin."

Qin Moyao was too lazy to talk to Chen Yang and said, "What's your name?"

Chen Yang said: "My name is Xia, Xia Botao, is the security captain here, why?"

Behind a few security guards froze, but naturally no one exposed Chen Yang.

Qin Moyao's eyes lit up and she said, "Do you have a man called Chen Yang?"

Chen Yang heart a click, I fuck, really is to find brother. But I didn't break the law, did I? What's going on?

Chen Yang's heart was uncertain, his face was calm, and he said: "Yes, there is a man named Chen Yang under my command." Do you want to see him?"

"Let him come out." Qin Moyao said in a cold voice.

Chen Yang said, "It's okay to ask him to come out, but you have to tell me why you are looking for him." Chen Yang is a young man I know very well

A well-rounded guy."

Several security guards in the back were apprehensive when they saw these policemen coming. But now to hear Chen Yang bragging about himself, can not help but laugh

Come here. But they did not dare to laugh out loud, so they had to hold it in.

Qin Moyao coldly swept Chen Yang a glance, said: "confidential no comment, immediately called him out."

Chen Yang lazily said: "Oh, then where he is also confidential, there is no comment."

A male policeman behind Qin Moyao immediately came forward menacingly, and he snapped: "If you dare to disturb the police again, you will be obstructing the execution of the police officers.

Business. If you don't want to go to jail, you're gonna tell me right now. There's no one here to laugh at you."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "Well, Uncle policeman, you are so powerful, I am so afraid!" Come on, catch me." He said

He stretched out his hands.

The male policeman suddenly flew into a rage and immediately took out his fine handcuffs and wanted to handcuff Chen Yang.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Tell you, I know a lot of big V on Weibo." Han Han is my best friend. If you cuff me, I'll tweet

Expose you. They say you enforce the law recklessly and oppress good people."

The male policeman was stunned at the words, not to mention, he was really afraid of this move.

Once it's exposed, the leadership will have to deal with him to appease the public.

The male policeman withdrew listlessly. Qin Moyao disdained: "You are also good people, you are a difficult people." When she finished, she made a tune

The soldier said, "Xiao Zhou, Xiao Zhao, you guard the door and do not allow anyone to leave." Let's go in and find the person in charge."

Qin Moyao said and went in with the other three policemen. Chen Yang at this time is not good to stop, but, looking at this situation, Chen Yang knows

Things are going a little wrong.

What the fuck do these cops want with me?

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I didn't break the law!

Chen Yang was puzzled, but he was sure of one thing. These cops must have something to do with Yang Ling. Yang Ling does not intend this

Let it go.

Chen Yang could not sort out the clue for a while.

Just as he was planning, old Xia suddenly came out of the building and shouted at Chen Yang: "Chen Yang, what is the situation?"

Qin Moyao and others immediately stopped the body, a few people all turned back to look at Chen Yang.

"Are you Chen Yang?" The policeman immediately showed his face.

Chen Yang chuckled and said: "Yes, I am Chen Yang, you are so excited is useless, I don't like men."

The policeman gave a sneer and said, "You just keep your teeth sharp now, and you will cry later."

After he finished, Qin Moyao also came to Chen Yang cold. She flashed her handcuffs and said, "Mr. Chen, we suspect that you are involved in a crime

Please come back with us to help with the investigation."

Rao is such a calm character Chen Yang, at this moment can not help but be taken aback. 'Murder? Who did I murder, fuck?"

The security guards around him were also pale.

Qin Moyao frowns, her handcuffs directly cuffed Chen Yang.

"Two days ago, you went to the Guangbu Tun mobile phone shop and beat up the manager of the mobile phone shop Han Yumei, right?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Yes. That woman is so fat and strong, don't you tell me she's dead?"

"She died of a heart attack at 8 a.m. this morning," Qin said.

Chen Yang breathed a little sigh of relief and said, "What has happened in the past two days to do with me?"

Qin Moyao said: "Han Yumei's family said that since you beat her, her physical condition has become worse and worse, and she has heart problems. Korea

Yumei has no history of heart disease, and you are the cause of this, so we need you to come back and help us investigate."

Chen Yang heard the words and said: "That's all right."