
The Strongest Villainous Demon Dad

"I'll do anything to protect her" Lord Levi is an unrivaled demon king, in a world governed by the strongest of beings, in an attempt to destroy the human race with his undead invasions, he died for some reasons he couldn't tell. However, he Reincarnated with a human gene, with no evidence to prove he was the demon king or even a demon. Underneath his creed of becoming the strongest being, Levi discovers some threats that could wipe out the entire human gene, and an immense invasion plotted to end the human gene, an invasion which he had ordered. This left King Levi to question the reasons for his reincarnation with a human gene, and also a human daughter.

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19 Chs

19-[Smart Antz: Death Statues]


-[Skill Activated: Fist Of Gods]


At a ferocious and unseen speed that resounded the cave walls with an outburst of Boom', Levi's fist connected with the cave wall and created a four-foot-deep crater.

Only then did he realize the elf had appeared behind his back and was ready to lacerate his head out.

However, Levi was quick enough to go down and connect his footwear against the elf's gutter.


Causing a morsel of blood to escape his lips as he was sent meters away from our MC.

As he staggered and gained his footing, only to stare at his front, oh boy, yes, he could see the angry Levi dashing at him with a fist covered in purple dark scales.

And Bam', Aaarghh. Levi's fist made contact with the elf's diaphragm, almost sinking in and revealing itself behind, no kidding, the elf heard his spinal cord crack.


Falling on his knees, the elf coughed out another round of metallic blood, forming a little pool of blood where he knelt.

"I can't believe I still got defeated, but I had the upper hand, how did you?", muttered the elf who could barely breathe.

Levi stared at the bruised-up opponent, he wasn't any different though since the God slayer's cut was still hurting him as hell.

"Simple, you're were not fast enough, if you can't match your opponent's speed you'll end up receiving death"

"Is..is that so? Then, let's go again"

Out of the bloom and within a nanosecond, the elf stood up and dashed at Levi who wasn't expecting him to be able to move.

The elf was still grinning thinking he had the upper hand, with his blade drawn out and ready to slash. In a swift movement and display of speed and skills.


Levi was seen behind with his dagger dripping out blood, and the elf's headless form was falling to the ground, the same thing for the head that rolled and fell.


-[Blood quest has been Completed]

-[A new skill has arrived]

-[Skill: ???]

-[A new weapon has arrived: God Slayer Blade Lv 01: Blade having the poisons from a God and can level up Boundlessly, the stronger the Lv the stronger the skill and bigger the blade]



-[Healing: Wound has been healed]

-[Skill Activated: Invisible Demons armour]


Levi glanced at the blade in the grip of the dead elf, it wasn't there anymore, hence he began looking for the mother box once more.

'Good thing this isn't Saturdays, at least Gypsy is saved in school, then I have to clear this mother box before she thinks of ascending the tower'

'If the box isn't in this cave, then it should be either of those two, the queen'

As Levi thought of the queen, his heart skipped and his eyes flared. However, his usual demeanor came back. Calm and dashed forward to cover the cave more quickly.


Heavy breath.. followed by another heavy breath and the legs of Mika running like never before.

Overall, she was holding onto her tight, a crimson dark box that kept on glowing, and on top of that, those gigantic red and white ants were chasing her viscously.

"W..why can't I just destroy this thing", muttered Mika, trying as hard as possible by hitting the box with the edge of her blade while running.


A white ant bursts out in front of her, however, she dashes at it and spins herself around, evading one she slashes the red ant jumping at her.

"Oh no, where's the entrance"

Mika ended up seeing a dead end and the relentless ants were gaining on her, however, as an ant launched at her.


It was slammed against the wall by an unseen force. And then again, as another ant launched again.


Levi burst from the top cave, landed with his knee, and simultaneously dashed at the incoming ant, rotating his dagger faster than anything.


He slashes off the head of the ant. That's when the unseen force came into view, it was McConnell.

"Levi? You.. You came for me", muttered the elf who received a raised eyebrow from Levi, implying. Say what now?

"I think it's a dead end"

McConnell glanced at the wall behind Mika, which he assumed to be a dead end. He smiled and looked at her.

"The ants are smarter than they appear to be... it's not a dead end, they were leading you to their queen"

In a swift movement, swoosh, the cave exploded and revealed a ballroom that lit up with blue flames. The ballroom possessed a carved ground and no pillar, large enough to contain a thousand humans.

Far from them was the assumed to be queen, a demon female adorned in a black gown with a touch of red, her lips curved and red as berry, she sat on her throne crossing her legs and smiling at the Three climbers.

"They were hoping you would destroy the cave wall once you see it"

"Damnit, so I have been searching the top when who I was looking for is below", cursed Levi.

Overall, two huge stone statues were acting as guards of the queen. These statues possessed three pairs of rock hands wielding different weapons.

The statues were like mages with tattered robes but rock instead, and their face concealed with the hood as only their glowing crimson eyes could be seen.

"Mmm.. so he's the one who took my husband from me", the queen commented.

"Shouldn't you be worrying yourself about your inescapable fate?", the ant queen sneered while keeping her cold stern look at Levi

Causing Levi to get a glance from Mika. Implying, how many troubles do you cause a day?

'Even if I don't escape that fate, I swear I'll kill you before I die'

"This whole thing won't end if we don't get rid of her", said McConnell. Staring at Mika he added. "Get the box out of here and be cautious, always watch your back"

With that, Mika turned invisible and the statues were active by staring right at her. "Uh guys, they can see me"

"It doesn't matter, they'll be going through me to get you", voiced Levi, directing his gaze on the statues.

McConnell and Levi entered the ballroom through the huge hole McConnell had created. That is when they realized the hole wasn't there anymore.

It was now a gigantic golden black door that was shut close and the queen was nowhere to be seen. She must be after Mika.

But Levi and McConnell have things to worry about because right now, the statues of death have begun walking towards them with high killing intent.

Levi glanced at the incoming demons and could only think of one thing alone.

'Now is the time I reveal the true meaning of a Demon King'

With that thought, the middle-aged man and our MC dashed at the death statues.


T/N: let the battle Continue, please review this book and help it grow, the growth solemnly depends on the readers, and thanks for the continuous power stones and comments.