
The Strongest Villainous Demon Dad

"I'll do anything to protect her" Lord Levi is an unrivaled demon king, in a world governed by the strongest of beings, in an attempt to destroy the human race with his undead invasions, he died for some reasons he couldn't tell. However, he Reincarnated with a human gene, with no evidence to prove he was the demon king or even a demon. Underneath his creed of becoming the strongest being, Levi discovers some threats that could wipe out the entire human gene, and an immense invasion plotted to end the human gene, an invasion which he had ordered. This left King Levi to question the reasons for his reincarnation with a human gene, and also a human daughter.

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19 Chs

[Invisible Demon's Armor and Cloud Movements]

King Zar, still seated on his skeleton throne, as he fixes his gaze on Levi. Observing the gesture of come on made by Levi's palm. Zar smiles, thinking..' this human has no idea what he's inviting'. Zar Tightens his grip on the edges of the skeleton throne and rises. Turned out he wasn't that big, but his tail was spiky like that of the devil's.

"I have seen what I must now do", Zar began speaking, his voice huge and commanding seas of fear. When he stood fully, a huge blade, twice the breadth of a human's hand, and twice as long. The blade was red, almost like blood.

'This battle is going to suck up all my health, last time, I didn't bother thinking of a strategy to kill a lizard, it only took, a demons palm to incinerate him within seconds, I've only got five skills, I need a strategy, and I need one now'

Although Levi's mind was filled with fear of dying, his posture wasn't altered. King Zar began walking close, his humongous footstep shaking bits of rocks on the floor, and the sound of the blade he was dragging on the floor, conveyed red sparks.

"When I'm done with you, I'll construct my new throne from your bones, and my crown from your head, next time, tell the maker to give you a new face"

With a frantic sinister smile, Zar bolted at light speed, even Levi was not able to see when he bolted and appeared behind Levi. With a horizontal slash of the blade, Zar smiled knowing Levi's head was gone, however, Levi blocked the attack vertically.


[Health: 70]

The force he used in stopping the attack, caused him to go down with his knee, and the ground cracked with the force.

"Petty human.. dare fights a monster"

Zar connected his knee against Levi's chin, wavering the professor to the right as blood flew up in the air. The knee attack had caused his grip over the axe to lose.

[Health: 65]

"What did that fool call you again?", Zar asked.


King Zar bolted without waiting for Levi to stand on his feet, as he got close, he propelled his tail and castigated Levi by the chest. Mailing him far from Zar.

Urgh ', The professor groaned in pain, he rolled once or twice and lay there lifeless, his bloodied face observing the nothing. If he wasn't a match for Tower Number Three, he thought 'i might die before I even get to Tower Number five'

[Health 55]

[Skill Activated: Invisible demon's Armor]-[Activated skill grants player to endure as much pain as he wants, side effects: Skill would automatically deplete player's health by one, every ten minutes]

[Skills Health- 500/10, 000]

A glowing red invisible knight armor coated Levi, right from his face to his leg, the armor was invisible to everyone but the player, and the red armor wasn't like the armor we know, it was like a holographic armor or transparent armor, which means Levi can see his body through the knight armor.


Levi coughed out a mouth full of blood when Zar stepped on his chest. With a might that could crush a concrete.

Shiiik! Aaarghhaaa!!

[Activated skill has taken the damage][400/10, 000]

"Bleed for me"

Zar commented after he had stabbed his red blade inside Levi's ribcage. Mounting blood around his black shirt and an assortment of blood and tears in Levi's eyes. Levi's mind was unbalanced, thinking of an idea, that could benefit him. He thought 'An enemy stronger than my current self, what can I do to make him tremble'

[Activated Skill has taken the damage] [300/ 10, 000]


Zar sent Levi's lifeless body slamming through the pillar, which caused Levi to release a "Uurghh and the sound of Crack", which could be decrypted as his spinal cord cracking. Or broken bones from the cracked pillar that fell on him.

[Activated skill has taken the damage] [200/10, 000]

"Maybe I shouldn't talk with my meal, it's beginning to feel odd, talking to my meal, how strange it sounds.. don't you agree?"

Zar licked his lizard lips, with his lizard tongue, he watched Levi stand up from the nothingness of broken pillars, and not giving Levi a chance to raise his head, Zar bolted towards his soon-to-be meal "BOOM!.

[Activated skill has taken the damage] [100/10, 000]

Baaam! Uwwaaak!

With an eye blink, Levi's back was slammed against the hardened cave wall, leaving a crack and scream of agonies from Levi's bloodied lips. Zar's grip on his torso caused his veins to pop out. And finally, the monstrosity lets Levi's neck off, which results in Levi falling to Zar's feet.

'Let me drain you every single stamina you've got', thought Levi, as he endures the pain.


Zar threw his blade behind him, which landed beside his skeleton throne. "I don't think I should be using the weapon for a weakling such as you", Zar commented and raised Levi by the head, just like raising a doll by its head, which was weightless.

"Did you know what that fool told me before he trapped me here? That monstrous Levi, that madman, did you know what he said", Zar asked, getting ready to reply himself, but when the one who he thinks is half dead spoke, he trembled.

"Low lifes cannot comprehend the movement of a god"

With that comment, Zar's eyes flared and damn, his Heart skipped as he heard Levi speak again.

"Gotcha, now playtimes over!"


Levi's feet ground, and unknown to the trembling Zar, the dagger materialized within Levi's grip, one slash, took Zar's left hand off. Aaarghhaaa ", Zar screamed.

"S...s...stay away from...from me you...you monster"

Said Zar, every word shaking from his lips, he stumbles backward from Levi, not wanting to get even an inch close.

"Oh so I'm the monster now?", commented Levi, the dagger was hung on his shoulder like some kind of assassin, he just stood, resisting from laughing at how Zar was creeping on the floor after he got the evidence he was looking for.

'This monstrosity is really in a lower plane, as he came to kill all the demons he captured? he's here', thought Zar, not wanting to engage in battle.

From Levi's angle, he noticed Zar's expression changed to a relieved one, and after that, he heard the sound of fallen rocks. With a swift movement to the ground, Levi took the undead general off his feet, turned out the guy was only unconscious, but Levi's gonna send him to Valhalla.


The dagger found its way through the cranium of the last general, and now to face the fearless Zar, once fearless Zar.

Zar's expression returned, scared of Levi, this was the same person he had landed countless hits on, and just by finding out the one he had been beating was the Levi he knew. He just chickened out like a foo, seated on the floor as he supported his bleeding cut-off arm.

"For a minute there I thought, the demons in here had an upgrade, seems like you're excluded", commented Levi, as he stood facing the entrance of the ballroom, and backing Zar, he wanted that reckless move from King Zar.

"Please lord Levi, forgive me for crossing your path, please", Zar said, he slowly seated on his chair and quietly took the blade from the ground, wanting to infiltrate Levi from behind.

"I know Zar, but unfortunately, I've got an invasion to lead, and not you or anyone is stopping that"

[Skill Activated: Clouded Movement]

Before Zar could stand and attack, Levi used an ability of his. Unseen by Zar, Levi's present self turned cloud and materialized behind Zar's skeleton throne.

Everything occurred within a nanosecond, Levi was behind him with no remorse, he rotated his dagger and stabbed it right inside the cranium of Zar, with a cascade of blood pumping out.

King Zar fell and died due to fear, Levi's hidden strategy. Planting fear inside the enemy's heart.

'The only real prison I put you in was fear, you can't escape my-', Commented Levi, unable to complete his statement before collapsed shortly.

[Skill Effect: Excess used Skill: Body cannot withstand the power, body collapsing, body down].

'Holy Crap', thought Levi as his thoughts were enveloped in darkness.