

The second prince of Saltine, dies at birth and is revived after a cultivator's soul transmigrated to the supernatural world of vampires, is deemed weak by all and shunned by his father when he could not wield his bloodline abilities and his compassion for other lifeforms accidentally stumbles upon a treasure during one of his adventures after leaving his family behind. The treasure is not a thing but a person, a human. A man who greatly helps him throughout his life adventures. He slowly rises from the weak prince to the strongest in the supernatural world. However, in order to break through his mortal shackles, he needs to overcome one thing, his compassion for humans. He gains a slave, a female slave who turns out to be someone very dear to him. Would he be willing to sacrifice her for power?

Adelaide_Mante · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


That dark blood red gaze made her shudder and she began to think of the reason why she was accepted in the castle as a midwife.

In actual sense, she was not any powerful witch, she was a healer. Healers were hybrid creatures, a mixed race of witches and healer elves. Although they were hard to find, they were extremely loyal to the people they serve. It was nigh impossible to betray their masters or go against their wills no matter what it was.

The only thing that made her slightly above average was the fact that she knew some dark magic because she had had the privilege of studying under her own mother.

She had sworn an oath three years ago to be by the master's side and be of help as much as she could to her master, the Vampire King's second wife, Mira.

Just when she was about to give up, it suddenly dawned on her. She could still survive.

With great difficulty, she managed to force out of a few words, "Prince….. something…wrong"

The Vampire King's sharp hearing abilities made her words clear.

This was enough to slightly calm him down. The fact that she was about to die and yet, was thinking of the Second Prince reduced his dangerous expressions by a notch.

The Vampire King turned to see Mira half-standing half-leaning on the cradle with panic on her face as she pulled her son's cheeks but gained no reaction.

She turned to stare at the King with a teary and fearful tired face.

Then with weak unbalanced steps, she went closer to the King and held him by his arms, saying "His body temperature is too cold, no reaction to stimulus either. What is wrong with our son, ".

Her husband hugged her tightly comforting her as he signaled the maid to go and do her work, giving her permission to cast her spells as well.

The maid bowed and hurried towards the baby.

She began chanting very lowly in a strange language and the Vampire King recognized the language, it was the Language of Hell.

'How in the world does she know how to speak the Language of Hell?', the Vampire King thought, but he decided to investigate properly after his son was well-taken care of.

The whole room was quiet and the witch's chanting grew slightly louder, stirring Mira who ended up sleeping in the strong King's bosom because of how much her labor has drained her.

All vampires of average bloodline experienced a serious weariness after birth as well as an intense thirst for blood.

The Vampire King carefully and gently put her down on the luxurious looking bed. He pulled out the curtains beside Mira's bed so that she could sleep in peace.

The witch had also finished with her examination and in the end, she went closer to the King and knelt down before him, whispering in her lowest voice, clearly traumatized by her near-death experience,

"My Liege, I am afraid I have bad news. The Second Prince has a terribly weak soul and his soul needs to be properly nurtured by a powerful creature. Otherwise, he might forever remain comatose"

The Vampire King's eyebrows raised slightly before dismissing the midwife. He lay in bed with Mira nestled in his arms. His worry and concern was how to break the news to Mira. How would she take the news of her son having to live comatose forever?

As he pondered these things in his heart, he closed his eyes, to help him calm his mind, nerves and soul and he entered into a mysteriously still state.

No one knew exactly what the King was doing.