

The second prince of Saltine, dies at birth and is revived after a cultivator's soul transmigrated to the supernatural world of vampires, is deemed weak by all and shunned by his father when he could not wield his bloodline abilities and his compassion for other lifeforms accidentally stumbles upon a treasure during one of his adventures after leaving his family behind. The treasure is not a thing but a person, a human. A man who greatly helps him throughout his life adventures. He slowly rises from the weak prince to the strongest in the supernatural world. However, in order to break through his mortal shackles, he needs to overcome one thing, his compassion for humans. He gains a slave, a female slave who turns out to be someone very dear to him. Would he be willing to sacrifice her for power?

Adelaide_Mante · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs


"Haha. This is soul energy, idiot. It only affects souls.", the baby ridiculed.

"Hey, are you reading my thoughts?", Ren Qian said.

"Uh yeah, I am speaking to you through your mind, remember?"

Ren Qian felt like this baby was mocking him.

"Hey, you know you are just a baby right? Learn to speak properly to your elders.", Ren Qian said, giving off the big brother vibe.

"Oh, am I now?", the baby said, a hint of a smirk in his tone of speech.

"Where exactly are you from?", Ren Qian carefully asked.

"Me? I am from Hell", the baby said.

Ren Qian was quiet, he was in shock, partially because of the soul's answer and partially because the soul was willing to answer his probing question.

"What, you thought I would not answer your question? The questions you ask to which I do not answer are those which I do not know the answer to. I want to satisfy your curiosity in exchange for your soul essence."

Ren Qian was once again shocked.

He didn't think this evil soul knew what repayment was.

He was starting to believe the soul's words about his origin when he remembered the sinister aura that emanated from his soul essence.

He began imagining what Hell would be like, however, he was reminded of the cold chilling sensation he felt even when he was a distance away from the essence and he immediately concluded his thoughts with a statement, 'Hell is powerful'

Ren Qian thought for a moment before asking his next question.

"Were you brought here against your will?"

"You seem to be the righteous type. What, are you going to sympathize with me if I say I was?", the soul scoffed.

"Don't feel too much pity for me, boy. No matter how much I didn't want to be here, I am bound to this body to eternity."

"So, what happens to you if the host decides to be good?", Ren Qian asked, although he could roughly guess what would happen.

"I grow weaker and weaker until I disappear from existence, I guess", the soul said. He used his power to create a chair out of the darkness. He sat calmly and easily on it, looking like a little boss.

"How do you do that?", Ren Qian asked. This soul never seems to amaze me.

"This is my domain, you silly boy. I can manipulate it in whichever way I want."

Ren Qian felt strange hearing a baby-ish voice calling him a silly boy in his mind.

"As I said before, I'm not a baby. My body grows only according to the body's growth rate.", he said, seemingly annoyed at being called a baby repeatedly in Ren Qian's mind.

"Then why don't I have a domain like you and the other one?", Ren Qian asked, confused.

Currently, he looked like a little child who is curious about everything in the world.

"Because you don't belong here. You were teleported here just as you said. Only residing souls have domains. Little fool, why are you so clueless about everything?", the soul spoke, this time he seemed slightly frustrated.

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