

The second prince of Saltine, dies at birth and is revived after a cultivator's soul transmigrated to the supernatural world of vampires, is deemed weak by all and shunned by his father when he could not wield his bloodline abilities and his compassion for other lifeforms accidentally stumbles upon a treasure during one of his adventures after leaving his family behind. The treasure is not a thing but a person, a human. A man who greatly helps him throughout his life adventures. He slowly rises from the weak prince to the strongest in the supernatural world. However, in order to break through his mortal shackles, he needs to overcome one thing, his compassion for humans. He gains a slave, a female slave who turns out to be someone very dear to him. Would he be willing to sacrifice her for power?

Adelaide_Mante · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


A worried mother had her baby in her arms, her husband standing gallantly beside her. His disposition was strong and regal, never willing to be looked down upon. He was the supreme one among all vampires, the strongest and the ruler, King Wick III.

He cast a glance towards his son and he gave off an alert expression when he heard footsteps a few metres away from the room, thanks to his supersensitive hearing abilities. But, he relaxed slightly when he found out it was his first wife along with his only daughter. He could tell by their heartbeats.

In a few seconds, a knock was heard and two females entered, one young and the other adult.

"Father, Aunt Mira", with a curtsy, Sylvine greeted, earning a proud look from her mother.

"I brought her here to see her brother, I hope My Liege does not mind", Sarvia said with a slight bow, but her heart bleeding inwardly.

Even her daughter could be informal with him, why did she have to be so formal and polite with him?

Sarvia hated the fact that she had to be ceremonious with him all the time.

Indignation rose within her heart. Sometimes, she wanted to turn a blind eye to all the rules and act all coy and cozy with him.

She stared at him through her eyelashes and a deep desire rose within her.

However, she quickly hid it due to a pair of keen eyes observing her.

Truth to be told, she had seen Mira to be a dumb and clingy wife who only knew how to act coy.

Yes, she envied her when she first got married to the King and took all his attention.

When they had gotten married, she had just had Sylvine.

Since then, the King had refused to touch her and only drank from her once in a while.

Off late, she felt very uncomfortable with Mira around. Mira had changed drastically after Sylvine's outdooring ceremony. She felt that she could see through her every emotion and this made her naturally in discomfort.

Mira looked up and stared silently at Sarvia. Then, she smiled and said, "Of course. After all, we're family. But, I do not think this is a good time, he is still weak at the moment." The 'he' she referred to was her newborn son, whom she had just laid in the cradle.

Sylvine's eyes went to the little boy who had his eyes closed and instantly, she was fascinated.

"Mother, it's so tiny", she said out loud, sounding cute and offensive at the same time.

Sarvia didn't know how to react so she just smiled calmly while inwardly feeling proud.

Her daughter had gained her father's unfiltered mouth.

"Aunt Mira, can I hold him?"

"Sorry, Sylvine. You can't at the moment. How about you look at him up close as I hold him?"

"Alright", Sylvine said, a tinge of happiness in her voice.

She slowly approached Aunt Mira who had again taken the baby out of the cradle.

She looked at the smooth cheeks of the baby and her hand itched to touch it.

"Can I touch him, Aunt Mira", Sylvine said with pleading eyes.

Mira was about to say no, however, the man standing beside her said, "You can."

Mira turned to look at him but he just nodded, comforting her that it was alright.

Sylvine's finger poked the motionless baby's cheek.

She giggled slightly and poked it again. This created a heartwarming scene and Mira could not bear to stop her.

However, suddenly, the baby's eyes opened and it was blood red. It bared its fangs at Sylvine before viciously biting her on her wrist, sucking her blood.

Everyone was frozen.

What was going on?

The scene turned from heartwarming to extremely chaotic in a matter of seconds.

But one thing was clear. The Second Prince's first meal was vampire blood.