
The strongest Uchiha

Max was a lonely 19 year old child who lived alone, his parents died when he was young and he had no one that he could call a friend, the only thing that kept him going was his love for Naruto, specifically his love for the Uchiha and their powers, he always wanted to be someone like Madara Uchiha, fighting by himself against a large army, one day Max’s apartment caught on fire due to faulty wiring, he died but god took pity on his life and allowed Max to be reborn into the world of Naruto, he also gifted max with talent and a large amount of chakra that could even rival that of a tailed beast, this is the story of the strongest Uchiha born with incredible talent and almost infinite chakra

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29 Chs

The deal

While Naruto was still rambling about how he would become hokage and how he would be the best shinobi Itsu's attention was not focused on him but rather he was focusing on the squad of anbu that were watching them the entire time, Itsu already knew that there were anbu watching and he knew why they were watching.

Hinata is the heir to the Hyga clan so the anbu won't stop her from being bullied but they will stop any life threatening situations as her death would just create problems for the village.

And just like Itsu predicted after the anbu saw Itsu fighting and him awakening his sharingan, they immediately left to report to the hokage. The Uchiha clan was feared by the elders in the village and after seeing a Uchiha not only awaken his sharingan at a young age but also his fighting prowess, it would likely grant Itsu an audience with the hokage which was just what he wanted.

"Well Hinata since I want to make sure that no other bullies show up how about I walk you back to your home?" After Itsu said that Naruto again started to get annoyed cause he was still being ignored while Hinata meekly nodded her head in approval of Itsu's suggestion.

Itsu smiled seeing that Hinata approved of his idea and she started walking towards her home while Itsu walked next to her and Naruto followed behind them still trying to gain their attention.


(Third hokage office)

The third hokage was sitting down while doing some paperwork then suddenly he was interrupted by a squad of anbu the appeared in the room, the third recognised the squad as those were the ninjas that he had assigned to keep a watch over the heir to the Hyuga clan "Did something urgent happen, is the heir to the Hyuga clan in danger?!"

The leader of the squad shook his head, "This is something more urgent" after saying that the leader of the squad started immediately reporting what he saw and how the young Uchiha child fought off the other three children. "In conclusion this young Uchiha could become a potential threat to this village"

After hearing the briefing of the situation given by the anbu squad leader the hokage immediately knew that before this child is labelled as a threat he must first meet the child and find out if his talents can be used for the good of the village. "I wish to meet this child, can you bring him to me and preferably without force, this child could greatly benefit this village if we play our cards right"

After his command was given the anbu immediately scattered and went to locate the child.


(Hinata pov)

Itsu is walking so close to me, I keep sneaking glances at him and every time I do I'm met with him smiling at me with a warm and welcoming gaze. This makes me blush harder, I'm glad that he came to help from those bullies, he came from no where and stoped those bullies from hurting me, he even called me cute and said my eyes were beautiful, this was the first time that a boy said he like my eyes and said I was cute.

Before I even noticed we arrived at the Hyuga clan compound, for some reason the thought of Itsu leaving made me feel uncomfortable and slightly sad and empty. I wanted to ask him to stay with me for a while longer but before I could he started patting my head. "Well this is your home, I'll see you later"

Before I could say anything he already started leaving, when his hand left my head I felt sad and I tried to recreate that feeling by patting my own head but it didn't feel the same, I just stared at his back watching him walk away, even when I couldn't see him anymore I still stared at where he was.


(Itsu pov)

After patting Hinata I started to leave after saying goodbye, I didn't just pat her because I felt like it I put a flying raijin seal on her head so that I could teleport to her location at any time, I also decided to leave because I felt the presence of multiple anbu surrounding my location, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that they were sent to figure out that they were sent to take him somewhere.

Just as I had predicted multiple shadows closed in and surrounded his location, "We have been ordered to bring you in and preferably without force" one of the anbu in a wolf mask said, "well I'll be glad to meet the hokage" Itsu said in a monotone tone.

The anbu were slightly shocked to find out a child knew that the hokage was the one who ordered them even though they didn't say who ordered them, but nonetheless they didn't show any signs of shock. They neither denied nor confirmed what Itsu said instead they asked again. "Will you come quietly or do we have to use other methods to bring you in"

I sighed and just crossed my arms, "Sure why not, I also wish to meet the hokage" I followed the anbu and shortly we arrived at the hokages office, I walk in and the first thing I see is an old man sitting behind the desk with a smile on his face, "Hello there young man you're probably wondering why I wanted to meet you" the hokage said with a smile still on his face, "Let's cut to the chase I know why you asked me to come here, some of your subordinates saw me fight and they saw how well I fought and also the fact that I managed to awaken the sharingan at such a young age"

After I said that the atmosphere In the room changed and, "Your quite smart for your age, I'm just going straight to the point, are you a potential threat to this village?" after the third said that there was another round of silence in the room until I responded without showing any emotion.

"I don't believe myself to be a threat, I don't have any negative feelings towards the village, all I ask is that you show my clan and my family respect and you don't treat us like villains" When I first came to this world I didn't have any attachment to my clan and I thought that I could allow the Uchiha clan massacre to proceed normally, but after spending a few years in this world I made friends and became attached to my clan so even if I won't be able to predict the future I still want to save my clan.

Before the third could speak I interrupted him "I know that the village elders are scared of the potential threat that the Uchiha poses and I know that at all costs you don't want another Madara Uchiha, but you exiling my clan to the outskirts of the village has only made the situation worse"

After listening to what I said the third hokage leaned back into his seat and asked, "So what do you suggest we do?" The hokage was clearly sceptical about wether or not a child could reduce the tensions that have been rising between the clan and the village, but at the same time he didn't want to disregard it since if the child had a potential solution then he didn't want to ignore it.

"I can help you gain the trust of my clan elders, all you have to do is give us time and also move my clan compound closer to the inside of the village" After hearing the child's suggestion the hokage was considering this, with the child's intelligence it might be possible for him to convince his clans elders to trust him but moving the clan compound would be hard work.

"So in return for me helping you what do I gain from this, yes the tension between the clan and the village would reduce but it still seems like a bigger win for you"

Itsu was expecting this, "Well what do you want, if it's something within my abilities then I will try and do it" after saying that the third smiled. "What I want is simple, I will train you and you will use the skills I give you to protect the village and you will also attend the academy as normal, basically you will become my disciple"

After hearing that deal Itsu smiled, this was the best possible way for this situation to turn out. "Okay I accept, but I want a written agreement about the terms that we just discussed to show my clan heads that you wish to improve relations with my clan"

The atmosphere in the room went back to normal as the third hokage's carefree smile came back on his face and he put a pipe in his mouth, "Okay well we have a deal" after that the hokage took a stack of paper out of his desk and wrote up our agreement on paper and signed it.

"Your training will begin tomorrow, come to my office in the morning in clothes that you won't mind if they get dirty", after hearing that I smile and use flying raijin to teleport out of the office.


(Third hokage pov)

After the Uchiha child gave me a smile I watched him use the fourth hokage's technique to teleport out of his room , I was dumbfounded, but this made me even happier to be able to train him, if I can make him loyal to the village then I know there would be a strong protector watching over the people long after I pass.

I won't repeat my earlier mistakes, I won't allow that child to go to the darkness like orochimaru, I will create a shinobi that fights to protect the will of fire.