
The strongest Uchiha

Max was a lonely 19 year old child who lived alone, his parents died when he was young and he had no one that he could call a friend, the only thing that kept him going was his love for Naruto, specifically his love for the Uchiha and their powers, he always wanted to be someone like Madara Uchiha, fighting by himself against a large army, one day Max’s apartment caught on fire due to faulty wiring, he died but god took pity on his life and allowed Max to be reborn into the world of Naruto, he also gifted max with talent and a large amount of chakra that could even rival that of a tailed beast, this is the story of the strongest Uchiha born with incredible talent and almost infinite chakra

Anonymous67 · Komik
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29 Chs

Quality time

Danzo and the third we're the only ones left in the council meeting room, Danzo stared at Hiruzen and spoke. "I want permission to to Itsu Uchiha and train him to become a loyal weapon for konoha" Danzo now more than ever wanted to make Itsu loyal to him and he is still young so the best time is now, "Your request is denied" the third spoke without even batting an eyelid.

Danzo was infuriated, "This is for the good of the village, you need to give him to me" the third countered in a slightly annoyed tone, "I need to do nothing, may I remind you who the hokage is, you have no right or power to demand anything from me" Danzo didn't like to be reminded of the fact that he wasn't the in power. "Why do you protect the boy so much, he could betray the village but if you let me have him I can guarantee his loyalty"

The third banged his hands on the table and stood up, he didn't like the way Danzo was speaking to him, "That boy won't betray the village and you need to learn your place, I have personally trained the boy and I believe he is a fine successor to the will of fire" Danzo narrowed his one visible eye, he knew what the third implied when he said that "You're training him to become your successor aren't you? He isn't worthy to become hokage"

The hokage once again countered. "I decide who is worthy and I believe that Itsu is as worthy as any to be trained to one day take the mantle as protector of the village, now this little discussion is over" The third walked out leaving an angry and humiliated Danzo, he was passed over for consideration for hokage by a child, this infuriated him to no end, he believed that he should be the obvious choice for hokage but he always was looked over for someone else.

He swore that one day he would become hokage, no matter what he needed to do in order to accomplish it, but he would soon find out that he was extremely wrong and he had already sealed his doomed fate.


Itsu left the meeting and was waking back home, it was still the early morning and the academy would begin soon, obviously he wouldn't be going but it's still weird, he went their for two years and now he was finished with it.

Itsu shrugged off his feelings, he wasn't going to miss the academy since he found it boring but he did have some pleasant memories of his days their at least. He arrived in his home and was greeted by both his parents warmly smiling at him as he walked through the front door. "Word travels fast dosen't it?" Itsu said with a smile on his face his father nodded warmly while his mother just hugged him, "I can't believe my little boy is already a elite jounin, you may outrank me and your father but if you think that you can avoid your chores because of your promotion your dead wrong"

Itsu sweat dropped at that statement, he had once tried to avoid cleaning his room because he was too lazy and tired to do it but his mother quickly fixed that attitude with a 1 hour lecture and a pull on his ear so hard that he was lifted off the ground, never again did he try and skip out on chores while his mother was around, she could spot a dirty sock from a mile away.

After Itsu managed to get out of his mother's iron tight grip he took a few seconds to catch his breath and then spoke, "So are we going to do anything special?" Itsu was genuinely curious, his parents obviously wanted to do something since they were dressed ready to go out. "Yep we're celebrating your promotion, we're going to spend the day shopping and having fun and then eat at a nice restaurant"

Itsu smiled, it has been a while since he went out with his parents and the time they spend together would only decrease once Itsu starts to go on missions, his mother took his smile as a yes and grabbed his and his fathers hands and practically dragged them out the door as she took them to different places around the village, they stopped at a park and lied down on the grass and looked up at the clouds , they ate ice cream and they even bought some new clothes which Itsu didn't really feel like he needed but took them anyway.

Itsu and his father shared amused looks as they watched his mother look though different outfits for him, "Oh my son would look so handsome in this jacket, oh and these pants and these shirts" both smiled at her antics, it warmed his head greatly to see his mother try her hardest to find him new clothes that he didn't really need but for him it was the thought that counted.

After an exiting day of being dragged around by his mother they stopped at a nice restaurant, Itsu decided to just order a cheeseburger while both his parents had some steak and wine, they all laughed together and ate the food which was delicious, Itsu was happy, it was moments like these that reminded him just how truly lucky he was and that he shouldn't take anything for granted and enjoy every living second of his new life.