
The strongest Uchiha

Max was a lonely 19 year old child who lived alone, his parents died when he was young and he had no one that he could call a friend, the only thing that kept him going was his love for Naruto, specifically his love for the Uchiha and their powers, he always wanted to be someone like Madara Uchiha, fighting by himself against a large army, one day Max’s apartment caught on fire due to faulty wiring, he died but god took pity on his life and allowed Max to be reborn into the world of Naruto, he also gifted max with talent and a large amount of chakra that could even rival that of a tailed beast, this is the story of the strongest Uchiha born with incredible talent and almost infinite chakra

Anonymous67 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Pride and arrogance

After Itsu returned home from a fun day with his parents he looked at the time and saw the academy would finish in about 5 minutes, Itsu smiled, he really wanted to see the reaction of everyone when they learned he not only outranked all the students but also all the teachers.

Itsu hopped off his bed and left his house through his window, he moved across the rooftops until he arrived in front of the academy, he perched himself onto a tree branch and looked through the window to see his old class, Sakura was sitting next to Naruto and was constantly trying to get his attention by talking to him while Naruto responded but with clearly less enthusiasm then her.

Shikamaru was still sleeping on his desk as motivated as any Nara has ever been, then there was Hinata and Ino who both look sad and kept looking towards the empty seat at which Itsu would have been sitting at, Shino was paying attention to the lesson and Saskue kept looking at Itsu's empty seat and Naruto with fire in his eyes, Saskue's biggest problem is his pride and arrogance and his inability to accept that he isn't the best, obviously he eventually gets out of that mindset in the anime but the way he is now his ego literally drags across the floor behind him.

Saskue can't and won't believe that not only is there one person who is stronger than him in his class but there are two which are Itsu and Naruto. Choji was eating while listening to the teacher and finally Kiba who was clearly not listening to the teacher and just playing with akumaru.

The bell finally rang which signified the end of the lesson, Itsu jumped down from his perch and stood in front of the academy entrance, the first person to notice Itsu standing at the entrance was Hinata who looked visibly happier when she saw him, the second to spot him was Saskue who spotted him and then spotted the shinobi headband he was wearing and that pissed him off greatly, he walked directly up to Itsu and gave him a glare, Itsu just looked at him with a bored expression.

"Why the hell do you have a shinobi headband?!" Saskue asked, Itsu could clearly see that Saskue believed himself to be the best so if he was already a shinobi than he should also be one. "Because I'm a shinobi" Itsu responded in a calm and bored tone. The confrontation between Itsu and Saskue has attracted the attention of many students and some have started to crowd around to see what was going on.

"Why are you a shinobi, if you already graduated the academy then I should too" Itsu could see that Saskue's anger was boiling , "Sorry but no you may think your already strong enough to become a ninja but you would be wrong, you aren't even the strongest in your class" that was the final straw for Saskue, he hated be be reminded of the fact that he wasn't the best, "Fight me" Saskue got into a fighting stance expecting Itsu to agree, "no".

Hearing Itsu's response Saskue was close to loosing it, "Why not you have to fight me?!" Itsu sighted and shook his head "No I don't need to do anything and you have no right to demand anything from me, I am an elite jounin and I greatly outrank you, your still an academy student your not even a shinobi yet, you have no right, no power and no authority to tell me to do anything"

Saskue snapped, he immediately launched himself at Itsu trying to punch him in the face and catch him off guard, Itsu saw this and sighed, he had so many flaws as a person and Itsu didn't know if he had the time, patience or motivation to fix them, in one swift motion Itsu caught Saskue's fist twisted it behind his back and slammed him face first into the ground. "Do you know it's a crime to attack shinobi in this village? Your still technically a civilian and you could get a lot of jail time for doing that but at the same time I wouldn't really call what you did an attack, my mom hits harder and faster than you"

Saskue tried to struggle against Itsu's grip but couldn't even move an inch out of his hold, Saskue looked around to see lots of academy's students staring at him while laughing, he felt so humiliated, teachers started to come over and see what the commotion was about and saw Itsu holding Saskue down onto the ground and Iruka immediately walked up to him, "Itsu release Saskue this instant" Itsu didn't even bother to look up, "No I'm good" every teacher was shocked how could an academy student blatantly disregard a teacher, before Iruka could start to talk and give Itsu a lecture, Itsu looked up and everyone saw his headband.

"Sorry Iruka but I outrank you so you can't tell me what to do, he tried to attack a shinobi which is a crime in the village and unless he apologises he is going to prison"

Iruka didn't know what to say, if Itsu truly did outrank him then there was nothing he could do about it, "I'm not apologising to you" Saskue said and still continued to struggle, "That's perfectly fine with me I would be more than happy to just throw you in prison, you would be kicked out of the academy and you wouldn't be allowed to become a ninja in the hidden leaf village, the son of the Uchiha clan head and a supposed prodigy being thrown into jail and banned from being a shinobi that would be hilarious"

Saskue's face darkened when he realised the situation he was in while the academy students continued to laugh, Naruto was greatly enjoyed the show he was seeing, his best friend humiliating the class asshole is priceless. "Itsu come on now that's enough" Iruka continued to try and stop Itsu, "Listen Iruka-sensei I hold the rank of elite jounin in this village and the only person with higher authority than me is the hokage himself so unless he tells me to stop I'll do what I like"

Iruka was completely lost, there was literally nothing he could do in this situation, "I'm sorry" Saskue said with clear anger in his voice, Itsu knew that was the best apology he was going to get so he just let him go and stood up and started to walk away, Naruto, Hinata, Ino and Sakura followed Itsu and the other academy students dispersed leaving Saskue on the floor angry and humiliated.