
The strongest Uchiha

Max was a lonely 19 year old child who lived alone, his parents died when he was young and he had no one that he could call a friend, the only thing that kept him going was his love for Naruto, specifically his love for the Uchiha and their powers, he always wanted to be someone like Madara Uchiha, fighting by himself against a large army, one day Max’s apartment caught on fire due to faulty wiring, he died but god took pity on his life and allowed Max to be reborn into the world of Naruto, he also gifted max with talent and a large amount of chakra that could even rival that of a tailed beast, this is the story of the strongest Uchiha born with incredible talent and almost infinite chakra

Anonymous67 · Komik
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29 Chs

New weapon

While Naruto's and Itsu's clones were training Itsu had an idea on how to make Naruto stronger, "Okay Naruto I have an idea to make you a lot stronger but you need to trust me" after Itsu said that it didn't take Naruto even a second to come to a decision, he decided to trust Itsu since he was nice to him and also was training him so that the people in the village would have respect for him.

After Naruto agreed Itsu activated his sharingan and looked Naruto in the eyes, he used a simple genjutsu to get into Naruto's mind scape, Itsu knew that the 9 tailed beast would be big but he was still surprised at the size of the fox, but Itsu didn't have time to marvel at the fox's size and he quickly composed himself, he deactivated his sharingan because he knew how much Kurama hated Uchiha.

Itsu let out some of his chakra so kurama would sense him and wake up from his slumber, when the fox saw Itsu he immediately spoke. "Who are you and what the hell are you doing here?" Itsu wasn't bothered to go through pleasantries with the fox and decided to get straight to business "Listen Kurama, the boy you're staying inside is the one the sage of six paths talked about, he is a simple boy who isn't the sharpest tool in the shed but he is kind and he wouldn't mistreat you in fact he would even treat you as a friend" as Itsu continued to speak Kurama got more and more interested and started to listen carefully to what they boy was saying.

"He would even voluntarily weaken the seal and open your cage so you had more freedom, all I ask from you is that you give him some of your chakra, teach him how to use your power and help him get stronger" Once Itsu was done speaking the fox immediately spoke ,"How do you know about the old man and how can you guarantee he will treat me well?" this was the question that Itsu was waiting for. "For the first part I can't tell you how I know the sage of six paths but for the second part bring Naruto here and I'll tell him how you aren't evil and how you were forced to attack the village, you'll see the reaction from him when he hears that you aren't evil and determine whether or not he's a good person"

Kurama nodded and forcefully brought Naruto into his mind scape, Naruto immediately saw Kurama and ran to stand behind Itsu, "What is that?!" Itsu responded in the same emotionless tone as usual "That is the 9 tailed beast, his name is Kurama, he attacked the village years ago but he was forced to do it, he never wanted to attack anyone or be forcefully sealed inside anyone, the tailed beasts are just like us they don't want to be treated as weapons"

After Kurama listened to how Itsu talked about him and the other tailed beasts and didn't treat them as just weapons brought a smile to his face. Naruto was no longer standing behind Itsu but was instead standing next to him, "That's terrible, why would people treat you like that, I heard that the tailed beasts are evil but after hearing what Itsu said I can tell your a good guy" Naruto now has his trademark grin on his face while talking to Kurama, his previous fear of him no where to be seen.

"Wait but where are we, did you bring me to another place Itsu" Naruto still hadn't realised that they were in his mind, "No Naruto, we are inside you mind space and Kurama is sealed inside of you, him being sealed within you is also the reason people in the village hate you because they think your the 9 tailed best reincarnated"

Naruto was shocked by the news but he was even more shocked that Itsu wasn't scared of him even though he had a tailed beast sealed in him, he was grateful to have made a friend like Itsu, Naruto looked at Kurama and spoke. "Well since you didn't want to be sealed inside me then I will set you free, so is there like some sort of button to press"

After hearing what Naruto said Kurama began to laugh,Kurama ignored Naruto and looked at Itsu, "Okay brat I agree to your deal as long as you open the cage I don't mind helping out Naruto a little" he then looked at Naruto, he didn't see any hate or fear in his eyes and seeing that reminded him of the sage of six paths. "Just a bit of friendly advice Naruto, if you let me out of your body then you will die"

Hearing that Naruto got a hit sad because he wanted to help Kurama but he didn't know how. "Don't worry brat, you're already a much better host then any other human that I was sealed inside, I don't mind giving you a hand" Itsu smiled, he wasn't a saint or a hero but it did feel good to help out Naruto, but that didn't mean he was going to go around helping everyone, he was given this life to enjoy it and live how he pleased and he wasn't going to spend it being some kind of hero.

"I have one more surprise for you Naruto, when I open the seal you will meet someone special and after you do that let Kurama try and take some chakra from you, you will meet someone else who is also very special to you"

Itsu didn't bother to explain any more, he wanted Naruto to enjoy his meeting with his parents alone and immediately left Naruto's mind scape. After doing a few hand signs Itsu performed the jutsu 'Eight Trigrams Divination, Spell Formula, release ' after opening the seal on Naruto's body Itsu went back to training, one of the reasons Itsu was helping Naruto was because in the future Itsu might need powerful allies, Itsu's actions have already changed the future considerably so his knowledge of the future might be useless or still helpful but it's better to be safe than sorry.

After opening the seal Itsu continued to train, but for some reason Itsu felt his consciousness slowly leaving his body, he tried to stay awake but he couldn't. Itsu woke up and he looked around, he saw nothing but darkness, he turned around once more but this time he saw an old man floating in front of him. "You're the sage of six paths" Itsu was shocked, he didn't expect a visit from the sage himself.

"You know who I am so this makes things easier for me, I also presume you already know my story and the existence of my mother so I'm just going to keep it short, you are the reincarnation of indra, my eldest son" Itsu couldn't believe what he was hearing, he couldn't be the reincarnation of Indra, unless somehow he had replaced Sasuke in the cycle of reincarnation, he thought about why that might be and the only conclusion he came to was that it had something to do with he god that sent him here.

"Are you certain that I'm the reincarnation of your eldest son?" The sage nodded "I can clearly feel the chakra of Indra inside you, but at the same time you are different from every other reincarnation of my eldest, they all had darkness hidden deep within them and at the end they would always seek power at any cost and cause death and destruction, yet I do not feel this darkness within you"

Itsu was confused but at the same time excited, the sage granted power to both Sasuke and Naruto in the anime so him appearing here could only mean he would grant him power, but Itsu already had the ability to awaken the rinnegan. "My child I have long tried to stop the continuous fighting between the reincarnations of my two children, but I have a feeling that with you and the reincarnation of your younger brother that the fighting will stop with you two"

"I have come to grant you power but the power is not my own a being much stronger than me told me to gift you some power and pass along a message 'I have had such fun watching you in this world and also taking Hinata for yourself, that I have decided to give you a few surprises since I feel that you could have asked for more powerful wishes but chose not to, my first gift is that you will be able to bond non-living objects to your soul and my second gift will come when you awaken your mangekyou sharingan, have fun yours truly, god'"

Itsu was truly shocked, he didn't expect god to give him a few more abilities, he was exited to know what he would be able to do when his mangekyou sharingan awakens but the more pressing matter was what to do with the ability to bind non-living weapons to the soul, god wouldn't give this to him for no reason, everything has a purpose and he needed to find one for his new power.

"I'm glad I could meet you, but our time together has come to an end, I will grant the reincarnation of Asura power at a later date as he is not yet ready" And with that Itsu suddenly woke up he was lying down on the ground and looked around to see Naruto who had his eyes closed but still in his mind scape, Itsu could see tears rolling down Naruto's cheeks so he most likely currently taking to his mother or his father.

After a few minutes of waiting Naruto woke up and he immediately pounced on Itsu and gave him a hug so tight that Itsu was slightly suffocating, "Did you have a good meeting with your parents Naruto. " Naruto wiped away his tears nodded and laughed "Yeah it was great, at first they both tried to control Kurama but I explained that he is my friend, you should have seen the look in their faces" Itsu was happy for Naruto, "Well now that you've finished your meeting get back to training" Naruto nodded and started training his physical capabilities, Kurama had told him that he wouldn't be able to handle his power unless he got stronger so he started to train his body.

Itsu on the other hand sat on the floor in the lotus position, his clone that was training with Fugako has dispersed after finishing his training his clone gave him information on how it went and basically Itsu's clone got its ass kicked, not just that but Fugaku was teaching Itsu swordsmanship, they were sparing and Fugaku continuously shattered Itsu's blade. This raised concern for Itsu, he needed a weapon that wouldn't fail him in the middle of combat.

And as he was thinking an idea popped into his head out of nowhere, Itsu immediately teleported to the hokages office, "Hey Hiruzen I will explain later but right now I need a sword, the quality dosen't have to be outstanding but a good blade would be nice" the third nodded and immediately ordered one of the anbu in the room to bring him a blade that was sharp and durable but was also a good conductor of chakra.

What the anbu brought back in his hand was a slightly curved pitch black blade, so dark you can't even see your own reflection in it, Itsu took the sword and without even saying anything teleported back to the forest, he sat down with the blade in front of him and sent chakra into it shattering the blade into 1000 pieces, this wasn't on accident it was on purpose.

Itsu then spent the next few hours bonding each and every piece of the shattered blade to his soul, he did the same for the handle of the sword, on the handle he put a special inscription on it that he liked to call flying raijin level:4, he put the same inscription on his left hand on his palm, now he could teleport to the handle of the blade or teleport the handle of the blade to his left hand.

After that Itsu concentrated and all the shattered pieces on the ground flew at and incredible speed back onto the handle of the blade re-forming the sword. The blade looked normal apart for the fact it had cracks all over it showing the fact that it had shattered, Itsu could control each individual piece of the blade as if it was an extension of his own body, he could even send chakra to the pieces of they were linked to his soul. He swung his blade around and it wasn't too heavy so swinging it continuously wouldn't tire him out too much.

He decided to test his knee weapon, he held it in his dominant hand (left hand) and concentrated, he sent 100 pieces of the blade flying at a sturdy looking tree and he reinforced the pieces with a bit of chakra, the result was the pieces flew straight through the tree as if there was no resistance which left tiny holes in the tree, it may not be destructive but if Itsu sent those pieces flying at a person, those pieces would fly straight through the person piercing their internal organs, he could even send some pieces of his blade inside a person and kill them from the inside.

A grin formed on Itsu's face, he had created a weapon that would never fail him in battle, as no matter how many time it broke Itsu could just make the blade came back together, he could even kill multiple people by controlling the pieces and making them fly straight through a persons vital organs

I got the idea for the weapon from scissors seven, look up the sword the main character uses and you’ll find it.

Anonymous67creators' thoughts