
The strongest Uchiha

Max was a lonely 19 year old child who lived alone, his parents died when he was young and he had no one that he could call a friend, the only thing that kept him going was his love for Naruto, specifically his love for the Uchiha and their powers, he always wanted to be someone like Madara Uchiha, fighting by himself against a large army, one day Max’s apartment caught on fire due to faulty wiring, he died but god took pity on his life and allowed Max to be reborn into the world of Naruto, he also gifted max with talent and a large amount of chakra that could even rival that of a tailed beast, this is the story of the strongest Uchiha born with incredible talent and almost infinite chakra

Anonymous67 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs


This will be the last chapter before the time-skip to the beginning of canon


Itsu was making his way back to the hidden leaf while thinking about the events that happened during the mission, it was extremely suspicious that a group of Iwa shinobi were at the exact location of where the group of rouge nin that Itsu needed to eliminate set up camp, it's even more suspicious coupled with the fact that those Iwa shinobi had been trained in assassination techniques.

The group of Iwa shinobi didn't have a cut on their shinobi headbands which means they weren't rouge, that means the Tsuchikage was the one most likely to send them, but why would a kage send a group of trained assassins after a shinobi he knew nothing about? Unless of course he actually did know about Itsu which meant that at some point there was an information leak about Itsu's skills and whatever leaked was enough to scare the Tsuchikage to the point of sending assassins.

So there was an information leak to the Tsuchikage that led to him sending assassins at Itsu on his very first mission outside of the hidden leaf village where he would be alone? This whole thing reeked of Danzo, Itsu knew that if there was one person who would try and get rid of him through such over the top methods it would most likely be him, but Itsu didn't have any evidence that Danzo was the one who leaked the information so even though he was almost 100% sure it was him Itsu couldn't prove it, Itsu smiled Danzo was most definitely on the number 1 spot on his kill list.

But Itsu wouldn't rush it, to kill Danzo without facing any repercussions would take some time and fortunately time was something Itsu had plenty of, Itsu wanted to make Danzo suffer before he was killed so first Itsu would cripple Danzo's entire organisation, then he would destroy his social standing in the village and finally Itsu would kill him, slow and and very painfully.

But first he would need to report the mission the the hokage, Itsu arrived at the hidden leaf village gate while it was getting close to night time, he showed his identification to the guards at the gate and immediately made his way to the hokage's tower, he arrived through the window and looked at the third hokage as he was sitting behind his desk still working through a large stack of paper work, "It seems you have returned from your mission, I can assume it was a success?" Itsu nodded before replying, "While the mission was a success their is a problem that does need to be addressed, a group of Iwa shinobi attempted to assassinate me during the mission and the fact that the shinobi knew I was going to be there is a problem"

The third hokage immediately understood what Itsu meant, in the world of shinobi information is extremely important and having and intel leak could prove fatal, "This is serious if there is an intel leak we must find and contain it as soon as possible", Itsu nodded, if he told the third hokage that he suspected Danzo to be the intel leak then the third would most likely do nothing, the third was always soft on Danzo and he didn't even stop Danzo when he kidnapped children and turned them into emotionless weapons in his R.O.O.T organisation, Itsu was going to kill Danzo but he wasn't going to tell the third hokage about his plans since he would most likely try and stop Itsu.

In Itsu's opinion the third meant well but he came off as a spineless leader who didn't even stop the villagers when they regularly beat Naruto to an inch of his life in the original story line. So if he wanted to kill Danzo he would need to take matters into his own hands.


R.O.O.T Headquarters

"Report" Danzo said in a low tone that carried a hint of anger, he had some of his agents tell him that they saw Itsu had recently returned to the village and without any injuries, his plan had failed and he wasn't happy about it, "Sir the official statement just came from the hokage, in the statement it states that there is a potential intel leak in the village as assassins were sent after Itsu on his mission, in the report it states that he had dealt with the assassins, it states "

Danzo clenched his fist so tight his knuckle was turning white, his plan had failed and for now there was nothing he could do about it except seethe in anger, he needed Itsu dead, the hokage wouldn't allow him to take Itsu into his organisation and Itsu clearly showed on multiple occasions his hate for Danzo, his plans were not going well.


A few days later: Tsuchikage office

The Tsuchikage was sitting in his office anxiously awaiting the team of assassins that he had sent after the konoha shinobi hadn't come back yet and he was starting to think that they never will, just then one of his jounin commanders came into the office, "Sir one of the ninja you sent on the mission has returned, but he has returned alone, he asked to meet you" the Tsuchikage nodded, a few moments later a man who looked like he was in his early 30's or late 20's walked in, he had blood staining his jounin vest and trousers, his eyes were hollow as if he just experienced hell itself, "Report, what happened on your mission" the jounin began explaining what happened, how they surrounded him and thought they had him but he activated his sharingan and began teleporting and taking out each of them one by one "He was too fast, one second he was standing in front of us and the next he had his blade through someone's chest, he disappeared in a black flash and reappeared killing everyone, he looked so young he couldn't have been older than 10 but his eyes were that of a heartless killer, I was the last one standing and instead of killing me he just looked at me with those blood red eyes and put me into a genjutsu, no matter what I tried I couldn't dispel it"

The jounin started shaking slightly remembering what it felt like being trapped in the young child's genjutsu, no matter what he tried he couldn't dispel it and he had to watch his wife and kids be killed over and over again by that... monster he couldn't describe the child as anything else but a monster, someone who could take down 10 jounin without even swearing can't be described as anything other than a monster.

The Tsuchikage was sitting and contemplating what he had just been told, not only was the shinobi that he tried to assassinate a child which meant his potential was almost limitless if he was already so strong at his age but that shonobi not only has the 4th hokages legendary teleportation technique but he also had the legendary sharingan, a true monster in the making, the Tsuchikage was more scared than he was before, there have only been 2 shinobi that he had ever truly feared there was the fourth hokage and then there was possibly the deadliest shinobi to ever live... Madara Uchiha, the Tsuchikage prayed that whatever happened that Konoha didn't have another Madara in the making, the world can't handle another Madara, last time they had Hashirama to save them but this time there may not be anyone to stop it.

"I want you to find out the name of this shinobi and I want you to give him a bounty of 47 million Ryo in the bingo book" The only thing the Tsuchikage could do now was wait and hope the shinobi world would be prepared for whatever the young Uchiha became.


A week later: Hidden leaf village

Itsu sat on a cliff edge overlooking the sunset with a smile on his face, his future was looking brighter than ever and he couldn't wait for it, he looks down and his smile only widens when he looks at the new bounty posted in the bingo book.

Alias: 'The demon of the shattered blade'

'The dark flash of konoha'

Real name: Itsu Uchiha

Bounty: 47 million ryo A-S rank shinobi

Description: Do not let the fact this shinobi look young fool you, extremely dangerous at close range with his teleportation technique and do not be fooled by his blade that looks damaged it can re-form itself when broken his swordsmanship is extremely dangerous avoid close combat at all costs, the amount of jutsu's known by this shinobi is unknown, this shinobi is presumed dangerous at middle and long range.

It is recommended that you do not engage this shinobi alone, a squad of at least jounin level shinobi is recommended to be able to engage this shinobi in combat.