
The strongest Uchiha

Max was a lonely 19 year old child who lived alone, his parents died when he was young and he had no one that he could call a friend, the only thing that kept him going was his love for Naruto, specifically his love for the Uchiha and their powers, he always wanted to be someone like Madara Uchiha, fighting by himself against a large army, one day Max’s apartment caught on fire due to faulty wiring, he died but god took pity on his life and allowed Max to be reborn into the world of Naruto, he also gifted max with talent and a large amount of chakra that could even rival that of a tailed beast, this is the story of the strongest Uchiha born with incredible talent and almost infinite chakra

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29 Chs


It has been a few months since Itsu began training with the hokage and Fugaku,things have been progressing very well and thanks to all the training Itsu has done he has managed to awaken his second tomoe on his sharingan. Over the past few months he has visited Hinata basically every day and spent some time together getting closer, with Itsu's influence Hinata has actually gotten more confident in her self.

Itsu has also been helping Naruto train his body and he also made Naruto stop eating ramen everyday and instead gave him a diet plan that would help his body develop. He also on top of training Naruto physical he also training Naruto mentally by making him read and asking him questions that would be asked in the academy. Over time Naruto stopped being so impulsive and started to become a little smarter, he would still be loud and easily agitated but for the most part he was calmer and more logical, Itsu was excited because today would be the first day of his academy training and he was excited, he wasn't like those protagonists who hide their abilities and act average, no he was going to show everyone in the academy why he is the strongest.

Itsu woke up and immediately got dressed, he put on a plain white shirt with a black jacket over it, the jacket had the Uchiha clan symbol clearly shown on the back he picked up his sword and thought about bringing it but obviously that would be a bad idea so he left it in his room, he ran downstairs and saw his parents waiting for him with food already set at his place on the table, he sat down and immediately ate as fast as he could. "Bye Itsu have a good day" His mother said to him as he walked out the door while his father simply gave him a warm smile.

He left the house and immediately teleported to Naruto's apartment, he saw Naruto already dressed sitting down and eating his breakfast at the table, "Hey Naruto are you ready" Naruto hearing Itsu's voice wasn't surprised since he got used to Itsu just randomly showing up in his home. Naruto quickly finished his food and grabbed some stuff for school. Both Itsu and Naruto left his apartment and walked towards the academy since Itsu never put a thunder god seal there so he couldn't teleport to the academy.

After walking for a while they arrived at the gates and they were pretty early so they were the first ones there, they already knew what class they would be in so they walked int and Itsu immediately took a seat at the back of the class, he left a space next to him for Hinata and Naruto sat on the other side, Itsu sat back in his seat crossed his arms and closed his eyes and waiting for everyone else to arrive and surprisingly Naruto was reading a book while he was waiting, Hinata was the next person to arrive since she knew Itsu would probably come to school early so she also came early to spend more time with him.

"Hey Hinata come sit next to me" Hinata smiled and nodded at Itsu's offer, she didn't waste any time and and walked straight to the back and sat next to Itsu, "Hello Itsu how are you" Hinata was less shy so she could talk to Itsu while looking at his face but she couldn't talk to him without blushing. "I'm great Hinata, how about you?" Hinata smiled and responded "I'm also doing well, I'm excited to start the academy and become a ninja"

Itsu nodded and gave his usual dazzling smile to Hinata which in turn made her blush harder and she was once again playing with her fingers under the table and looking down. After a few more minutes of waiting more students arrived and Itsu recognised a few of them, Ino, Sakura, Shikamaru and Kiba. As soon as Shikamaru sat down he put his head on the desk and went straight to sleep.

The class hadn't even begun and he was out cold, Itsu noticed that a few glances were being sent his way, most people knew who Itsu was and because of him being trained by the third and Fugaku he was being regarded as the greatest genius of his generation, the new Minato or as some older people who lived through multiple shinobi wars liked to call him, the new Madara. But most of the people looking at him where females, they looked at him and blushed and amongst those looking at him were Ino and Sakura.

Hinata also noticed the glances of the females and they too noticed Hinata, without saying anything a mental rivalry had been formed between Hinata and the rest of the females in the class, after some more students arrived Itsu noticed the arrival of Sasuke who seemed in a good mood, Saskue only became moody after the Uchiha clan massacre and before that he was your normal child.

After a few more minutes of waiting Iruka sensei arrived and stood and the front of the class, he surveyed the faces of everyone and began to speak, "Welcome to your first day at the academy, my name is Iruka but call me sensei, since today is the first day I wish to gain and understanding of your capabilities so first of you could follow me to the raining field we will begin with a few simple exercises"

Everyone got up from their seats and followed Iruka to the training field. "First we are going to test your accuracy when using kunai so we will begin with a simple exercise, you will throw ten kunai at that target and I will evaluate your accuracy and throwing power, does anyone wish to go first?"

Many of the children hesitated but Itsu immediately stepped forward towards the kunai laid out, Iruka analysed Itsu 'he immediately stepped up with no hesitation even when he saw others hesitating, I see why the hokage asked me to keep a close eye on him' Itsu picked up 4 kunai, two in each hand and threw the kunai at the same time, each kunai landed in a perfect circle around the middle, he then threw 4 more into a circle around the middle then threw the last 2 kunai directly to the middle with a bit more strength behind them then the other kunai. The Kunai cut extremely deep into the target.

Iruka and the rest of the class where amazed seeing him throw kunai which such power and accuracy, Iruka tried to pull out the Kunai that were tightly lodged in the middle but he couldn't 'Just how much strength can a child have?' Iruka thought to himself while all the girls who saw what happened thought only one thing 'So cooool~' Hinata was just as dazed as the rest of them and couldn't help but think. 'My Itsu is so amazing' It took her a second to realise that she just claimed Itsu as hers in her mind.

She was getting extremely red while her mind was spinning, 'Why did I call him my Itsu, but I want him to be m- wait no I can't be thinking like this we are still children, but he is so nice and kind and-' Hinata passed out and almost fell on the floor but Itsu caught her, she had overloaded her brain by thinking too much about the boy she liked. The other girls seeing Itsu being so close to Hinata and holding her instantly became very jealous, many believed if that they pretended to pass out maybe they too would be held gently by him.

After a few seconds Hinatas brain re-booted and the first thing she saw was Itsu's face so close to hers that they could kiss, this caused her to pass out once more, Itsu chuckled a little, he stood her up on her feet and she once again woke up from her dazed state and it took her a second to look around at her environment she saw Iruka desperately trying to pull kunai out of the target, she saw Itsu standing next to her and she also saw the many hateful and jealous gazes of the females, Hinata did something she never thought she could do in her life, she smiled at the girls slightly stuck her tongue out and took a step closer to Itsu.

Itsu watched all of this unfold with one eyebrow raised in the air and a smile on his face, he liked the shy side of Hinata but this new side of her was also very interesting. After a continuous struggle with the kunai and the target Iruka and managed to pull out the kunai, the test continued and the only other people to stand out where Naruto and Saskue, Saskue because of his accuracy and naruto because of his power, thanks to the 9 tailed chakra flowing through him he was considerably stronger which caused him to throw a kunai straight through the target.

After that it was time for the 1v1 test to show our combat ability, Naruto easily overpowered all of his opponents, he finally stood in front of Saskue who look as if he already won. "You should forfeit now, it will be easy to beat you" The old Naruto would have gotten angry and retaliated but the new Naruto just stood there unfazed by the taunting Saskue gave him, "Yeah, yeah whatever let's just fight already" Saskue was annoyed because he thought that Naruto was looking down on him, he immediately rushed towards Naruto, to Naruto compared to Itsu's punches Saskue's was moving incredibly slowly, he calmly evaded and just gave a strong punch into his gut incapacitating him.

Naruto walked away without saying anything and stood next to Itsu, "You could have done that faster" Naruto shrugged "I wanted to see how good he was but his punches are so slow" Itsu shook his head, he might have trained Naruto a little too hard since he's already at the point where most students at the academy don't even provide a challenge anymore.