
The Strongest Swordsman Of Naruto World

Through the Naruto world, Liu Yu activated the strongest inheritance system, and obtained the inheritance of the world's largest swordsman, " Eagle Eye " . Since then, a strong swordsman far surpassing White Fang was born.

King_Sarthak · Komik
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130 Chs

Chapter 130 : Liu Sheng's birthday, the most beautiful moment

  August 12 . _

The quiet before this storm seemed to last longer than ever.

From the Five Shadows Talks to the present, the five major countries first obtained the approval of the daimyo, and then began to prepare military food pills and ninja tools, and then sorted out the list of all ninjas, and resolved the hatred of the countries ... and then to the second Five Shadows Talks, discussing the transfer The matter of the eight tails and the nine tails.

Before you know it, several months have passed.

Now the five major countries have entered a state of emergency alert.

Although the days were still the same as usual, the smell of war was getting stronger and stronger.

Not long ago, Naruto Uzumaki was secretly entrusted with an S -level mission. The Konoha ninja headed by Matekai took him by sea to the Land of Thunder, and the destination was the resort of Yunyin Village - Lonely Island Paradise.

Lonely Island Paradise is the same training ground as Konoha's Death Forest.

" six eight seven " by transferring the eight tails and nine tails to it .

At the same time, it is also a venue used to teach Naruto Uzumaki how to control the power of the Nine Tails.

For this, Yagyu knew a little from the mouth of Nara Shikamaru who occasionally came over.

But he didn't care, and he ignored it.

After returning from the Five Shadows Talk, Liu Sheng's life in the past few months was the same as before, spending every day resting and practicing.

He knows that in the past few months, many big and small things have happened in Konoha and even the entire ninja world.

However, he did not participate, quietly waiting for the arrival of the fourth war in the ninja world.

Today, for everyone else, is another ordinary day.

In Liu Sheng's eyes, the same is true.

Liu Sheng, who woke up in the morning, unexpectedly did not see the figures of the Hinata sisters.

But in the kitchen, a warm breakfast was prepared for him.

Having been together for ten years since childhood, Hinata knows Yagyu's biological clock very well.

After breakfast, Yagyu came to the new gym and started today's training.

First, there are various exercises for the limbs, such as push-ups, frog leaps, pull-ups, etc.

An hour later, Liu Sheng digested the food in his stomach, and he began to increase his strength and perform various weight-bearing training.

He has been doing this kind of exercise for several years.

In terms of physique, although he is not as good as Xiao Li, who specializes in physique among his peers, he is also much stronger than other peers.

But compared with the physique of Pirate World, Yagyu is still far behind.

If you are stabbed to the core by Kuai, if you don't cover the armed color domineering, you will still be seriously injured, and may even die.

Liu Sheng didn't know whether it was because he was born in this world that his physique could not reach the level of a monster in the pirate world.

Even so, Yagyu did not give up daily exercise.

At 10:30 in the morning , Liu Sheng had just finished training, and went to the bathroom soaked with sweat. After taking a hot bath, he made another pot of tea and came to the gym again.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon, Yagyu's breathing gradually became even and long.

Begin breathing with everything around you, establishing a connection, and letting your own breath fit into it.

The invisible big net that breath turned into quickly covered the entire gymnasium, spreading in all directions at a neither fast nor slow speed.

Not long after, most of Konoha's everything breathed, forming a tsunami-like sound, looming into Liu Sheng's ears.

If there are outsiders here, they will definitely feel Liu Sheng's body, as if there is a sharp sword that can't be seen, and it will make the eyes hurt.

That is a kind of power that can cut everything with a sword in his hand.

Ten minutes later, Liu Sheng slowly opened his eyes.

In the red eyes, there was a flash of ice blue light.

Rows of dark lines began to spread all over the eyelids.

Whether it is the floor or the ceiling, or the walls, props, etc ... Even the invisible airflow has the lines of ' death ' .

Liu Sheng didn't need to move or even deliberately aim somewhere, just give him a knife and he could kill everything in the gym.

The sound of the breath of all things cooperates with the magic eye of straight death, so that the line of death is more or less every second. A single picture has not only become multiple screens, but even cut into countless pieces.

Every picture is so small, shaking with the increase of the line of death, giving people a strong sense of vomiting.

Liu Sheng maintained this state for a long, long time.

It didn't end until I was sweating profusely and couldn't stand it any longer.

And when his eyes returned to their normal red eyes, the whites of his eyes were already covered with bloodshots.

A feeling of exhaustion that had not slept for a few days hit Liu Sheng's mind.

Getting up and returning to the room, Liu Yu didn't even have the motivation to wash his body, so he just fell on the bed and fell asleep.

  " Liu Sheng-kun ... Liu Sheng-kun ..."

This sleep, it was not until the evening that I woke up slowly under Hinata's voice.

At this time, the sky was pitch black, and the room without the lights turned on was dark.

With the moonlight shining in from the window, Yagyu saw Hinata leaning over.

Liu Sheng got up sleepily, rubbed his eyes and said, " Hina, what time is it? "

Hinata helped Liusheng tidy up the neckline of the bathrobe, and said softly, " It's almost nine o'clock, Liusheng-kun, go wash it first ."

  " Yeah. " Liu Sheng nodded, and then asked, " Where's the fireworks? "

  " Hana went home today, come back tomorrow ..." Hinata replied softly, and Yanagyu couldn't see the blushing face in the dark at all.

But he didn't care, and nodded slightly: " Then I'll go wash it first. "

  " Hmm. "

Watching him enter the bathroom, Hinata's beautiful eyes contained a deep distressed look.

After Liu Sheng came out, Hinata was no longer in the room.

There was no light in the gap under the door, proving that the living room outside was not turned on.

With doubtful thoughts, Liu Sheng opened the door and walked out.

Immediately, a candle light came into view.

In the dark living room, the cake with sixteen candles was so eye-catching.

  " Liu Sheng-kun, happy birthday! "

A pair of arms came from behind, hugging Liu Sheng's waist, and Hinata's sweet voice entered his ears.

The familiar scene appeared in advance.

But this time the protagonist was replaced by him.

Looking at the cake on the table, Liu Sheng showed a smile and murmured: " Is it my first birthday? "

Hearing his words, Hina Tian Jiaowan who was behind her trembled slightly and said apologetically, "I 'm sorry, Liusheng-kun ... You remember my birthday every year, but I didn't remember yours once. "

  " It's not that I don't remember, it's just that I didn't tell you! " Liu Sheng turned around and hugged Hinata, his forehead resting on her forehead door, staring at those beautiful eyes full of guilt, vaguely, when Hinata was a child, the girl The shadow of the time flashed slowly, like overlapping, becoming what it is now.

Liu Sheng's expression gradually softened, and he murmured in a low voice: " Unconsciously, Hinata 's most beautiful moment has come. "

Hearing this, Hinata seemed to have remembered something, and her pretty face immediately turned red.

But her firm will suppressed that shyness. She hugged Liu Sheng tightly, put her small head in his palm, and responded as delicately as a mosquito: "... um. "

With two fingers pinching Hinata's chin, she slowly raised her head, Liusheng lowered his head directly, and grabbed the red lips.

The two figures hugging each other in the dark gradually joined together.

The sound of the zipper sounded slowly, and the gradually burning candlelight shone on the clothes that fell to the ground.

White trench coat, trousers, and bathrobe ...

After the sixteen candles were burned, the two figures in the living room had disappeared.

Through the open door, one could vaguely hear the slight to high music playing inside. .