
Naruko vs Hinata

It didn't take much longer for the chunin exams began... "Would, Naruko and Hinata please come down to the Arena..." Shiro smiled, and kissed Naruko on the lips, "Good luck..." Shiro said with a smile, Naruko smiled as she began to walk down into the ring, Everyone was surprised, by Naruko's new look, Shiro ignored everything and focused on the match...as did haku.

"So, Hinata-san...why do you hate me so much?" Naruko asked her, Hinata snorted, "I would have thought that would be obvious, Naru-"chan.." she sneered, she grabbed a Kunai and clenched it tightly. Naruko frowned as she got in her stance as well, ready.


Hinata rushed towards Naruko, kunai in the ready... Shiro frowned, Hinata was really going in for the Kill.... Naruko dodged all of her strikes, before she raised her hand, and fired a gust of wind at her...

Hinata who was running towards her, bent her back backwards to dodge it... she looked at Naruko, a smirk on her face, she rushed at Naruko who started to fire multiple waves of Wind chakra at her, who dodged every single one , Naruko smirked, as she was deeply impressed, Naruko then met her attack head on and the two started to exchange blows, those blows have some serious blows.

""You, hate me, because you think I took Shiro-kun from you?" Naruko asked, only to duck as a wave of chakra was sent at her... Naruko looked at Hinata's glowing blue hands...

"Yes, but not think...you did steal Shiro-kun from me...." Hinata growled, "I had no one, he was the one who looked after me, he was the one who was there for me, he was the one who believed in me when no one else did!"

Shiro's hand went to his heart, as he remembered the times he and Hinata spent together, he was just trying to help her out, it just so happened that it developed into something more...

Hinata..." Naruko muttered softly..."I understand, more than you know," Naruko remembered all the times in the past, when Shiro protected her, he taught her, he cared for her....even when the whole village was against her, against them, he stood his ground, he stood by her side, and that's why she loved him,...she loved him so much, and what he did with Hinata, "he did a lot for you," Naruko continued, "and you felt like you wouldn't be where you are without him... Of course she knows, she was there with him when she saw it... She came to him, and he accepted her, when everybody called her weak, he called her strong, he helped her, and gave her confidence, he taught her how to fight, Naruko knows, Naruko understands more than anyone....

"You loved him because of that..." Naruko whispered, "Just like I did...."

"Not that it matters anymore," Hinata sneered, " he clearly loves you. more than me, ..but...maybe I will just have to kill you, and take him by force.."

Hinata lunged at her at full speed, Naruko dodged and met the speed the same

The crowd was in awe at the speed, and the power of the chakra that was being unleashed, the Sandaime, was watching in pride, as he gazed down at the future of the Konoha shinobi, and how powerful they become, though he was curious about Naruko and Hinata, both of them were able to Jutsu's without handsigns, he had a feeling he knew why they both gotten very strong too, and according to there conversation, he was right... he gazed down at young Shiro, Yamato informed him about, a hidden bloodline he unlocked to make him look like that? How curious, he was going to have a talk with them, once the chunin exams is over.


Shiro watched as Naruko and Hinata both clashed against eachother, punch after punch kick after kick, Hinata was fighting with everything she had, and Naruko was fighting back, and she was going all out too, Hinata was not faring much better, she was loosing ground, as Naruko kept on increasing her chakra, eventually she was starting to dominate her.... Naruko grabbed her from behind, and locked her from behind, "Hinata..give up..."

Hinata roared, as she elbowed Naruko in the gut, causing her to cough and let go, Hinata then kicked her back,

Hinata got into a stance, everyone's eyes widened when two pairs of lions that looked exactly identical formed into each hand.

'GENTLE STEP: TWIN LIONS EIGHT TRIGRAMS THIRTY TWO PALMS!" Hinata's roar echoed through the chambers, a certain hyuuga clan leader had both of his eyes shooting open in disbelif, His youngest daughter looked at him with a questionable look. "No time Hanabi, focus on the match, and learn from it..."

Hanabi frowned, but nonetheless obeyed, "Yes, father..."


Hinata dashed forward at Naruko, each palm strike hitting Naruko in the gut, and caused Naruko to wince once she was done, hinata smirked cruelly only to frown, when the clone dispelled,

"hey Hinata..." a cold voice said from behind her, she immediately turned behind her only to receive a rasengan to the face, sending her flying, Naruko disappeared in a flash and reappeared behind her with another rasengan to the back , sending her flying down to the ground Naruko increased her chakra even more and while she was in falling in the air and disappeared in another flash again. One final rasengan slammed into her back, she used her other hand to slam her into the ground, Hinata was unconscious..

Naruko glared at Hinata for a moment, before she sighed, "Call the match."

""W-winner...Naruko U-uzumaki...

The crowd was still silent....before...one clap, followed by another, than another, before the whole crowd started to roar....

How was it? If you like it, comment, let me know of your thoughts, if your confused let me know, I will gladly show you the way of understanding, or if I missed something, tell me, so i can correct it, and vote powerstones, I.LOVE.POWERSTONES! Have a good day.

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts