
Naruko's plan

[System what of Jiraiya, the sanin, is he good or bad, light or dark, I need to know who it is we will eventually be dealing with.]

[Compliance, Jiraiya has just entered Konoha, be wairly of him, he is too obssessed with the child of prophecy, and will most likely use her as a tool.]

Shiro's eyes hardened at this.

Later that night both Shiro and Naruko were getting ready for bed, "Hey shiro-kun?" Naruko asked she was in her bra, I could see her growing be coming more and more like a lady because of her training, because she was training and more intensely then others, because of this her body was developing at a faster rate.

The scar on her belly from the sealing was big but it was slowly shrinking down because of the groth rate, I could also as you could expect see abs start to form, which to be honest, was even hotter to me, I know I was 14 years old at the time I died raised by I Christian family, but I was a pervert too, closet pervert, but a pervert nonetheless.

I admit it okay! You happy?!

What I loved the most was abs on a women. Never new why but I felt so entranced by a womens stomach with and, mixed together, and tomboy women as well, but that doesn't compare, not really a fan of just any average girls, because I like see them all the time, and it reminds me of my mother, all though she was strong willled on the inside she looked like just an average women, and dating a girl that looks like my mother...weird.

Unfortunately, Naruko noticed him oogling her, and although she had a slight blush on her cheeks, her lips quirked upwards into a smirk.

"I didn't think my boyfriend would be such a pervert." she said coyly

Shiro instantly chocked on his own spit, and started up a coughing fit.

After a while he calmed down, Naruko was still gazing down at him with a smirk on her face.

"I-I...I am not a pervert," Shiro managed, "just looking at how much you've grown."

' Oh...that made it worse...' Shiro thought as Naruko sent him a knowing look her eyes glittering with amusement.

"Okay, you win," Shiro gave a sigh of defeat, "I may be a little perverted, but can you blame me you are Gorgeous!"

Naruko smiled brightly but remained silent, she slowly walked towards Shiro with a sway of her hips, before long she was right in front of him, Shiro notes that she was still walking, untill she sat on his lap.

Shiro's heart was beating a million miles per second, as she snuggled against his chest.

She grinded slowly into his lap, causing Shiro to gasp as a jolt of pleasure shot three his spine.

Naruko then chamged positions and her back was facing him instead of his front and was now snuggling deeper into his chest.

After a moment Shiro finally gained his composure, and narrowed his eyes at Naruko who was now resting comfortably against his chest.

"You did that on purpose didn't You?"

Naruko glanced up at him with an innocent look, "I haveknow idea what you mean?"

She grinded even slower, causing me to wince as another jolt of pleasure shot up through my spine.

Shiro glared at her She looked at him with an innocent look,

Shiro shook his head and eventually relaxed, he raised his fingers to rub her whiskers causing her to pur.

Shiro smiled, she looked so cute when she did that, it was then he remembered something.

"You wanted to tell me something earlier?"

"Huh, Oh yeah, I will be going into a training trip outside the village, I will be back by the time the finals start." Naruko said.

"Ah, who are you training with, is it kurama?"

Naruko shook her head, "No, I am training with the summons of my parents, I learned how to summon there summons, I will be training with them and learn senjutsu."

"That would prove interesting, "I know your dad summoned toads, but what of your mothers?" Shiro asked curiously.

Naruko's smirk turned into a grin, "Dragons."

"Interesting.... then I too will leave for a training trip, I don't want to get left behind." Shiro joked.

Naruko laughed, that laugh like music to his ears, after a moment of laughing Shiro watched before he guided her cheak with his finger to be face to face with him, and kissed her.

Naruko's eyes widened in surpise before she eventually melted into it.