
Mistress Death POV

Death was finally able to stop screaming....as she slowly got her bearings back together....the portal was gone... now she will have to wait...


Yes, She hadn't been spying on him, it was watching, she was just watching him, not spying... She fell in love with him through her connection with Hela, Her "un." Willing Servant."

And saw the life that she had lived....she saw this Balder, and she saw how he supported her through everything..., She gazed at a lot of mortals, not a lot of them had the will or the strength, to care for another like Balder did...Even after all of the horrid, despicable things, her servant did to him, out of her own Jealousy towards her father.... he still loved her....he still looked after her...

Many would call that foolish, many would call that Naive...but to death...it was endearing... She had looked through many mortals life's throughout the ages.

Most of the mortals attempts to be a hero were a joke, they crumble at the first sign of trouble....Chaos is in there natural Order...

But this mortal...

This mortal...

She could not really explain it...

he was just


He was not like the others...

Her feelings were conflicted at first...she didn't truly know if she loved him or not...

He died, as to be expected, for Death, Honorably, and without fear...he welcomed her...and...it warmed her heart....


The Soul vanished, and she tried to find it, looking everywhere for it...only to feel, only to find nothing...

That's was when, when she truly figured out...she loved Balder...She loved him so....much...and that meant...she'll do anything she did to find him...

"When she finally found him...he was reincarnated, different body...but the soul was just the same...he had given him a family...

She didn't know what to feel about that...Honestly...She was willing to Share Balder with her Servant...the Asgardian....

The Asgardian, who held an Extreme Dislike to her, and was afriad of her...

She doesn't blame her, Death is a fearsome Concept after all, Death is feared by most...even immortals....

But their backstory...

Darling was a Seer? He served the Creator Of the Infinite Omniverse!

She new of the multiverse, but she knew little of the Omniverse, from her father, but she knew, and to think, that her Darling...Was chosen to Serve the Sole Creator of Existence itself!

Her Darling was Amazing!

Oh Her heart and Her Pride to love such a being that Balder has become...

She could not Describe it.

it also, appears that Balder...

He is now called Shiro...but would always be balder to her...was afraid of her as well!

So he knew what she was!

And who she was after...as expected of a seer, but when he said that he was leaving...she figured that he was going to go off onto another planet, until she thought for a while.... and it clicked! He was going back home....he was going back home!

She wouldn't find him then...how would she find him now....she could not wait for him any longer! So out of shock, she screamed! Then she appeared in front of him.

Paralyzing him with her presence, the fear in his eyes.. it was not for him...it was for his family...his wonderful children...She wasJealous...very jealous...but she was not going to harm them...

Why would he fear her?

Sure she did some horrible things...

But she would never harm him...she would never harm his family...

Because she loved him..

And He loved his family

So She wouldn't Dare remove a single hair from their bodies....

When he attacked her...she was shocked....He could attack me? Physical energy shouldn't work on me...

But it wasn't physical...

It was Cosmic...

Normally...She would be enraged...

And for her Darling...

she would be Hurt, and betrayed...

But...she only felt pride, and more Admiration.

She grew Hot...

She knew...

her Love for him only grew at that point...

He said he would come back...

When he does..

She will be here...

and she will be waiting.

Death, he won't be so easy for you to grab, when he comes back, he will be a lot stronger, and he will be ready to face you.