
Light sparring

"You are strong," lee said.

"Thank you." Shiro replied.

"But I am stronger." He vanished Shiro's eyes followed his movement's as he sidestepped to avoid a kick to the ribs.

Shiro looked impassive as he charged lee charged to meet him and lee started throwing barrages of punches and Kicks, at him.

Shiro only blocked and dodged, the attacks, He grabbed Lee's arm before sweeping him off of his feet with a sweeping kick. Lee quickly leeped back to his feet and charged at me this time I side stepped and started throwing punches.

He blocked some dodged others and for hit by more of course he felt a slight pain but he ignored it.

"Lee that is enough." and older man's voice echoed causing Lee to pause and his face brighten at the sound of it.

"Yes Guy sensei."

"It brings me joy in my heart to see these young ones filled with the power of YOUTH!"

Shiro watched as Guy afterwards scolded Lee before they started to hug, a genjutsu formed in the background.

"This is very painful to my eyes" Haku stated.

"wish I could unsee what I am seeing right now but I can't look away."Naruko muttered

So This is the mighty sunset genjutsu...


The two strange creatures Lee and Gai were hugging and a sunset was in the background behind him.

Haku and Naruko were staring with horrifyed expressions. He kind of expected that with naruko but Haku is another story.

"Alright you guys don't have to be so overly dramatic." Shiro said shaking his head causing the two who snapp out of their daze.

Haku blinked as Naruko rubbed her eyes and said, "Nope, I think that would actually be sweet if not for the horrifying sunset genjutsu..."

Haku gave her a bland look in response, Naruko caught it and simply shrugged her shoulders.

Shiro chuckled.

As they watched the two beast of konoha do their antics, the two let go of each other, screamed some more before they decided to depart.

Shiro decided to step in at that point again, "hey lee?!" he called out causing lee to turn his head back towards shiro.

Shiro smiled, "I wish to see you again during the chunin exams, I would like to continue this."

Lee stared at. him for amoment before he grinned a toothy grin. "Me too." he said before they departed.

Haku and Naruko glanced at Shiro with smiles on there faces, Shiro looked at them and smiled as well, "come on, lets go."

Shiro Naruko and Haku finally made it to the third floor were they both spotted Zabuza and Yamato.

"Took ya long enough, I expected you to be quicker." Zabuza said with a snarky tone.

"Sorry." Shiro said waving it off, "I'm afraid we got lost on the road of life."

Yamato snorted, as Naruko giggled Haku just smiled.

"Don't go immitating kakashi Shiro-san." yamato said smirking, Shiro smirked back before he shook his head.

"Anyway what are you doing here?"

"We are just there to wish you luck in your exams...."

"You better not loose either, or I'll shove my sword so far up into your ass you will see sparks!"

Shiro gave Zabuza a deadpanned look, "I am not into guys....Zabuza and I have a girlfriend..."

Naruko giggled slightly as Yamato's smirk had gotten bigger.

"He got you their Zabuza.-sama.." Haku giggled.

Zabuza simply scowled.

Yamato simply chuckled and said, "Yeah, well you are representing Konoha and team 11, So I wish you the best of luck....I wish I could have taught you more but time sort of ran short."

"Don't worry about that." Shiro smiled, "At least you have acknowledged that,"

Unlike a certain porn loving, mask whering white haired pervert... actually I think he did, it's just in most of the fan fiction universes where he doesn't.

They both stepped to the side as team 'll faced the door, Shiro stood in the middle as Naruko took the left and Haku took the right

""Good luck brats..." Zabuza said, "Kick their asses..."

Team 11 exchanged glances, "You guys ready....?" Shiro asked

They nodded Shiro's smile grew before he looked at the door and pushed it open before they entered.

"Interesting." Shiro said, 'I wonder if they are aware of the sunset in the distance.'