
Integrating to konoha {2}

Right before Naruko unlocked the gate, an anbu came in and handed. Zabuza and Haku paperwork before dissappearing.

Afterwards Haku and Zabuza got settled in, before they did the paperwork that got them registered for konoha and got it back saying there konoha citizens

"Alright we are offically Konoha citizens..." Haku said, Shiro smiled and pulled out the sword from his inventory. Causing Zabuza to raise his eyebrow.

"Where did you put my sword...I just saw it appear from nothing.."

Shiro smirked, "that was just my bloodline...." Naruko raised her eyebrow.

"Bloodline?" Naruko asked suspiciously "That reminds me, you said you were going to explain to me what that was in the hokage office, was that really a bloodline you had?"

Shiro shrugged and smirked, "That was total b.s. My dear...I was trying to protect you from the clan restoration act."

"Oh.." Naruko muttered as the realization hit her..."You did that for me?"

Shiro nodded, "I didn't want you be forced into the cra and raped by the villagers men, so I took it upon myself knowing the village would be less violent with me."

Shiro didn't know what to do if that happens to her, actually that's false Shiro knows exactly what he would do if that situation ever happens to her.

Raze the entire village to the ground and burn it till nothing is left, of course let Kurama out and let her have some revenge as well also seems nice.

"No they won't." Naruko sighed, "They will treat you with as much hate as they would do to me, because your the 'demons' boyfriend."

Shiro shrugged, "Still though it's better you than me, I will gladly suffer just to protect you, that's how much I love you..."

Before he could think of, or sayanything else, Naruko grabbed him by the shoulder's and brung him into a kiss.

"Mmmph..." was all Shiro could say as his cheeks started to heat up.

"Ince there lips departed Naruko smiled at him, though there was a little bit of pink on her cheeks. "Your always trying to protect me...I never thought of that this time, thanks."

"Urah haba." was all he could say in reply Naruko only giggled in response before walking away Haku gazed at him with a slight longing look before turning and following after her.

"Smooth brat...smooth..." Zabuza smirked.

"Out of one more word and no healer alive would be able to fix what I do to you." Shiro hissed.

back with Naruko and Haku who had just caught up with her, "That guy is one of a kind, to be able to care for you like that, Your so lucky Naruko, I'm so jealous..."

Naruko just grinned in response. "There is no reason for you to be jealous Haku-chan, what about Zabuza-kun?"

Haku rolled her eyes, "Its not like that, Zabuza-sama is more of a father figure than a lover to me....most men I meet only want to get in my pants instead of knowing me which is why. Zabuza and I came up with the plan to hide my gender once we started working for thugs like Gato."

"Oh...." Naruko muttered then her eyes lit up as she suddenly had an Idea.

"Oh!" she said causing Haku to look at her in curiousity, "Oh...what?"

"Oh nothing...just had a thought..." Naruko smirked.