
Frieza intermission

"I am sorry, what were you going on about before?" Frieza asked in barely restrained rage, the soildier had just explained to him what was happening, the soldier gulped "A strange looking Saiyan with brown hair was discovered tearing apart our forces sir, he killed a member of your race with a battle power of 300,000 so I assume that he must be hiding his power levels.."

"I see..." Frieza gritted his teeth, he let those Monkeys live long enough, and now they were growing powerful by each passing second. They need to be destroyed, now, the saiyans will be an eye sore no more. "What of him now..." the soilder swallowed, "U-uh sir?"

Frieza narrowed his eyes at him, "Where. is. he. now." Frieza snarled, "I do not know..sir, "Pity, and you were a part of the ships, that he destroyed, makes you wonder why are you alive if you didn't go after him."

""U-uh sir....I uh..GAHHH..'" The soldier coughed off blood, "Lord frieza...why...." he groaned out before he dropped dead. Frieza closed his eyes and took a deep breath, before he opened them, "Zarbon?"

""Yes, Lord Frieza..."

"Set a course for the planet Vegeta." Zarbon bowed "As you wish Lord Frieza." He departed at once

"So, you are going to blow up the planet vegeta lord Frieza," a pink chubby humanoid figure said to frieza,..

""Indeed we are, Dedoria, indeed we are..."

Frieza smiled cruely

"Soon, the monkey race will be an eye sore to me no longer, afterwards if we ever come across, which I have no doubt he will, I shall dispose of this so called Monkey Guardian, for daring to lay a hand on my force, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, YESTHE END THE END OF THE MONKEY RACE HAS DRAWN NEAR!!!!"

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Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts