
First Flight here

"Shiro-Kun!" Hinata screamed holding tightly to him for dear life as she gazed down below with fear, Naruko was slightly nervous, but she flew on dragons, so this really wasn't anything new, she was still shocked Shiro was able to fly...

"I didn't know you can fly..." Naruko said, glancing at him, "Yeah, it is a very good skill to learn,." Shiro replied, "It is always said to people that know how to fly, that it is a great feeling at first, but you get used to it," Shiro glanced at her with a smile, "I don't think I'm ever going to get used to this though..."the feeling is just so incredible..." He then glanced at hinata who was really nervous... he hugged her tightly in his arm, "Hinata-chan, relax, I am never going to drop you both, I promise...."

Shiro was so sincere with his words, Hinata could not help but relax slowly, she blushed at the feeling of his muscles....

'So, Naru-chan, ever thought about going to your ancestor's land?" Shiro asked.

Naruko smiled, "yeah, I planned to talk with the hokage about it...but he ended up dead, and then this happened...Naruko frowned, Hinata frowned as she overheard their conversation, "What are you talking about?"

"My ancestor's land Uzushiogakure... it was once amongst the greatest kingdoms in the world, led by the uzukage, unfortunately they were attacked, by all villages, Konoha did not help in trying to.." Naruko started to frown...

Something both Hinata and Shiro clearly noticed, he squeezed Naruko's soft waist gently, "Naruko-chan, do not worry about that, that is why we are going over there, so you can take whatever Uzushiogakure has left and seal it with you....then we can leave this world...

"Hinata blinked confused, "World?"

Naruko' frowned for a moment, before her eyes widened in realization"Oh that's right..." Her lips quirked upwards, "you don't know..." She glanced at Shiro, who nodded at her with a small smile, she glanced at Hinata, who still looked confused, "know what?"

"Shiro is a Seer who can see the universe of multiple timelines..." Naruko stated bluntly, causing Hinata's eyes widen in shock, "You can see the future?"

Shiro nodded, "Yes, I can...and all of them don't have me in them, but if you were to ask about your future, well in most of them... Naruko becomes the seventh hokage and marries Hinata hyuuga.."

Both of them had there eyes widen in shock, Shiro fought the urge to laugh as they glanced at eachother with odd expressions, and flushed faces...

"Um...I am not really into woman so that is weird to me..." Naruko finally said....Hinata nodded in agreement, "I agree, although I think we would have been best friends..."

Naruko nodded, but frowned as she looked back on her life, "Actually I wouldn't think there would be a me, without Shiro-kun..."

Hinata frowned too, thinking back on her life as well, before nodding, "I have to agree Naruko-chan, I do not think I would be here without shiro-kun as well too..."

Shiro smiled, and hugged them close.

'System, light up a path to uzushiogakure's location...'


Shiro's eyes glowed green, a path lit up before him,, he increased his speed and took off into the distance

How was it, if you like it, comment, let me know your thoughts, and vote powerstones, I. Love. POWERSTONES! have a good day, and Happy april fools, hope you pull of some good pranks, or watch some on youtube if your not good at it...again have a good day.

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts