

"Do you notice anything different?" I ask him, mrs Briefs looked at him confused, "You mean besides the fact that we are young again, and we have our youth strength and energy back?"

I nodded my head, Mr. Brief frowned, "Yes, I do feel something, I have the strange urge to want to fight you now."

Shiro smiled, "well, let's do that shall we?"

"Dad?" Bulma was a little worried, as she knew the power of Shiro and his dad just recently became just like him.

Goku placed a hand on her shoulder and turned to his father, "hey Dad, why don't you let Bulma fight him."

Shiro Raised his eyebrow, before he smiled at him, "That's actually a good Idea son."

"What?! " Bulma shouted startled, "that isn't a good Idea either, what if I hurt my father, I have been stronger, since I had got this sooner than him."

"Bulma," Goku said with a small grin, "aren't you being a little too dramatic, he is an immortal, so that means he can't die."

"I know that!" Bulma growled, "I still don't want to hurt him."

Mrs Brief giggled, "dear I think the whole point of being afraid we will get hurt, is that we'll die, aren't you being just a little bit silly?"

Bulma glared at her mother, and was about to retort, but Mr.Brief's cut in.

"Bulma please let us have this, it has been a while since we have had this youth and we want to test our strength, especially now that we have become more."

Bulma continued to glare at them, before she eventually sighed, "fine, this doesn't mean I will like this."

Shiro smiled, "It's alright, pretty soon though, it might surprise you that you will also come to enjoy it, as it is in your blood."
