

Shiro looked to the old kai, who was leering at Gine, 'can't say I didn't expect this...' he looked to Gine, who was looking at the old kai with disgust written on her face, he gave off a long sigh. "Alright," he said "Let's go back Gine, I already regret coming here..." Much to everyones shock, Gine a little less than, everyone because of obvious reasons....

Gine nodded her head and walked towards them, "Wait, Where are you going/!" Elder Kai asked, dumbfounded by this entire action, they wern't just going to leave like that were they, after everything?

"We are leaving, I should not have brought Gine, knowing you would blackmail me with her..."

"You were going to leave, just like that?" Shin asked, "what about the fate of the universe?"

"What matters the most is my loved ones..." Shiro said with a glare..."Gine is my friend, and I will not just sit back and be forced to do something she does not want to do, especially kiss a perverted old man.." Shiro sent a glare towards the Elder Kai, "Besides, although it would cost us time, we would eventually get there without your help, us saiyans have no limits, there is no strength that is out there we cannot achieve,"

True enough, that is with vegeta's own words at the end of Super, "There is no limits, that us saiyans cannot break!"

Gine was touched, she only knew him for a little while but yet, he stood up for her... a warm feeling rose in her chest and she smiled at him... Kibito, Shin, were shocked, but held respect... this really was someone that was going to go all the way for the people he cares about, sacrificing everything for their own sake...

"But wait...how are you going to get back!" It was Kibito who called after him...Shiro smirked at him, before he took his space ship out of the inventory, "My space ship can travel anwhere in the universe...I should be fine..."

"Shiro looked at Gine and opened the door for her, "Ladies first..." She smiled at him, before turning and take a step, she was about to walk in, when they both heard a voice shout,"WAIT!"

Shiro annd Gine both paused and looked over,, and Saw the Elder kai rushing over, "I'm sorry alright!" He shouted, "I'll help you out without the kiss..."

Shiro smiled, before he put his space ship back into his inventory... he then turned to face them...

"Alright then..." he said, "Let's do this.."

How was it? If you like it, comment, let me know of your thoughts, and vote powerstones, I love powerstones! Have anice day.

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts