
Ryu's first battle

Shinobu's group kept watching the Caravan sinking in the pool of mud.

Shinobu >"That must be Hajime's mudpool Jutsu, that caravan has important Intel of the leaf."

Kaiki >"Lets move out."

Shinobu >" No, that is not our job we are the ones responsible for stopping anyone from escaping but we will move out to stop any factors that could hurt our teammates.

While the Caravan kept sinking an group of people in Black windbreaker showed up and attacked. Most of the people of Caravan did not put up much of a resistance sinds most of them were normal people, but there were a few guards that retaliated and it revealed that they were ninjas and most of them don't seem like gennin. As the team was fighting the enemy ninjas, there were a few gaurds who did'nt seem to be ninjas but were doing something suspicious.

They suddenly pulled out round balls covert by paper talisman's. It seemed like they were trying to commit suicide bombing so they would not leak anything. The twins who were still in disguise hurried and killed them before they could ignite the bombs.

This however broke their disguise and Akame was suddenly attacked from behind. She was to slow to react and before the blade could reach her, her brother suddenly showed up behind her and blocked it with a kunai. His strength however seemed insufficient as he was sent flying together with his sister. The rest of the group seeing this decided to attack but the ninja, he turned into mist and doged.

Soma >"It's confirmed they are from the hidden Mist, everyone be on your guard,this one seems to be an high-ranking chuunin.

Suddenly without warning the Earth under them start to cave in, Soma was cleary surprised and told everyone to hurry up and move from where they were standing.

Mai >"Vice captain, reporting, the ambushed came from ninjas underground and they seemed to be from the hidden sand."

Soma >"What the heck ninjas from the hidden sand, you got to be kidding me, it looks like the hidden mist and hidden sand village were working together.

Shinobu seeing the situation told Kaiki that it was time to move out.

Shinobu >''Ryu you stay behind in case there's still someone else that tries to escape, Kaiki and I will go be Soma's reinforcement.

After she said that, she and Kaiki suddenly rushed to the ninjas from the hidden mist, Kaiki was the first one to take action.

Kaiki>"Eath release, earth spike jutsu."

Kaiki splitted the hidden mist ninjas up.

Suddenly the leader of the hidden mist could not move his body, seeing this Shinobu immediately took action and used her mind transfer jutsu. Seeing that Shinobu had already taken control, Soma released his Jutsu. Shinobu then started attacking the ninjas that were right behind her as the battle kept getting messier since there were more ninjas among those in the Caravan than they thought.

Still with the way the battle was going eventhough the enemy had more ninjas then them they were still winning the battle. Ryu anxiously watched the entire battle, he really wanted to join but he kept staying there as he was orderd.

Suddenly Ryu sensed someone approaching from the other side of the forest. He hid his precense and waited to see who it was. He spotted someone hidden under a cloak, it seemed like a man and he was staring at the battle. Ryu watched him closely and spotted part of an headband under his cloak.

Taking an closer look he could see two more figures behind the Ninja but those two figures did not move they almost seem lifeless. Ryu decided to get closer while still hiding his precense, he could finally see the two figures behind the ninja and relized that they were puppets.

Ryu knew that it was a ninja from the hidden sand, only they are the ones adept at using puppets.

The ninja put his puppets in front of himself and suddenly using hand signs. Ryu fearing of what the outcome would be if he released his jutsu circulated his chakra to his entire body strengtening it, then with an incredible speed quickly Rushed up behind the ninja, not expexting Ryu to come out of no where he stopped his jutsu and tried to doged but could not as Ryu kicked his shoulder shattering it as he was going for another kick, the hidden sand ninja was dragged away.

The one who saved him seemed to be a ninja from the hidden mist. Looking at the two of them Ryu relized that these two must be Joinin.

Looking at the situation Ryu wonderd if he should retreat, he thought for a second and decided to fight.

He was suddenly attacked with a water Needle jutsu by the hidden mist ninja. Before the needles could come close to him, he used this powerfull fist to punch the ground, this causedtpieces of rocks to fly in the air successfully blocking the needles that were coming for him

Right after the needles were blocked by the Rocks suddenly the hidden sand Ninja also moved he use his chakra to strengthen the amount of chakra in his puppets and and his puppets opend their mouth and large amount of poisonous gas at poisonous needles released after the rocks fell. Believing that Ryu was dead the hidden sand ninja stopped but he was still angry that his shoulder was shatterd by an gennin. After the smoke cleared they did not see Ryu's body.

Ryu suddenly appeared behind the two, seeing as the puppet master was weak in Taijutsu and already injured he decided to take him out first. The Puppetmaster being the the weakest among the two did not sence Ryu appear behind them but the hidden mist ninja did. Relizing what Ryu wanted to do he quickly attacked Ryu with another water needles jutsu in hopes of stoppinng him. But Ryu was already to close, he appeared behind the hidden sand ninja and before he could react he broke his leg. Before Ryu could land the finishing blow the hidden mist ninja his attack came, having no other choice Ryu doged.

Seeing Ryu quickly dodging his attack that Hidden Mist ninja decided to use a stroner ninjutsu, but before he could finish his hand signs Ryu suddenly threw lots of smoke bombs completely blocking his vision.

The hidden sand ninja was using his puppets to defend himself but he could not control them so well since Ryu broke both his leg and shoulder, he was realy pitufull he was an high ranking ninja an Joinin but not only was he sneack attacked against by Ryu but he also could not bring out his full strength.

Ryu ignited the smoke by lighting it with an match he had on him. But the smoke did not explode but let out an blinding flash . The mist ninja not expecting this trick was suddenly blinded,

Ryu appeared before the hidden sand ninja, knowing he had no time to use his puppets he decided to delay Ryu by using Taijutsu. What he did not know was that before Ryu his Taijutsu was nothing but a joke, even if he was not injured there was no way for him to win against Ryu only using Taijutsu.

He fought Ryu using Taijujutsu but could'nt last for 10 seconds before both of his arms were broken by the Ryu's immense strength. The hidden mist ninja finaly got out of his daze and saw what was happening and quickly tried to use his ninjutsu but Ryu was to quick again he gave his opponent an uppercut that broke his jaw and then he struck him in the chest. This strike was so powerfull that it smashed the sand ninjas heart apart.

Just like that Ryu killed someone for the first time and the person who died by his hand was an powerfull ninja who died with a lot grievance, he died in an unlucky matter without even being able to show his strenght.

Yo Zaver here

Sorry this came out a little late, was trying to make the battle exiting. Please comment and tell me what you think

Zavercreators' thoughts