
The Strongest Queen

Eve is 18 years old princess whose duty is to get married to the Stars kingdom king Tom who is known for being heartless. She accepts the duty but knows that she won't be weak and obey the king. Because before marriage she will learn how to fight and be stronger. Tom 20 years old king of the Stars kingdom. He is a heartless and powerful king he wants a wife that will obey him. He never would have guessed that his wife will be a powerful, strong woman who doesn't even want to obey. What will happen when they will get married?

Story_space · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

I woke up. The beautiful dream that I had just ended... Now... I'm drowning in reality. I hate reality because the world that I exist is dark and dull without colors. But in dreams, I can see. I can finally see the beauty of world. My world. The world that doesn't belong to my parents, the king, and queen, or the society of nobles. The world that I can be free without the worry of being a failure. I try being the daughter that they want me to be. I really do but running from my true self is like running with time. You just can't run with time because it's faster and always will be. Even if I try to be better for them, I already accepted myself and love myself the way I am.

Finally, I get out of my bed and get changed. I put on brown leather pants and a white shirt. It's for the training I am doing because I want to get stronger. Stronger than any woman. My parents didn't like the idea of me learning how to fight. But after long months of arguing with them and telling them that it would be better for the kingdom of Stars to have a strong queen beside the king, my future husband that I don't even know, they finally agreed even know my mother is still skeptical because she thinks it's not ladylike especially for the princess. But I don't care at all.

Looking in the mirror on my bedroom wall I can still see my fiery red hair even know it's still dark outside. The color of my hair is never been seen before. It's unusual color so even if people are forbidden to talk bad about my red hair I still get stares from practically everybody except my family. My skin is white as snow but I like the contrast of red hair white skin and blue eyes. I don't hate my appearance but I still don't think I'm really pretty. But at least my appearance is not boring like everybody else.

Finally, I walk out of my room. Continuing my journey through dark corridors with boring paintings I reach my training ground where I learned how to wheeled a sword and now I fighting with the strongest knights in my kingdom.

It's 6:00 in the morning. The thick fog is still floating on the grass but knights are already waiting for me.

"Greeting my princess'' said Gabriel, one of my knights, the one and only one that I still unable to defeat. Well, but he is the strongest knight in Sun kingdom after all.

''Hi, Gabriel'' I said with a smile on my face. I was always happy to see him even know that I see him every day and all the time but he is the only one that I can truly talk to. His wife Lucy is also really nice to me but Gabriel is the one that I trust the most in the world. He always understands and listens to me. And never in my life have I seen him with disgust in his eyes for the color of my hair and the fact that I'm not acting like any other princess who only knows how to order others around and spends money on some useless sparkles.

''What do we do for the training today?'' I asked.

"Well princess today we will analyze strategies''

"Ohh okay'' I said. But then I saw a pile of huge books behind him on the table. And rolled my eyes hating the idea

''Gabriel you know that I really hate studying. Isn't there is another way to do it?'' I asked with hope.

" No there isn't. You have to know all the strategies there is and where can you use them.'' With that, all my hope disappeared. I took a deep breath then walked to the table, sitted and started reading.

After I finished the first book, which took long hours and hundreds of pages, I started another one. Then another and another until I read about seven books all about strategies. I was tired and wanted to sleep but noooo... I couldn't because the training wasn't over yet. As I was thinking this Gabriel started to speak.

"Princess now we will fight and see what did you learn''

"Can't we do that tomorrow? I'm really tired'' I whined.

"Listen princess I know that you are tired but you need to push your limits. Unless you want to be on the same level as you are now and never get stronger"

Even know I was a princess and could have ordered to let me rest I knew that my knight was right. So I took my sword and waited for him to come at me. I waited and waited and when I and my muscles relaxed a bit and I started to let my guard down just then he attacked me with full force. I fell but he attacked again. Then again and again so fast that all I could do was try to block and defend myself.

"Princess focus" yelled Gabriel

I managed to stand up and once again stood in my fighting position. Despite the pain and cuts all over my body I smiled. Anyone who could see me would think that I'm crazy but Gabriel and me we both knew that I was happy because even know I was hurt all over I was stranding and still ready to fight. My passion for fighting and getting stronger was the strongest thing I had. And also even if I told My parents that the strength I'm building was for me being the strong queen and helping my future husband the truth was I was getting stronger for myself. I wanted to be able to protect myself from everybody especially the Stars kingdom king Tom, who was known for being heartless and cruel. So I am using all the time that I have left to gain strength. And now I was standing in front of the strongest knight in my kingdom, smiling like crazy and ready to beat the shit out of him. I knew I could do that now thanks to the books I was reading earlier and focusing on Gabriel's movements while he was attacking me. So finally I started walking towards him casually and smiling mischievously while holding a sword in my right arm. Then I started running faster and faster at a speed that was hardly visible and I attacked my knight with full force. All the power that I had was put in that one blow. And it worked I managed to break through his defense and bring the sword to his neck. It happed so fast that he just couldn't react and the shock in his eyes was as clearly visible.

"I won'' I said with a proud smile on my face.

" Yes you did princess I am very happy about that because you finally are the strongest in all the Sun kingdom."

Those words were enough for me to be the happiest I ever was.

Suddenly my mothers' messenger reported to me that my mother wanted to see me and the happy feeling that I was feeling disappeared. I knew she wanted to talk about the king of the Stars kingdom because it's the only time when she is actually talked to me. Other than telling me what kind of bad daughter I am. So with an emotionless face, I walk toward the palace, got changed walked into her room.

Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you liked it.

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