
Chapter 6: We're Even

Echoes of He Donglin's agonizing screams filled the classroom, leaving behind a deafening silence.No one could have anticipated that Fang Yu, who had always been inconspicuous, would possess such a ruthless and ferocious side.Fang Yu had directly crushed He Donglin's hand bones with his foot!Upon witnessing this scene, the other followers who had planned to ambush Fang Yu were filled with fear and dared not make a move."Teacher, hurry up! If you don't come quickly, Fang Yu might be seriously injured!" someone shouted from outside the classroom, followed by the voice of Liu Pangzi.Immediately, Huang Hai and Liu Pangzi entered through the back door of the classroom and saw Fang Yu stepping on He Donglin's hand, causing him to writhe in pain.This situation was completely opposite to what Liu Pangzi had expected, leaving him dumbfounded and frozen in place.Huang Hai, on the other hand, realized the gravity of the situation and his face turned pale with anger. He exclaimed, "What's going on? What's happening? Are you trying to stir up trouble?"Seeing Fang Yu's lack of response, Huang Hai quickly approached him and pointed at him, saying, "Fang Yu, how dare you assault your fellow classmate? Move your foot immediately!"Fang Yu glanced at Huang Hai and said, "They started it. They threw my desk and books to the back.""So what if they started it? It's wrong for you to hit and harm others! Remove your foot immediately!" Huang Hai's body trembled with anger.It should be noted that the person beneath Fang Yu's foot was none other than He Donglin!He Donglin's father, He Wencheng, was the boss of a local construction company and had a fiery temper. He also had a group of loyal followers who would do anything for him.If this matter wasn't handled properly, not only would Fang Yu suffer, but Huang Hai would also bear the brunt of He Wencheng's anger!"Fine." Fang Yu moved his foot.Huang Hai breathed a sigh of relief, but his relief was short-lived."Bang!"Fang Yu kicked He Donglin's abdomen, sending him crashing into the back wall of the classroom, vomiting blood and fainting."After this kick, we're even," Fang Yu said calmly.Witnessing He Donglin's pitiful state, Huang Hai felt a chilling sensation coursing through his body.He couldn't imagine how He Wencheng would react when he saw his precious son in such a condition."You..." Huang Hai pointed at Fang Yu, unable to utter a word in his anger.He never expected that Fang Yu, who had been quiet for the past two years, would cause such a big trouble before graduating high school!"Hurry up and take He Donglin and Hu Tao to the infirmary!" Huang Hai shouted at the stunned students.He Donglin's followers quickly reacted and rushed forward to carry the two fallen individuals out of the classroom.Turning his head, Huang Hai stared at Fang Yu and said, "You, come with me to the office!"Liu Pangzi looked at Fang Yu, his eyes filled with disbelief and sadness.He knew that Fang Yu had definitely gotten himself into irreparable trouble today.The best outcome would be Fang Yu's expulsion and having to pay for medical expenses.The worst outcome would involve Fang Yu facing He Wencheng's wrath and disappearing from Jianghai City forever.After Fang Yu left the classroom with Huang Hai, the classroom erupted into heated discussions."Damn... Fang Yu is too fierce... He beat He Donglin so badly...""I used to think that Fang Yu was an introverted person who barely spoke a few words. I didn't expect him to be so ruthless..."Both male and female students were discussing Fang Yu, and many of them felt both shocked and relieved.He Donglin had always been arrogant in the class due to his family background, and many people had already grown tired of him. Fang Yu's actions today fulfilled what they had wanted to do but didn't have the courage."Heh, you guys think Fang Yu is cool? He's actually stupid! Graduation is approaching, and he dared to physically assault a fellow classmate. The minimum punishment is expulsion! He might even have it on his record, and then he won't be able to take the college entrance exam!" Jiang Yue sneered."Besides, He Donglin's parents won't let Fang Yu off the hook. I've met He Donglin's father, He Wencheng, a few times. He's influential in our area and has a group of followers. After Fang Yu steps out of the school gate, it's uncertain if he'll even survive!" Jiang Yue's desk mate, Xu Xiaona, added.With their words, the students in the class also believed it to be true.However, since they had no personal relationship with Fang Yu, it didn't matter to them even if he got expelled or severely injured.They were simply satisfied with seeing He Donglin being beaten up.In the office:Huang Hai's face turned pale, and his hand holding the water cup trembled slightly."Fang Yu, I can't handle this matter. I need to report it directly to the disciplinary office for them to handle. You... take care of yourself," Huang Hai said in a grave tone.Fang Yu didn't care at all.He came to school just to pass the time and could leave at any moment. Punishments and consequences meant nothing to him.He Donglin's provocation had brought some much-needed excitement to his otherwise dull life.Although Fang Yu had lived for thousands of years, he was still a Qi-refining cultivator without even reaching the Foundation Establishment stage.Essentially, Fang Yu was still a mortal. And if you were a mortal, you would get angry.No matter the difference in strength and experience between He Donglin and Fang Yu, when it was time to take action, Fang Yu had to strike.And it was satisfying to bully the weak!Inside the classroom:As Tang Xiaorou entered the classroom, she saw bloodstains at the back of the room, toppled desks, and scattered books on the floor.What had happened?Tang Xiaorou was puzzled, looking at the surrounding classmates.However, when the classmates saw Tang Xiaorou enter, they fell silent and looked at her with strange eyes.Tang Xiaorou returned to her seat and noticed that there was only one chair left next to Fang Yu's position at the back of the classroom."What happened?" Tang Xiaorou furrowed her brows in confusion.Liu Pangzi, who was sitting behind her, suddenly brightened up.It seemed like there was still hope for Fang Yu!Liu Pangzi then took Tang Xiaorou to the corridor and told her everything that had happened earlier."He... he directly crushed someone's hand bones?" Tang Xiaorou covered her mouth, unbelievably asking."Yes... we all heard the sound of bones breaking. Even now, thinking back to it gives me goosebumps... Fang Yu seems thin, but he's surprisingly powerful..." Liu Pangzi said, still trembling with fear.Tang Xiaorou fell into deep thought.For her, this was a great opportunity.It was a chance to use this incident to blackmail Fang Yu into helping her treat Grandpa Tang's illness!"I understand. I will find a way to ensure that Fang Yu doesn't get expelled," Tang Xiaorou told Liu Pangzi."That's great!" Liu Pangzi exclaimed.Tang Xiaorou was the precious daughter of the Tang family, and if she was willing to help, Fang Yu would definitely be saved!At the administration office:Fang Yu stood before the head of the administration office, Pan Qiang, while their homeroom teacher, Huang Hai, stood to the side."Fang Yu, we have informed He Donglin's father, and he is rushing over. Before that, I want to know why you attacked your classmate, He Donglin," Pan Qiang sternly questioned with a frowning face."I already said it. He started it. He threw my desk to the back of the classroom, and I told him to put it back. He refused and even attacked me," Fang Yu honestly replied."He started it? Then why is he the one who is injured now, while you're completely unharmed?" Pan Qiang furrowed his brows."It's simple. I can fight better than him," Fang Yu answered.Pan Qiang slammed the table and stood up in anger, shouting, "Nonsense! You hit someone and act as if it's only natural? Do you look like a student? Like a teenager? I will call your family and see how they taught you to behave!""I have no family, no need to make a call," Fang Yu said."No family?" Pan Qiang looked at Huang Hai.After a moment of hesitation, Huang Hai said, "Principal Pan, it's true. Fang Yu... indeed has no family. His file states that he's an orphan who was raised by an elderly person, but that elderly person passed away during his junior high school years.""So he's an orphan? An orphan should behave even better! Are you honoring the elderly who raised you by acting this way? If that elderly person knew about you..." Pan Qiang continued to scold in anger.The information in Fang Yu's file was all fake, and there was no such elderly person.Moreover, Fang Yu didn't want to listen to someone several thousand years younger than him lecturing him. He interrupted, "Principal Pan, just announce your decision on my punishment. I don't have time to listen to your nonsense.""You... you..." Pan Qiang was so angry he couldn't speak, his face turning red with frustration.