
The Strongest Moron

From the author of Oh Mr General! The journey of a moron is long and arduous. Wang Li Tian was eight years old when he was abandoned by his parents in Prosperity City. He was born with trash cultivation and a very low IQ. Luckily for him, the boy had rescued a Sword Martial God who guided him on the path of becoming a Swordsman. He was a swordsman that was only becoming of himself. Watch as the boy grow stronger and hopefully smarter over time, as he traverses the Great World, in search of his meaning in life. Short Excerpt: “You know, I do not know how to break this to you the easy way, but..” Mu Zhi Xuan hesitated for a moment before continuing his sentence, “Your parents have most definitely abandoned you.” “What? That is impossible!” “Why is that impossible?” “Well for one, they left their coin pouch behind. Why would anyone leave their money in a room and leave?” That comment left Mu Zhi Xuan speechless. “Have you ever thought that they left it for you to use and survive by yourself?” “…” Support me on Patreon and you will receive some personal benefits! https://www.patreon.com/OverTheHorizon Please drop a Comment, Review and 'ADD TO LIBRARY' to keep me going and motivated!

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Learning 1

From the depths of Wang Li Tian's spiritual energy reserves came a torrent of spiritual energy that rushed towards the ink brush. Too fast! Li Tian immediately tried to tone down the amount of spiritual energy filing into the brush. He was not used to activating his entire reserve of spiritual energy in one session. Whenever he mixed in the different Quickdraw Techniques with his spiritual energy, he would only use a small portion of his energy. This was something Mr. Dragon had instructed him on days that they were not practicing the Demonic Beast language.

"As you have a pretty weak spiritual root, your spiritual energy reserves is very hard to build up. In return, you have to learn how to control your spiritual energy usage as it is never a good situation to use up your reserves." Mr. Dragon's words stuck to him and he practiced in this regard.

Unfortunately, rune inscription requires an artificer's full focus and energy. You would definitely not need to use up your spiritual energy reserve. However, a good constant flow of energy is needed.

Seeing that her junior brother was struggling to control the energy flow, Xin Shu Yi swiftly instructed, "Watch your breathing, junior brother Li Tian. It will help with your control."

Wang Li Tian heard the advice and started to focus more on his breathing. In, out, in, out, nothing else was important. Feeling that the energy flow towards the ink brush was more streamlined, Wang Li Tian opened as eyes and lowered the brush onto the paper. From the left, the boy started to write out half the symbol. At time, Li Tian had to stop his movements as the spiritual energy stopped supplying to the brush. Before long, there were too many ink smudges everywhere on the runic symbol. Wang Li Tian frowned in disappointment.

"Haha.. There is no need to be down, Junior brother. Runic inscriptions takes a while to master. A lot of people struggled on this stage. Even I did." Xin Shu Yi comforted.

"Okay." Li Tian understood and focused his mind again. The boy never had the words 'give up' in his dictionary. If he did not have the brains, at least he had the willpower. "Let me try again."

From the first time, Wang Li Tian knew his biggest problem was being able to provide spiritual energy to his ink brush while he was writing. Even if he was able to provide a constant energy flow while not moving, it would do him no good if he could not do it while moving his arm around.

With the second trial, Wang Li Tian started off on a better foot. His control was getting better and his ink brush started to move on the paper. Long Tang Yun entered the room as the boy inscribed on the scroll.

Little Li Tian really has a deep talent in artificing. His mental will allows him to pick up the controlling of spiritual energy very fast. He was improving faster than all of my previous disciples. Not only that, the boy can remain calm and tranquil even after his first failure.

The ink infused with spiritual energy had finished transforming into the runic symbol. Although there were still many pauses in between his inscription, it was definitely better than the first time. When Li Tian finished his second attempt, there was sweat droplets forming on his forehead. As he was still new to inscription, a lot of Li Tian's refined spiritual energy was wasted away. Now, he was feeling drained and exhausted.

"Take a break, little Li Tian. You have only just started and so, it is very easy for you to get tired." Long Tang Yun advised.

"I will do one more inscription…" Wang Li Tian told his teacher, before focusing up again. Long Tang Yun shook his head, but had a smile of him face. Even though the boy was quite reckless and not very bright, he was hardworking and wanted to give his all in everything.

The third time around Wang Li Tian had identified his shortcomings. When it came to inscribing, he needed his breathing to coincide with his strokes. The boy had fully memorised the demonic beast characters and so, all he needed then was to inscribe concisely. Let me start.

With every deep breath in, came a deep breath out. Elder Long and Xin Shu Yi's eyes focused on the boy. They could tell this time, there was a qualitative change in Li Tian. The soon to be depleted spiritual energy reserve was being drained out. The refined energy moved to Li Tian's ink brush once again.

Li Tian's hand move, alongside his out from his breath. The spiritual energy was released with constant momentum and without much thought, Wang Li Tian inscribed the entire Truth Word. Without a short few seconds, the runic symbol had been completed. The lines were perfectly infused with spiritual energy.

"He did it…" Xin Shu Yi's eyes widened in surprise.

"He really did it…" Long Tang Yun's eyes also widened in surprised.

"I did it…" Wang Li Tian's said with a satisfied expression as he fell backwards and drifted off into a deep slumber.

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