
The Strongest Master in Shinobi World

Traveled through the world of Naruto and became a Master of many ninjas. The Strongest Master in the World makes his name as a Legend Disclaimer: This is a Translation Story. Update 5 Days a week (Monday - Friday) Support me by joining my patr**on. Have 15 advanced Chapters for you guys. patr**n.com/saitamablast >TSMSW NOVEL TIER Original Title: 从火影开始做师尊最新章节 Author: 脆甜香蕉干 Link: uukanshu.com/b/137828/

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278 Chs

Chapter 3: Sannin Vs Hanzo

However, who could blame Asahi for relying on the system as his means of survival now? Despite being filled with complaints, Asahi obediently made his way towards the battlefield.

As Asahi drew nearer, he slowly discerned the faces of the four combatants.

Their faces were extremely familiar, and Asahi found himself filled with excitement.

Why? Because the tumultuous battle involved none other than the renowned Sannin from Naruto's Hidden Leaf Village and Hanzo, the half-god.

Considering the ages of the Sannin and the current circumstances, Asahi was certain that this was their defining battle.

This meant that Asahi had plenty of time to plan and shape his own development. Wasn't that something worth getting excited about?

From the moment Asahi arrived, the four combatants in the midst of their battle had already noticed him.

However, due to Hanzo's arrogance, he paid no attention to Asahi.

As for Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade, they were too engrossed in their intense battle to spare any thoughts for him.

So, Asahi found himself in a cleverly balanced situation, watching the drama unfold safely.

"Ding~ Task one of the chained mission is complete. Reward: Mastery of the Dragon Flame Art has been granted. Chained task two has not yet been initiated."

The system's voice echoed in Asahi's mind, and suddenly, a wealth of information about the Dragon Flame Art's techniques appeared in his mind.

Asahi didn't have the peace of mind to experiment right now because the fierce battle was ongoing.

Just then, on the battlefield, Tsunade suddenly accelerated and charged towards Hanzo, her foot poised to strike. "Heavenly Foot of Pain!!"

Unfortunately, Hanzo's reaction was lightning-fast. He shot out rapidly, avoiding Tsunade's attack entirely, and her Heavenly Foot of Pain struck the earth instead.

Instantly, the once-smooth ground cracked open, as if it had experienced an earthquake.

Asahi watched in astonishment. He used to watch such scenes on TV without feeling much, but now, experiencing it firsthand, he realized the terror of it all.

Hanzo's effortless evasion didn't surprise the Sannin; after all, this was the man known as a half-god.

After Tsunade's attack, Orochimaru swiftly followed, bursting forth from behind her. "Hidden Shadow Many Snakes!"

Countless venomous snakes suddenly emerged from Orochimaru's sleeves and, shrouded in chakra, rapidly extended their bodies to launch an attack on Hanzo in the distance.

Hanzo, who had just landed, found himself unable to evade in time. He resorted to swinging the scythe he held in his hands, attempting to fend off the approaching snake swarm.

Although he effortlessly thwarted Orochimaru's assault, he left himself vulnerable, and Jiraiya seized the opportunity.

Jiraiya swiftly formed hand seals. Although a light drizzle still fell from the sky, the temperature in the air rapidly rose.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!"

A massive fireball, exuding unimaginable power, surged toward Hanzo. The moisture in the air evaporated rapidly, creating a veil of steam that obscured visibility.


Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru all panted heavily. The prolonged intense battle had left them exhausted.

"Did it hit?"

Tsunade stared intently at the dissipating steam in the distance, her voice unwavering.

"It hit, but don't get your hopes up too high. Hanzo isn't that easy to take down."

Jiraiya's expression remained solemn as he watched Hanzo.

"Heh~" Orochimaru's lips curled into a mischievous smile. "It seems our luck isn't that great. We've run into Hanzo right after arriving."

"Yeah, you're right."

As Jiraiya's words fell, the water vapor in the distance began to disperse. Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru, and the observing Asahi all involuntarily narrowed their pupils.

A colossal figure gradually emerged, resembling a small building.

As the mist dissipated, they got a clear view of this massive creature.

It was a gigantic salamander, and Hanzo stood atop its head, looking down at Jiraiya and the others.

"You're quite impressive, working together as a trio and managing to exchange blows with me. It's no wonder you're apprentices of Hiruzen Sarutobi. I acknowledge your skills. From today onwards, I grant you the title of the Sannin of Konoha."

Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru exchanged a glance. Despite the humiliation of being given a nickname by their opponent, this wasn't the time to dwell on it.

These three lifelong comrades shared an unspoken understanding, not requiring any communication to grasp each other's intentions.

They rapidly formed seals: Boar - Dog - Rooster - Monkey - Sheep. "Ninjutsu: Summoning Technique!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With three soft explosions, three clouds of smoke appeared on the battlefield.

As the smoke dissipated, massive toads, snakes, and slugs emerged, with each of the Sannin positioned on one of them.

Asahi felt that this moment deserved a thrilling soundtrack; it was just too epic!

However, no matter how excited Asahi was, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru were extremely tense, their minds on high alert.

"Earth Release: Mud Tsunami!"

Orochimaru made the first move, attempting to seize the initiative. Unfortunately, at the moment Orochimaru attacked, the Salamander leaped, carrying Hanzo safely out of harm's way.

Orochimaru's attack missed, and the multitude of snakes beneath his feet coiled and swam toward the Salamander.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

Hanzo unleashed a Water Dragon Bullet, which roared towards Orochimaru. Orochimaru, however, didn't even spare it a glance.

Indeed, the Sannin's coordination was flawless. "Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!"

Jiraiya released his ninjutsu, directly blocking Hanzo's Water Dragon Bullet.

Tsunade, unwilling to be left out, had her slug twist its body and charge toward the Salamander. She also spewed a corrosive liquid at it, but the Salamander easily evaded.

"Water Release: Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death!"

"Ninjutsu: Yin Seal, Release!"

Tsunade instantly released the Yin Seal, causing a surge of chakra to burst forth.

With adept medical ninjutsu to support her, Tsunade defiantly withstood Hanzo's ninjutsu. She emerged unscathed or healed instantly, even when she was injured.

In the blink of an eye, the four combatants had clashed multiple times. Meanwhile, Orochimaru and Tsunade had closed in on Hanzo.

"Hidden Shadow Snake Hands!" "Superhuman Strength Fist!" Orochimaru and Tsunade simultaneously launched their attacks at Hanzo.

Despite the incoming assault, Hanzo remained unruffled. "Iaido Slash!"


A streak of swordlight flashed by, sending Tsunade and Orochimaru flying backward. Tsunade, thanks to the Yin Seal, recovered quickly from her injuries, although she had still been hurt. Orochimaru, on the other hand, bore a gruesome, bleeding wound that made for a pitiful sight.

Seeing his teammates injured and their attacks in vain, Jiraiya swiftly formed hand seals and, in coordination with the toad beneath him, unleashed ninjutsu to relieve the pressure on Tsunade and Orochimaru.

The toad spewed a thick, adhesive substance from its mouth, and Jiraiya executed Fire Release ninjutsu. "Fire Release: Toad Oil Flame Bullet!"

This Fire Release was even more spectacular than the previous one, thanks to the cooperation with the toad beneath him.

Hanzo, who had been about to capitalize on his advantage, felt the sudden rise in temperature and promptly halted his steps. He swiftly formed hand seals. "Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique!"


Water and fire clashed in mid-air, producing a deafening roar and thick steam.

After releasing their ninjutsu, Jiraiya rushed forward to catch Tsunade and Orochimaru, who had been sent flying.

"How are you both?" Jiraiya asked with concern.

"We're fine, just not in top shape. Chakra reserves are running low," Orochimaru replied, coughing up blood.

"Don't worry, I'll patch you up." Tsunade, while speaking, began using her medical ninjutsu to aid Orochimaru's recovery.

"You guys are worthy opponents! Now, I'm going all out!"

As the mist cleared, Hanzo's voice resonated clearly in the ears of the Sannin.

Despite being acknowledged by the demi-god recognized by the Shinobi World, the Sannin couldn't find much joy in the situation; they could only muster a bitter smile.

They knew that when the demi-god went all out, things would get terrifying, and they wanted no part of that.

"Do you know why I wear this mask? It's because nobody can withstand the poison of my Salamander, not even myself. Now, be cautious."

With that, a massive cloud of poisonous mist spewed from Hanzo's body. Tsunade's face turned grim. "Hold your breath and use chakra to counteract it!"

At this point, Asahi was simply a spectator. "You guys handle your business; I'll just be here watching. Why fire off a map cannon for no reason?"

Just as Asahi was making fun of the situation, the system's voice chimed in again.

"Ding, Bonus Task 2: Rescue the Leaf Village Sannin! Reward: Ninjutsu Infinite Space. Will you accept?"

(T/N: Don't ask me. Even I don't know what the hell of this Reward Technique)

-End Chapter)

Thanks for reading. If you want to support me, join my patr**on. Have 5 advance Chapters for you guys.


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