
The Strongest Master in Shinobi World

Traveled through the world of Naruto and became a Master of many ninjas. The Strongest Master in the World makes his name as a Legend Disclaimer: This is a Translation Story. Update 5 Days a week (Monday - Friday) Support me by joining my patr**on. Have 15 advanced Chapters for you guys. patr**n.com/saitamablast >TSMSW NOVEL TIER Original Title: 从火影开始做师尊最新章节 Author: 脆甜香蕉干 Link: uukanshu.com/b/137828/

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280 Chs

Chapter 153: Dragon Vein

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Upon hearing this, Minato nodded slightly. "Indeed, Naruto's strength is not weak, and he shouldn't have any problems protecting Queen Sara," Minato said. However, immediately after, his tone changed.

"But I'm still a bit uneasy. After all, we are in the enemy's stronghold. Relying solely on Naruto, if they encounter any danger, he would surely be limited in his actions." 

Asahi also agreed with this viewpoint. Indeed, even though Anrokuzan, controlled the Dragon Vein, still had mediocre strength, but his tenacious vitality was enough to pose a significant challenge.

"Indeed, if there are enemies, Naruto alone might have some difficulty. In that case, what do you propose?" Asahi nodded and asked Minato.

"We'll follow them, secretly protect them. This way, we can safeguard Queen Sara and gather information by observing the terrain."

"I wonder what Lord Asahi plans to do next?" Minato explained, indicating that if it weren't for Asahi's presence, he would have led Shisui to follow immediately.

Upon hearing this, Asahi understood that his presence somewhat limited Minato's actions. 

Well, Asahi didn't particularly care about the developments of their events.

After all, thanks to Naruto's presence and his words, Asahi already had an idea of what was to come. "In that case, go ahead. I plan to see what this Dragon Vein is all about."

Asahi said to Minato, showing no intention of continuing to act with them. "That's fine, but Lord Asahi, you also know that when two people from different eras meet, it can bring unpredictable consequences to the world. We..."

As Minato spoke, he glanced at Shisui and the others standing behind Asahi. Minato didn't finish his sentence, but his meaning was clear to Asahi. 

Under normal circumstances, it was challenging for someone to experience time travel.

However, once such a situation occurred, to avoid unnecessary impacts on the future, the best solution was to seal the memories of everyone who knew about it.

After they could no longer influence reality, the seal would be lifted. 

So, seeing Minato's expression, Asahi understood that he was hesitant to bring up the idea of sealing Shisui and the others' memories.

Asahi didn't want to make it difficult for Minato. He directly said, "I understand. After you resolve the matter, we can deal with this together."

Seeing Asahi's response, Minato also felt relieved. After bidding farewell, Minato left with Choza and Shibi, heading in the direction of Naruto and Sara.

"Master, are we going to the Dragon Vein and not joining Lord Minato?" With Minato leaving, Shisui looked up and asked Asahi.

"Of course, the Dragon Vein is quite useful for me. Also, their team can handle themself" Asahi smiled and explained to Shisui. 

Upon hearing this, Yugito, standing beside them, asked curiously, "Master, what exactly is the Dragon Vein? Do you know where it is? From your previous conversation, the Dragon Vein seems to be well hidden, right?"

Hearing Yugito's series of questions, Asahi smiled and shook his head. 

Hidden? The Dragon Vein wasn't some item that could be carried around. As a massive chakra source, how could it be easily hidden?

While ordinary people might not sense anything, Asahi, through nature energy, effortlessly detected the location of the Dragon Vein.

"The Dragon Vein, simply put, is a massive chakra. It's not something that can be hidden," Asahi explained. "Follow me, and you'll understand what the Dragon Vein is in a little while."

Asahi briefly explained and then led the three towards the location of the Dragon Vein. 

As for the terrain, sorry, under his powerful sensing ability, the complex terrain of Roran had no impact on Asahi.

Shisui, Yugito, and Sakumo followed behind Asahi, turning left and right into an underground space. 

Here, like a massive altar, several tall pillars stood around.

Simple furnishings emitted a profound sense of solemnity. 

Asahi looked towards the center of the altar, sensing an indescribably massive chakra quietly existing beneath it.

Moreover, that immense chakra was continuously separating energy and passing it through the surrounding pillars to the outside of the altar. 

Without guessing, this was the device Anrokuzan used to control the puppet army.

Controlling such a massive puppet army naturally required an enormous amount of chakra. 

Yet, even so, Asahi did not feel the source of the Dragon Vein, and there was no decrease in the chakra amount. This piqued Asahi's curiosity.

The law of energy conservation exists in any world. Why did the Dragon Vein maintain its original state even after consuming a considerable amount of energy?

After circling the altar, Asahi did not find anything special about it. 

With his level of strength and perception, he easily discerned that this barrier could only guide the Dragon Vein's chakra out and utilize it.

Such an altar could be created by Asahi in minutes. 

From this perspective, it could be seen that Anrokuzan strength was indeed lacking. 

He controlled the Dragon Vein, a treasure trove, yet only managed to create such a trinket in six years.

As a minor boss, Anrokuzan was an extreme failure. However, Asahi wouldn't mind Anrokuzan failure. 

Extracting a small amount of chakra from the pillars guiding the Dragon Vein, Asahi controlled it in his hand, carefully observing the purple energy mass.

Frowning, Asahi noticed that the chakra of the Dragon Vein was extremely similar to natural energy. 

To make a comparison, Asahi separately extracted a mass of natural energy. 

Looking at the two chakras in his hand, one purple and the other colorless, their essence was very similar.

The only difference was that the purple Dragon Vein chakra had a slightly higher concentration than ordinary natural energy. 

For example, two nearly identical-sized energy masses in Asahi's hand; the Dragon Vein's energy effect could be more than twice that of normal natural energy.

'Could it be that the Dragon Vein is compressed nature energy?' A faint doubt flashed in Asahi's mind. 

To clarify this, Asahi immediately condensed a large amount of natural energy, attempting compression.

However, regardless of how Asahi compressed it, he was unsuccessful. 

Helpless, he could only merge a large amount of natural energy into the Dragon Vein energy, diluting it.

As the saying goes, with great skill comes great courage. Backed by his powerful strength, Asahi was not afraid of accidents in doing so.

<End Chapter>

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