
The Strongest Master in Shinobi World

Traveled through the world of Naruto and became a Master of many ninjas. The Strongest Master in the World makes his name as a Legend Disclaimer: This is a Translation Story. Update 5 Days a week (Monday - Friday) Support me by joining my patr**on. Have 15 advanced Chapters for you guys. patr**n.com/saitamablast >TSMSW NOVEL TIER Original Title: 从火影开始做师尊最新章节 Author: 脆甜香蕉干 Link: uukanshu.com/b/137828/

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278 Chs

Chapter 121: Yugito Became Disciples

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(T/N: Enjoy!!)


These are just the obtainable pieces of information; how much remains concealed beneath the surface? And that Byakko, it seems to have appeared out of thin air.

The only information they could gather was that four days ago, Byakko suddenly appeared by Asahi's side. 

Among the three, only Shisui could obtain accurate information. However, for the Hidden Cloud, this didn't hold much significance.

Human imagination is truly a powerful thing. Based on this limited information, the Third Raikage speculated a lot. 

Putting down the intelligence report, he rubbed his forehead with some confusion. After a while, he couldn't resist going through the information again.

Though not much internal information was acquired, the gathered information hinted that Asahi's significant probability in approaching Yugito was to take her as his disciple.

Normally, the Third Raikage wouldn't allow such a thing to happen. Still, even Konoha pressed the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, indicating Asahi possessed extraordinary qualities.

After much contemplation, the Third Raikage decided to let things unfold naturally. 

Whatever relationship Asahi and Yugito might have in the end, they would determine it themselves. He wouldn't interfere or facilitate.

"Instruct them to ensure Yugito's safety. As for other matters, we need not concern ourselves."

Having made up his mind, the Third Raikage put down the intelligence report and directly spoke to the secretary standing beside him. 

The secretary simply acknowledged and passed on the orders.

Unlike the higher-ups in Konoha, there was always a single voice in the Hidden Cloud Village—The Raikage's voice! Whatever the Raikage said, they followed.


The next day, when Asahi emerged from the guesthouse, he could already see Yugito waiting for him in the street. Asahi smiled and waved at Yugito.

Yugito had noticed him the moment Asahi appeared. As soon as Asahi waved, she hurriedly ran over to him.

Unbeknownst to herself, her behavior was different from her usual self. 

Guided by Yugito, Asahi and his group gradually became familiar with the environment of the Hidden Cloud Village.

For three consecutive days, Asahi had explored the entire Hidden Cloud Village.

Unfortunately, in these three days, Asahi met several geniuses of the Hidden Cloud, but none met his requirements for apprenticeship—either they already had a master, or their talent was too low. 

Meanwhile, Yugito experienced a sense of fulfillment different from before.

On the evening of the third day, when they bid farewell, Yugito looked a bit reluctant. 

After three days of interaction, she learned that Asahi and the others would leave the Hidden Cloud Village the next day. 

Watching Yugito's reluctant expression, Asahi lightly smiled and rubbed her head.

"No need to be too sad; it's not like we won't meet again."

"Who... who's sad!"

Being teased by Asahi, Yugito blushed involuntarily and tried to defend herself. Instead of exposing her, Asahi squatted down, looked into Yugito's eyes, and said earnestly:

"I have an idea. How about you become my disciple, and then I take you and Shisui out for training together?"

He has been in the Hidden Cloud for three days, and it wouldn't be right to leave empty-handed. As for the Third Raikage's opinion, Asahi trusts it.

Where there's a will, there's a way. Hearing Asahi's words, Yugito looked at him in surprise. 

Apprenticeship and leaving the village for training? This was the first time she encountered such a thing in her life.

"Is it okay, Uncle Asahi?" Immediately, Yugito asked excitedly. She wasn't an ignorant little girl. 

After these days of interaction and evaluation from Matatabj, it was easy to conclude that Asahi had a remarkable background. 

Although Yugito wasn't particularly concerned about Asahi's identity, she cared more about his attitude towards her.

As a Jinchuriki, who wouldn't long for freedom? At the age of nine, she had already been promoted to Chunin. But unlike others, she had never left the village.

If she said she didn't want to go out, she would be lying to herself. She envied those ninjas who could freely leave the village for missions.

Before, due to her status as a Jinchuriki, she could only keep this thought in her heart. However, now that Asahi had spoken, a flame of excitement erupted in her heart.

Moreover, Yugito didn't mind becoming Asahi's disciple. Even if she couldn't learn much from Asahi, his gentle attitude towards her was enough.

Seeing Yugito's delighted expression, Asahi couldn't deny it. It seemed that he, Asahi, still had some charismatic charm.

"Of course. I'm willing to take you as my disciple."

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for acquiring a disciple with an A-level talent—Yugito. The reward is Taijutsu: Eight Steps Praying Mantis"

With a simple apprentice ceremony, Yugito officially became Asahi's disciple. The system even rewarded Asahi with a set of Taijutsu: Eight Steps Praying Mantis.

If mastering it, it provided extraordinary speed for both offense and evasion.

Though not an offensive reward, Asahi was still satisfied. Now he didn't have to exert extra effort to find suitable techniques for Yugito.

(T/N: I have no idea, how this Taijutsu works honestly)

After instructing Yugito on the method of practicing the Secret Art, the four parted ways at the intersection, just like before. 

Asahi returned to the guesthouse but didn't seek out the Third Raikage.

Because he knew every move he made these days was under the watchful eyes of the Third Raikage. 

Aside from Asahi's super sensory perception, just simple speculation should make it clear.

So, when Asahi returned to the guesthouse, he simply sat cross-legged in his room. He didn't practice because he knew the Third Raikage would arrive soon.

Sure enough, in less than a moment, there was a knock on Asahi's door. After getting Asahi's permission, the door opened slowly. 

As expected, the Third Raikage walked into the room alone.

"Please have a seat, Lord Raikage."

Asahi slowly opened his eyes and spoke to the Third Raikage. 

The Third Raikage, who came alone without any attendants, raised his eyebrows in surprise upon hearing Asahi's words.

<End Chapter>

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