
The Strongest Mage In A Ruined World

Dying after suffering from an illness without a cure, Adrian a sickly 17-year-old high schooler was pitied by the gods after they saw his life that was mostly devoid of happiness. Granting him a chance to reincarnate with his memories and their blessings, Adrian was reborn as the seventh prince of the Ragnar Kingdom with the hopes of doing things he couldn't do in his past life. But fate was sly. Forced to fight against his half-siblings after he was deemed a threat to the future Kings. But that was the least of Adrian's worries as a mysterious Organization had already locked its sights on him after finding out he was the key to their goal —plunge the world into eternal darkness thereby birthing chaos. With his life hanging by a thread after he was born, Adrian was left with two choices; solo his hardships in the Castle and die, or join the mysterious Organization and live. As for his answer, it was none. Cause who said he had to accept his fate?! Why leave your life in fate's hands?! If there is no third option why not make one?! Choosing to defy his fate despite the odds stacked against him, Adrian gradually shapes his destiny in a world where the strong rule and the line between good and evil is non-existent.

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27 Chs

Geniuses Are All Stepping Stones [Part 4] (Make-up Chapter)

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[Quest Completed:

Description: Make Rebecca agree to be your teacher.]


» 10 Free stat points.

» +3000 Experience points

» +3 to all stats

» System AI unlock]

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Seeing that his quest had been completed before Rebecca even voiced her decision to teach him, Adrian had a hunch that it was during the process of him casting the Spell that she agreed.

'But when did she agree? I doubt the System sent- Oh right, it did.' Adrian sighed after remembering that the system had sent a notification which he had ignored.

It was when Rebecca had seen the Mana fluctuations around him that she had decided to teach him but only planned to tell him after he was done with his demonstration. If Adrian had known about the thoughts on her mind back then, he'd have disregarded his words about not cursing women.

Currently, the only thought on his mind was; Why did he have to go through the stress and endure the pain of casting the Spell?

Tired from the pain that spiraled within him and having his efforts wasted, Adrian forcefully opened his eyes to look at the beauties in front of him.

Liz had a worried look on her face as she looked at his reddened body that looked akin to a lobster while Rebecca's face was the same as she took a few steps away from him.

'I didn't know it would end up like this.' Rebecca said looking at Adrian's body.

Was she worried in the slightest, absolutely not. He might've been a child but he was the one responsible for the pain he was feeling and she had no reason to feel sorry for him. If he really desired strength, he must first build up his pain tolerance.

"Help me heal him, Rebecca," Liz said with worry lacing her tone. Even though she saw Adrian open his eyes, the fact that he couldn't move an inch and his tomato-colored skin made her even more worried.

"Alright." Reluctantly agreeing to Liz's request, Rebecca made her way towards Adrian.

Turning to look at the red-eyed Liz, Rebecca added. "I'm only a Basic level Life Mage so the healing won't be perfect but I'll do what I can."

Done with saying what was on her mind, Rebecca continued walking towards Adrian with a greenish glow coating her lower right arm.

With the Mana around them seeming to obey her call, the glow on Rebecca's hand intensified as it seemed to increase the freshness of the grasses around them.

"Heal," Rebecca said after placing her hand on Adrian's forehead. Releasing a stream of pleasant energy through his body —reducing his reddish pigment while soothing the pain he felt to an extent.

Enjoying the feeling brought about by the energy that spiraled through him, Adrian ignored everything as he tried to focus on the energy coursing through him.

His aim was simple, learn Life Magic by exposure just like how his contract with Hermes had stated. Even though he was aware it might take a while, Adrian was sure that before he was completely healed he would've gotten its affinity.

'Since it's my first time trying to learn how to use it, it's expected to be tough.' Adrian thought after the energy within him gradually vanished until not a trace of it was left.

'Congratulations you managed to prove that you are knowledgeable enough and have abundant potential.'

A feminine voice resounded within Adrian's mind as he was about to fall into deep thought. The voice felt familiar yet foreign as if it had a few modifications done to it but still it was pleasant to hear.

Deducing that the owner of the voice was Rebecca since it had no similarities to Liz's voice and Liz hadn't talked into his mind since he started living with her, the answer was obvious.

'Who is this please?'

Adrian decided to play it safe just like any other four-year-old as it would be weird if he said 'Thanks for the compliment Rebecca'. And it wasn't because it sounded rude to call his teacher that way but she'd expect him to ask who she was and not outright guess her identity correctly.

He may act like an adult when he needs to do so but he never lets simple details like this slip his mind as it could lead to his secrets getting found out and as a man of many secrets, he can't ever let that happen.

'It's me, Rebecca.' She replied noticing the fear that Adrian had laced in his words all to make it perfect.

Unsure whether or not she was able to read his thoughts, Adrian was glad she believed his act even if it was partially.

'I see...' He said before continuing after a second had passed. 'So those that mean you'll take me as your student?'

Lacing the perfect bits of childishness and hope in his voice, Adrian would have never asked something so stupid if he didn't want to keep his four-year-old act for now since her answer could easily be deduced from her earlier words.

'Yes, yes I have.' Rebecca replied before saying. 'Rest up now. I'll try and heal you to the best of my abilities.'

'How bad is it?' Making sure to keep up his act even though he had a feeling she had cut their connection, Adrian could never be too cautious as the slightest slip-up could fuck him up.

'Let's see what fate has installed for us.' Adrian said after waiting for about five minutes without hearing a reply.

Unknown to him his decision to act childish and then remain quiet was the best choice as Rebecca had cut their connection four minutes after Adrian spoke.

"Heal." She said one last time after seeing Adrian's lobster-colored skin return to normal.

Walking away from his side, Rebecca had a smile as she looked into Liz's eyes. "This child is a genius. There's a chance for him to become a Forbidden Mage."

"I see," Liz replied calmly not liking Rebecca's evaluation one bit since if Adrian had such potential, the Queens and their kids would try their best to snuff out his existence.

"Let's head home."

Liz said picking Adrian up from where he lay before she walked to their house with Rebecca following behind her.

'Fuck!!' Adrian yelled after he heard Rebecca's words keep repeating themselves in his mind. Why would she call him a genius? Was she trying to set up flags?

'I refuse to be called that!!' Adrian roared internally as he remembered the words of a certain redheaded Half-elf 'Geniuses are all stepping stones'.

Unwilling to be called a genius, Adrian kept on yelling within him as they walked home.


Author's note- That's all for the make-up chaps.