
The strongest empire of the weakest

Seth is reborn in a world with magic,monsters and where every monster has a system. He is reborn as a monster called "slave". the monster he is reborn is so weak and stupid that it's system given name is slave. although they are weak physically they have strong will and also have the ability to create anything as long as a power source is provided but even a strong ability is useless if you don't know how to use it. But a certain young adult is reborn as a"slave" monster with the average intelligence of a human. read as he shares his past modern earth knowledge with his kind and raises their ranks through the world of esthet with modern fire power.

unusedUser123 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Chapter 1- awake

"urgh what the heck Is with all this darkness, not even the darkness, this feeling, it feels like I don't even have a body".seth said while seemingly floating in darkness."Oh! wait I'm starting to feel things again, yes! I can feel things! I can feel things! Seth said while slowly falling through the darkness.

"Yes!, the light, I see light, yes finally after staying in this mind bending darkness I finally see light!"

Seth said while falling towards the light until...

"...Darkness!??, I fell towards the light all full of hope just to be back to darkness? bullshit! this isnt fuc-oh wait... I feel skin!, ground! and a seemingly warm and sticky liquid but that's not all I feel, I feel something else like - like the feeling you get when you close your eyes even though your not sleepy, your eyes twitching trying to open!. Eyes!,I have eyes!"

Seth says while slowly opening his eyes and letting the light be absorbed by his eyes for the first time in only God knows how long.

"Ew, what the hell are these things"

Seth says in disgust seeing atleast a hundred dead, short, ugly,long nailed creatures that look human except with some ugly details.

"haha, imagine looking them, oh yeah I should check what I look like... what the hell:| .

Seth proceeded to look down and realized that he was also one of the "human like creatures with ugly details" but before he could finish cursing whoever or what ever made him one of these creatures he glances and realizes something about the way it was killed.

"wait a minute, those aren't bullet holes or knife marks or even any other weapon that could have caused those injuries, a beast. it must be! there's nothing that could cuase those marks and those claws certainly aren't my ugly species claws and the same way I know how beast hunt and kill creatures in savage ways I also know they don't kill pray without atleast taking a leg or arm for a snack and that only means one thing... the beast is still here and is gonna come back".

before Seth can start to think of his next plan of action he hears a loud roar of savageness and a scream of fear and desperation coming from deep in the cave he is in.

"this is outrageous!, how dare a beast kill my- my family? I guess, I should go and help my family fight that beast... but I will send prayers instead, I'm not tryna die before even living for an hour".

as seth hurriedly turns to the opposite direction of where he heard those roars of battle, Seth hears a roar from the beast that was most likely murdering his family but instead of a fierce roar this time it is a roar of pain.

"This could be my chance, assuming my family is very hateful towards family members that abadon their kind during battle, I would be hunted and killed if they did win against the beast"

Seth then began to run toward the sounds of battle in the dim cave with fear and hope in his heart. as he ran towards the battle with his little legs what he saw brought a "are you serious right now" expression on his face.


"well ofcourse we got massacred if they fight like that!"

"Around 50 of my family members were charging at the dog size beast that somehow was able to kill 100, 5,3 creatures by itself. I'll give my family some slack tho, that creature seems way stronger than a dog from earth, it was literally biting through stone like butter, but every creature has a weak point!"

Seth looks around and finds some horrible quality spears that got dropped by dead family members which he quickly runs to grabs and stabs inside the creature's throat.


(successfully killed level 1 devil dog)

(exp awarded)

(You have successfully reached level 1, you are now able to access Lv1 dungeon starter information)

(You have successfully reached level 2, you are now able to access Lv2 dungeon starter information)

(You have successfully reached level 3, you are now able to access Lv3 dungeon starter information)

(please say "dungeon information" when you want to access dungeon starter information)

"Huh?, what is this?, is this one of those corny systems that I used to see in novels on earth, ugh doesn't matter anyway, not that it bothers me and it looks like that devil dog gave me 3 levels, now time to look at that dungeon info that I really need"


(You apart of a type of monster called slaves which are as strong as a young adult and very gullible, due to their ability to follow orders and learn very well, especially when they are being ordered and taught by their own kind then only then do they prosper as a self dependent race under the leadership of their own kind)

(do you wish to know more about your own race or about where you are?)

"I want to know what I am capable of doing now so I'll learn about my race first before I learn where I am "


(your race is very low in the food chain even though they possess a very powerful ability which is also the reason they are mostly used as slaves by other more intelligent races. Your race has the ability to create anything as long as a energy source is provided such as a mana stone,cores,life essence and other energy sources your current level of dungeon information cannot access)

"Oh, so thank God, we're not screwed over, we atleast have something that just we can use, okay that's usefull information now tell me where I am"


[You are on the planet of esthetic, in one of the many inter connected dungeons deep underground in this world. In the dungeons you will be able to find different monsters each with different strengths and abilities]

"okay that seems like some pretty general information but tell me where I am precisely"


[There are only small parts of the dungeon that have been explored mapped and named by intelligent races and unfortunately you are in a part of the dungeon that is uncharted by intelligent life so there is insufficient information but with the information recorded from your somewhat intelligent species it would seem you are close to the surface]

"Aren't you supposed to be all knowing about this world?, how don't you know more about where I am"

[The system is connected to every creature and certain "beings" that permit the link, I am not all knowing]

"Oh, so then who created you?."

[You will need to level up to level 50 dungeon information to access that information]

"Oh, I didn't really need to know where you came from anyways"


as seth was stooping around for more stuff about the strange system a few of his family members were trying to take the dead wolf's core.

" Woah!woah!, get away from my prey, I killed it! it's mine to use!"

Seth yelled into the crowd of "slaves"

"Oh oh we are sorry oh great one we slaves thought you were going to share with everyone, we apologize for our rudeness even after you saved us"

a rather older looking "slave" said while holding his cane.

"wait, have you never seen me before?, I thought I was with your family"

" no oh great one, we have never seen you before. you came out of nowhere and saved us which we are very grateful for"

"strange, so it seems like this body just materialized out of nowhere and I came into it"

Seth said in his head.