In another life, the concept of Sacred Gear was exclusive to the world of High School DxD. However, what if someone is not born with one fused with their alternative self who did have one? Now, in this new world, the power of a new Sacred Gear was born. The Abyss Eclipse Gear containing the Soul of the Legendary Apophis The Primal Eclipse Dragon. --- High School DxD Testmant Of a Sister New Devil Vampire + Rosario
Once everyone settled down from Ophis the Dragon God of Infinity suddenly dropping in, they all began to travel toward the Druhki Dark Elf Kingdom. That was the source of the instability in Alfheim which was something that they might as well stop.
Rather than travel on foot, Jack reverted back to his Dragon form had had everyone get on his back. That way they could cover the vast distance of Alfheim to get to the Dark Elf Kingdom.
As Jack was flying through the lands of Alfheim, Ophis was on his head along with everyone else. Though from the look of things, Baldur was looking at his new gauntlets.
"Yo, Jack, I got a question. What are we going to do about you causing the entire realm of Alfheim to go dark?"
Jack snorted causing dark miasma to leave his nostrils.
"Do what? No permanent damage was caused so it's fine."
Ophis did have a warning to give him.
"If not for me intervening, you probably would have popped under the flood of power. Honestly, that move combined with your Balance Breaker exceeded what you could contain. Simply put, just do it gradually until your vessel adapts."
Aya had a question.
"What was that move though? His wings just detached, and turned into small dragons."
She looked behind them where his four sets of gigantic wings continued to flap. Jack decided to explain what he did.
"I call that my Wyvern Spirits, the wings of a Dragon are not just limbs. They absorb and expel mana so by detaching them I can have them use the power of one of the dragons I control. Like so."
Two of his wings detached and transformed into two large black wyverns that flew alongside him. The two wyverns flew around him before they burst into light before they reformed back into his wings.
"The near explosion was because I had them all use Boost on me. My new Sub Species, Boosted eight times was far too much for even my body to contain."
Rossweisse hummed as she ran a hand on his scales.
"So there are limits to even what you can contain? I thought you could do anything."
He liked that she was that confident in him.
"Of course I have limits. Though if you give me a couple of months I should be able to contain that power for much longer. Especially that I now got Ophis' blessing."
That made Ophis smirk.
"Exactly. In exchange, all he has to do is feed me booze, and candy and give me somewhere to live. That will apply to all who I bless. Give me food to the point I bloat."
Akeno felt that was rather cheap for the blessing of one of the two Dragon Gods.
"Is that all you want? Candy, booze, and food?"
Ophis nodded.
"Sounds fair to me, I get to relax and do nothing and it doesn't cost me much of anything."
Inner and Outer were curious about something. Outer decided to ask.
"Miss Ophis, since you are one of the strongest beings we know, could you separate us?"
Now that caught Ophis' attention.
"Do you want to separate?"
Outer thought about it before shaking her head.
"Not right now, but in the future, it would be better for us to not rely on a single body."
Ophis stood up and walked over to Outer. She kneeled down in front of the Vampire before gently holding her head. She then began a more thorough analysis of the Outer and Inner and how the Rosary worked.
Despite how complicated the seal it might as well not exist to her. What she found out was surprising.
"That is surprising. Jack, how close would you say you are to both Inner and Outer as they call themselves?"
Jack stopped flying and started to fly in place.
"They are both very important to me. Why? Is it impossible to separate them?" '
Outer and Inner both began to worry, but if it was impossible they would just continue living as was. They liked each other as sisters and they both liked Jack. After how long they had been feeding on his blood, they relied on him as their only source of blood.
The truth of the Rosary and the seal on Inner Moka was that Outer was not a split soul from Moka herself. But in reality, another soul is separate from Moka. What Ophis found out through a thorough search was that 'Outer' was in reality formed from the soul of Akasha Bloodriver, the Mother of Moka.
Just that her power and memories were at the moment unavailable as a result of the seal. When she first got a look at the two, even she believed they were from the same soul until she looked closer.
However, through this, she saw the memories that Outer and Inner had made with Jack. If Inner found out that Outer was in reality her Mother, she could probably try to get between her and Jack.
Jack also clearly liked Outer and if her memories came back, she would probably cut off their relationship. As such, Ophis made a decision. She pulled her hands away from Moka's head before she lied.
"It is not impossible, but not at this point. If I separate them, they will both suffer extreme damage to their souls. From my analysis, your blood is nourishing not just their bodies, but their souls as well.
Keep doing that and eventually, both souls will be strong enough to separate on their own. Just be patient."
Jack sighed in relief.
"Good, I was worried you were going to say it would be impossible. Can't be easy having to share the same body."
Outer smiled.
"It's not all that bad, me and Inner are very close. We are fine with continuing to share our bodies until the day we can separate. Normally."
Ophis nodded with a smile.
'Oh, how funny it will be once they fuck.'
Ophis was going to keep that to herself because not only would it be funny, but it would make Jack happy. Regardless Jack continued on his journey toward the Kingdom of the Druhki.
If he really flew at his top speed he would get there in minutes, but that wasn't a good idea with passengers. Instead, he continued to fly at a cruising speed for another five hours.
In that time, Aya, Outer, Inner, Rossweisse, Akeno, and Baldur continued to talk with Ophis. Unlike what most expected, Ophis was quite chatty and had quite an intellectual mind. Even Baldur, a god received some advice in terms of his skills.
Akeno and Rossweisse talked about magic with Ophis who modified some of their spells. There was nothing wrong with them in the first place, but through her eyes, she could see several ways to increase the power or efficiency.
Along the way, Ophis also gave her blessings to the four girls, five if she counted Inner and Outer as two rather than one. She didn't bless Baldur because a god blessing another god wasn't possible.
Instead, she gave him one of her Snakes which was some of her energy given form. She used it to enhance his gauntlets which he was more than happy with. Though the blessings she gave the girls were weaker than the ones she gave Jack as he he was more compatible with it than they were.
However, Jack stopped flying when they made it to the border of the Drukhki Kingdom. He had been to quite a few Dark Elf and Light Elf kingdoms, but never the Drukhi Kingdom.
It was considered the most profane, evil, and ruthless Kingdom among the Dark Elves and most other Dark Elf kingdoms shunned them. The Light Elf kingdoms hated them and wars were constant, but it was also one of the most powerful.
The way he knew he had reached the border of their Kingdom was that it was getting cold. The Drukhki Kingdom was located far from the Light of Alfheim making it dark, cold, and bleak.
Just how the Drukhi liked it.
"We have arrived at their border. Baldur, what do you know of the Drukhi Kingdom."
"There are several main cities, but one of their main cities that is near the border is Har Ganeth. It is a massive city, that is only a couple kilometers near the border. It is considered one of the only relatively safe cities to enter. That is because it is the only city in all of Drukhi Kingdom where crime is not allowed.
Then again, even Har Ganeth should be avoided if you are not a Dark Elf or weak. As for us, we are fine."
Jack nodded before he flew into the border of the Drukhi. They were definitely safe because they had Ophis with them. Nothing in the world could harm her with the exception of Samael.
As Jack continued to fly closer and closer to Har Ganeth, Rossweisse gulped and scooted closer to Aya.
"My grandma said that the Drukhi will take you as a slave if you are weak or let your guard down."
Baldur nodded.
"She wasn't lying, it is true. The Drukhi and many Dark Elf Kingdoms are slavers. They raid and leave other Kingdoms and the other nine realms. Then again, the elves rarely go to Earth because Earth has too many powers.
Many pantheons, monsters, organizations, and the like to stay on your toes when we reach Har Ganeth."
It didn't take them longer than ten minutes for the city to come into view. Har Ganeth was an edge lord's fever dream as the entire thing seemed to be made of blackened stone, a massive wall was erected around the city, and on the wall, the still-living bodies of cursed slaves screamed.
The air smelled of decay, the sky was blackened out with an unnatural darkness and it was unnaturally cold. Rather than fly up to the city in his true form, he landed a good distance away before he reverted back to his human form.
Rather than have him carry them the rest of the way they all flew until they reached the gate. It seemed that they came at a bad time as a long line of chained weary slaves were being whipped into the city
The Drukhi, or the Dark Elves as they called themselves all dressed in pitch-black armor, covered in spikes that hid their bodies. They were tall, taller than a human as the shortest were around 6'6.
The tallest they could see was taller than Jack at 7'4. When Jack's group came close, the Dark Elves pulled out their weapons as they felt they were more slaves. The Dark Elf with the most intricate armor spoke in their native tongue, but Baldur, Jack, and Ophis understood what he said.
"Capture them, more slaves for the market."
Rather than allow the Dark Elves to bother them, Ophis made a show of force. She snapped her fingers and several Dark Elves who were just drawing their weapons were crushed into tiny balls of metal and flesh.
"That won't be necessary. I am Ophis, Dragon God Of Infinity. Any who get in our way will die."
The Drukhi may be arrogant, but a Dragon God was not an entity they would dare offend. The Drukhi Captain who ordered the attack raised his hand.
"Of course, Lady Ophis. What brings you to Har Ganeth?"
The Slaves, many elves, some humans, others trolls, giants, a few dwarves, and other creatures mixed in stopped. The Drukhi would rather lose some slaves than have the entire city reduced to nothing by Ophis.
However, she wasn't interested in saving the slaves.
"I want a guide, my group and I are interested in the sights of Har Ganeth. We won't stop your business. What is your name?"
The Captain introduced himself.
"I am Katrouk."
Ophis nodded.
"Katrouk, get us a guide and let's carry on. Oh, and if any try to mess with any of us, I will not just raze your city to the ground, but your entire Kingdom. Are we clear?"
Katrouk nodded with a bow, no Dark Elf would bow to an outsider, but Dragon Gods were the exception. No one would shame him for bowing to her.
"Very well, Lady Ophis."
With that out of the way, Katrouk, the Slaver picked out a random Dark Elf to act as their guide. He then continued to drag in the new slaves which would be separated depending on their purpose.
Some would be sent to the mines, others sold for darker purposes, sex slaves, experimental subjects, gladiators, servants, or any other purpose. As, Aya, Moka, Akeno, and Rossweisse walked into the city, they couldn't help but look at the slaves.
Rossweisse glanced over at Jack.
"Do we do nothing? We can save these people."
Baldur though stoped her.
"We can, but what for? The Dark Elves are not the only slavers out there, almost every species has been a slaver at some point. We Asgardians used to do the same until a few centuries ago.
Not our place to meddle."
Rossweisse looked down as if Baldur, said it she couldn't do much about it. As for Jack, he just didn't care all that much. As they were walking, their guide turned around. He cleared his voice as he spoke. Still a little unused to having outsiders in their city, but not dumb enough to piss off Baldur and Ophis.
He didn't even know that Jack was a bigger threat than Baldur.
"You are correct son of Odin. Your Father was one of the biggest raiders, and reavers of all time. Age has mellowed him out and it would be hypocritical to stop us when he has more blood on his hands than us."
Baldur smirked.
"True. Then again, we aren't going to."
Jack though had an idea.
"What is your name?"
The Dark Elf introduced himself.
"Nilkaunnic, do you need something?"
"Tell me more about the slave trade in your Kingdom. Where do the slaves go?"
Nilkaunnic nodded.
"We will transport them to other cities including the Capital. They will be sorted depending on quality. Disposable slaves are cheap but rare, powerful, or particularly unique individuals will sell for far more.
Only nobles or royalty will buy them. Now that I think about it, we do have quite an auction coming up."
Jack was curious.
"What kind of auction?"
Nilkaunnic was grinning behind his dark helmet.
"In just five days, a massive auction will draw many wealthy Nobles and Royals to partake in wares from all Nine Realms, even some from outside them. Slaves, weapons, monsters, artifacts, and the top prizes are something to not be missed.
One is a royal-blooded Moon Elf from the Discordia Kingdom was captured in the last war. She is a real beauty, but her appearance is the least valuable thing about her. Just the fact she is a Moon Elf makes her valuable as whoever buys her will introduce her bloodline into their own.
She is the top price and she is still pure. That increases the price, after all, no self-respecting Drukhi wants sloppy seconds. Even her attendant is gorgeous and will make a fine slave. She is just one of the wares that will be sold."
That made Jack smile.
"Where will this auction take place?"
Nilkaunnic could tell what Jack was thinking, but he wasn't going to be turned into a ball for lying.
"It will be at Hag Greaf."
Ophis also began to smile.
"You Dark Elves think you like to pillage? Well, you don't compare to Dragons."
Already, Jack and Ophis were thinking of pillaging everything the auction had to offer. However, Akeno, Aya, Moka, and Rossweisse already hated the Drukhi. As for Baldur, he didn't like them either, but he didn't bring it up.
(Yes, Outer Moka is Akasha the Mother of Moka. Oyakodon for the win. Plus, final selection. Olgia and her niece Chloe as the Dark Elves. As for the Light Elf, I will keep thinking.)