
The Strongest(Baldur's Gate 3)

Jason a regular office worker dies due to a fatal car crash and is reborn as his favorite character from JJK in a world of DND. He loves DND and planned on getting Baldur's gate on his next paycheck but instead he is living in it.

Son_Karuto · Derivasi dari game
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10 Chs

Withers and the Crypt

Satoru walks up to the chapel entrance and twists the door handle only to find out the door is locked from the inside.

"That you, Gimblebock? Everything all right out there?"

Satoru stops for a second. This must be more of that gnome's party. He ponders how he should go about this. He could just barge right in there or he can have a little fun with this guy. He's definitely choosing the other option.

"Yes, it's me. Let me in!" Satoru puts on his best Gimblebock impression and the dice rolls a 15 giving off a successful performance and with his Astarion is inspired. If he remembers right, inspirations help him re-roll if he fails the check. That will be very useful. The door unlocks and he immediately opens the door surprising the bandit.

Satoru uses this instance to spin backfist the bandit into the wall killing him immediately. He smiles at the free XP. Shadowheart and Astarion walk in after him noticing the dead bandit in the crater on the wall. "What took you guys so long?" Satoru smiles.

"I was trying to get over that horrid impression you gave earlier." Shadowheart cringes.

"Hey, it worked." Satoru whines. "So it wasn't that horrid."

"No, it was. The bandit was just an idiot." Shadowheart exhales subbing her fingers against her temple. Maybe being in a party with Satoru isn't the best idea.

"Party pooper." Satoru pouts and moves forward and explores this new area. He walks around what looks like to be an abandoned dining room that has food filling the table. He grabs all the food on the table sending it to his camp immediately. After grabbing all the food he turns to the doors and walks up to it.

This all seems too easy which makes him more cautious. He slowly lifts up one side of his blindfold and looks toward the door. His eyes focus on the number of bandits he can see and the excess magic giving him a layout of what's beyond the door. There are six of them and one has cursed energy. Satoru stops alerting his party members. Cursed energy how in the world did one of these bandits get cursed energy?

"What's wrong? Are you broken?" Astarion goes to poke Satoru but stops when he sees Satoru back up.

Satoru thinks to himself. This is the first time he's seen cursed energy in this new world so he has to plan accordingly, especially for his teammates who have no way of defending against it. He turns to them both. "Do any of you guys know a fire spell?"

"I do."

They both respond which surprises him. Why in the world would a rouge need a fire spell but that's a question for next time. "Alright, Shadowheart I need you to shoot your fire spell into the middle of the room there are four oil barrels that need to be set off. Once you do that we will rush in immediately surprising them. Astarion give support from the shadows capitalizing on your sneak attacks and Shadowheart provide support."

They both look at him surprised, in the time that they've known him he hasn't taken anything seriously but now he's not even carrying around his usual wide tooth grin. They nod and Shadowheart cast bless which boosts their attack rolls for two turns and Astarion crouches into the shadows. Satoru opens the door and Shadowheart immediately shoots a fire bolt into the oil barrels and the middle of the room explodes.

Satoru rushes in with Shadowheart behind him and rushes the guy in the middle with cursed energy. Satoru coats his hand in blue and goes in for a punch to the gut but before he can hit the bandit he hears a clap and he switches places with the guy and completely misses the hit. There is no way. This guy has Todo's cursed technique which means he has to kill him immediately.

"Shadowheart watch out this guy's magic ability allows him to swap positions of anything that he desires when he claps his hands!" Satoru warns and quickly moves to kill the other two bandits by crushing their bodies together.

"So you know my cursed technique huh? That makes things more complicated." The bandit groans and goes to switch positions again. When his hands go to clap he looks down to see Satoru coming from underneath him with an uppercut but he is able to get off switching his position with a statue. The bandit looks on to see the Statue completely obliterated with one of Satoru's punches. Sweat starts to slowly fall from his head. If he was hit by that he would have died immediately.

"What's a cursed technique?" Shadowheart jumps back regrouping with Satoru.

"I'll explain after the fight." Satoru focuses on the bandit. He could end this fight so easily if he was by himself but he can't kill his party members. Now he knows why Gojo always fought alone. Too much collateral damage. He needs to find out if he can learn magic soon. After this, he is going to ask Shadowheart to teach him some magic.

Satoru rushes forward creating a blue point on the wall. If this guy knows how to manipulate cursed energy his body is so much stronger than the others they fought and his abilities are only level two he doesn't know how much damage they would do to them so he has to plan accordingly. The Bandit is pulled to the wall surprising him. The Bandit goes to clap his hands but suddenly his hand is cut clean off by Astarion who comes out of the shadows.

"Hell yeah, Astarion!" Satoru exclaims and moves in and coats his leg with blue. He goes for a spinning hook kick to the bandit's body launching him into the wall and without pause, Satoru appears in front of him and hits him with a punch straight to the head ending the fight in an instant. The blood splatters from the bandit's head and covers his fist completely.

He takes a moment to look at the blood and thinks to himself. Ever since he became Satoru Gojo he has noticed he doesn't bat an eye to killing at all. If he had his normal personality he would be on the ground vomiting from what he did now it just seems completely normal. He doesn't know how to feel about this, but he is grateful for the power he was granted. This really is his life now and he will not waste it.

He is brought out of his thoughts when Shadowheart pokes his cheek. "Hello, are you in there?"

He slowly turns his head to her and his smile comes back like nothing ever happened. "Yeah sorry, it's just I never expected someone else to have cursed energy. I thought I was the only one.:

"Really what is cursed energy?" Shadowheart questions.

"I would like to know also. It's the basis for your magic right?" Astarion speaks up walking out of the shadows.

"Yeah of course we're a party if you wanna know about my abilities just ask." Satoru gives them a thumbs up. "Short version, Essentially, cursed energy is a power source cursed spirits and jujutsu sorcerers use as fuel for their jujutsu. Most of its power derives from negative emotions like anger and sadness. I'm a Jujutsu sorcerer and as I was shown I'm not the only one.."

"So it's a magic completely built off of negative emotion. Are you sane?" Astarion questions with a small smirk.

"Nope, not at all." Satoru smiles. "You have to be bat shit insane to do what I do. Also before you ask, cursed Spirits are spiritual organisms that are invisible to humans and created from the cursed energy that leaks out of humans over time due to their negative feelings. Well from what I know it's only humans but it can be other races too."

"Wait so cursed energy can also create beings too?" Shadowheart repeats. "What do they look like?"

"They take the form of many things but me describing it to you will not help you at all. You won't be able to see it." Satoru reveals. "Only those with cursed energy can see cursed spirits. Sucks right."

"So there are invisible creatures made from our negative emotions and they have a wide range of abilities." Astarion shakes his head sighing. "What did I sign myself up for."

"Hey but who knows we'll see if you guys can learn how to manipulate cursed energy." Satoru shrugs as he inspects the two of them. Ever since they've joined his party he's noticed slowly but surely their cursed energy is becoming more and more noticeable. That will have to be explored. "Now come on slow pokes we have ruined temple to explore. Satoru skips ahead leaving the two behind who begin looting the bodies for anything that will be useful.

Satoru walks into what seems to be a library and in the middle what he could have only assumed a statue was supposed to be there. He looks back to the fight before and remembers destroying a statue completely whoops. He moves on but his attention is drawn to a skeleton lever in the middle of nothing. He pulls it and hears a door unlocking.

He turns around and moves to where he heard the sound and meets back up with Shadowheart and Astarion. "Where did you guys go?"

"We were looting the bodies you left behind," Shadowheart responds throwing a bag of gold to Satoru and he raises his hand to catch it. "You're in control of the money because of your magic. It makes you incapable of being robbed."

"Smart very smart." Satoru smiles then he points to the now open door thanks to the switch. "There is heavy magic behind that door hope you guys are prepared?"

They nod and Satoru moves forward and slowly opens the door but it just leads to two more huge doors on his right and left. He's obviously choosing the right one first. He goes to open the door and as soon as he does he notices 6 traps on the floor and a main trap in the middle connected to gargoyle heads on the sides of the room. The room was abandoned with vases all over the floors and weeds growing out of the ground.

He slowly moves forward and stops at the main trap in the middle being a casket with who knows what in it. He turns to Astarion with his patent smile. "Hey, do you have any trap disarming kits?"

"Do you think just because I am a rouge I have disarming kits?" Astarion questions causing Satoru's lips to form into a tight smile to hide his awkwardness. "Well you would be right, let me handle this."

Satoru let out a sigh of relief, it was almost a repeat of Gojo with Miguel. Man, he still can't believe Gege hated Gojo so much that he made him racist. That conversation is for another time. Satoru takes this time to think about the other cursed users out there. Will there be other JJK characters or are there just people in this world with JJK abilities like the bandit who he hates to admit was a harder fight but only because he can't go all out with his part with him?

Even then he kicked that guy with his full strength and he was able to tank it even if it was just a little bit. Being level 2 is a hindrance. That bandit was only a level three but the difference in their level was quite obvious especially if he wasn't who he was would they have even won that battle? That's food for thought. Gojo in JJK fundamentally changed the world by him being born which means by him being in this world it's changing it on a larger scale. Anything is possible especially the thought of someone with Sukuna's abilities. Wait a second there could be a 10 shadows user out there.

This changes everything especially if you combine cursed energy with the abilities already in this universe. This may be harder than he thought. He has all his limitless techniques of course but what about his party members how will they survive?

"It's done."

His thought process is broken with Astarion moving the casket open and rummaging through it and pulling out an enchanted spear. He spins it around with a huge smile. "Now this will be worth a pretty penny."

Shadowheart throws a rock at Satoru to get him out of stupor but before the rock can even hit him it stops just before the side of his head and stays there. He lifts his hand and grabs the rock. "Are you gonna be in your thoughts all day?" Shadowheart sighs.

"Sorry got kinda lost there." Satoru drops the rock and rubs the back of his head. "Let's keep going." Satoru turns to go through the other door but is stopped when he sees it is locked. Astarion walks up and opens it with the key he got from looting a chest. They all walk through and Satoru eyes all the skeletons on the ground that are surrounded by magic.

Looks like resurrection magic, that he will keep in the back of his mind. He walks to the left and opens a side door in the crypt that has coffins a chest and a chained book which gains his attention. He walks up to the book and picks it up.

This book is far lighter than it should be with such a massive lock. Satoru covers his whole hand in jujutsu to sabotage the lock full of magic and the book shoots open with glowing text. What was once script is now an obliterated scrawl. He has a sense these are names, a list, but what of?

He inspects further. Gods. These are names of gods, once lost, but now restored after the Second Sundering. It seems like entire pantheons have dwindled and been reborn, silently recorded by this book. With that, he closes the book and is suddenly enveloped in a golden light. He's leveled up and it looks like his party did too.

Satoru opens up his menu to see what this new level brings. His health has increased to 46 which is nice but also one thing he has unlocked now that he didn't is teleportation. That's extremely useful but right now it says it's only for short distances and it's level one. The rest of his abilities leveled up as well. Level three abilities that he hasn't even explored as of yet. He turns to his party and notices one thing in particular their cursed energy reserves have gotten bigger. They need guidance with their cursed energy outputs.

That will have to be done at a later date. Satoru moves forward out of the door and further down the crypt. In the middle of the crypt is a statue covered in light,

"That's Jergal, Scribe of the Dead. I didn't think anyone still worshipped him." Shadowheart explains noticing Satoru's attention to the statue. He nods his head and moves forward to the button he noticed. He slowly walks up to the button but turns to his party first.

"Be careful for those skeletons. They have resurrection magic around them." Satoru warns. "I have a feeling it has something to do with this button so get ready." He presses the button and the door slowly opens.

Groaning fills the crypt abruptly as the skeletons slowly start to awaken one by one they move forward towards them. Astarion surprisingly steps before the group pulling out a bow and shooting multiple arrows at three of the skeletons. As they are hit Satoru dashes forward putting a blue point of convergence above himself and all the skeletons get pulled towards him crashing into each other.

Shadowheart uses this to run forward and casts inflict words on the crowd. Satoru smiles noticing she unconsciously put cursed energy into her attack. It did a lot more damage than it would have but these skeletons are still kicking. One of the mage skeletons shoots a ray of frost towards Shadowheart catching her by surprise.

It hits her dead on subsequentially knocking her back with traces of frostbite slowing her down. Satoru thinks to himself he needs more magical abilities so he remembers watching Shadowheart making a firebolt his six eyes processed all the information behind the magic ability.

He repeats the incantation but puts his own spin on it by incorporating blue into the fire fundamentally changing the spell.

New spell unlocked- Cursed technique: Laspe fire

It worked. He shoots the fire towards the door pulling in the rest of the skeletons towards the door and the firebolt explodes enveloping them all in blue flames that simultaneously crushes them. After the smoke disappears all that is left is ashes from the bones. He learned magic.

"You also know magic?" Astarion walks up to him. "You knew how to cast firebolt this whole time and didn't use it against those bandits?"

"No, I can explain." Satoru waves his hands trying to calm down Astarion. "I literally just came up with that spell basing it off of Shadowhearts spell. I didn't even know I could do it until right now. I know it's insane. Look I didn't give you the rundown of my abilities that's my fault." Satoru apologizes and explains in detail to Astarion about all his abilities.

"I'm happy I'm on your side." Astarion breathes a sigh of relief.

"We get it. You're all powerful let's move on." Shadowheart rolls her eyes and moves to the door that was opened when Satoru pressed the button. Satoru follows and starts looting the chest in the corner. He picks up gold and woah. An amulet. He inspects it. The Amulet of Lost Voices, grants the user level 3 speak with the dead.

He looks to Shadowheart and throws her the amulet. She catches the amulet and looks at it. "Look now you can speak with the dead cool right?" He gives her two thumbs up causing her to sigh.

"I've always wanted to talk to the dead." She shakes her head sarcasm dripping from her voice. Satoru moves on and walks to the coffin dripping in magical energy. He pushes the top off releasing a skeleton who floats body first and fixes his position mid-air.

He floats down letting his feet touch the floor and addresses the party. "So he has spoken, and so thou standest before me. Right as always. What a curious way to awaken." The skeleton inspects Satoru. "Now I have a question for thee: what is worth a single mortal's life?"

"No, we are not gonna skip the fact you just descended upon us like some god." Satoru points at the Skeleton frantically looking from his party and back to the skeleton.

"That is irrelevant." The skeleton moves on. "Will thou answer my question?"


"So I ask again: what is the worth of a single mortal life?" The skeleton questions.

"I say that really depends on what the person does in their life." Satoru rubs his chin. "Like their deeds. They could be really good and their life values more or really bad and their life could mean nothing,"

"I am sure thou believest as such." The skeleton nods. "Very well I am satisfied. We have met and I know thy face. We will see each other again at the proper time and place. Farewell." The skeleton disappears immediately after the conversation leaving Satoru stumped. The magic power coming off of that skeleton was insane. He wonders if there are others just as powerful in this universe. This is interesting and it's only just getting started.